Source: China News Agency

Author: Rong Haisheng

On December 15 this year, the 15th anniversary of the two -way two -way "three links" on both sides of the strait was launched.In the past 15 years, the two -way "three links" promoted cross -strait flow, logistics, and capital flows, forming a "one -day life circle", which greatly facilitated people to travel. The majority of Taiwan compatriots benefited from it.

In 2008, cross -strait relations achieved a historic turn and created a new situation of peaceful development.The Maritime Association and the Taiwan Sea Foundation resumed negotiation negotiations on the basis of the "1992 Consensus". The two sides of the strait officially implemented an air transport direct flight, direct shipping, and direct mail through the signing of relevant agreements. Mainland companies were able to go to Taiwan to invest.For many years of comprehensive, direct, and two -way "three links".

Even since the DPP has refused to recognize the "1992 Consensus" since the DPP, the foundation of peaceful development of cross -strait relations has been destroyed, but cross -strait relations can be fulfilled and the mainland has continued to promote the development trend and trend.The pace has not stopped.The historical meaning of the 15th anniversary of the two -way "three links", the future of observing cross -strait relations provides at least three points.

One of them, only when you return to the "1992 Consensus", the spillover effect of "Three Links" can continue to expand.

The basis of realizing the two -way "three links" is that cross -strait recognition of the "1992 Consensus" that reflects the principles of China.On this basis, the two parties signed 23 agreements including the Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) within eight years to create a situation of exchanges, exchanges, and cooperation in the economic, social and cultural fields.

In December of this year, a new group of Taitung County Fanli Litchi operators resumed the import of Litchi in Taiwan.This once again proves that as long as the "1992 Consensus" is adhered to and cooperation in compliance with relevant regulations, the mainland is willing to jointly promote the various matters of the people on the island at the grassroots level.

The second, the deeper the exchange and cooperation, the wider the development prospects of cross -strait relations.

At present, the Taiwan economy is facing two prospects: prosperity and recession.The peaceful development of cross -strait relations has a inevitable connection with the prosperity of the Taiwan economy.As an export -oriented economy, Taiwan naturally needs to be open to the outside world and industrial integration.Cross -strait relations are good and bad, exchanges and cooperation are deep and shallow, and decide whether Taiwan can carry out industrial integration.

It is undeniable that there are differences in many issues on both sides of the strait. It is urgent to exchang and cooperate with more fields and deeper expansion, which further enables more people on both sides of the strait, especially Taiwanese people to enjoy peaceful development results.

Third, promoting cross -strait integration and development is an effective way to solve the dilemma of Taiwan's development.

"Rong" on both sides of the strait, the key lies in "through".Even though cross -strait exchanges have been resistant for a period of time, the mainland has never stopped improving the "should be through the whole" of cross -strait economic and trade cooperation, infrastructure Unicom, energy resources interoperability, and industry standards.In particular, as the "first home" of "landing" of Taiwan compatriots, Fujian first tried first in the integrated development of cross -strait, and explored some new methods and new paths.

"Yi Tong", "Yihui" and "Yiqing" promotes the fusion, giving the cross -strait cooperation prospects that have great imagination.In September this year, the mainland introduced the latest documents that supported Fujian to explore the new roads of integrated development across the Taiwan Strait, and related landing measures followed.

Observed sources pointed out that alleviating the livelihood of the people's livelihood and improving the interests of the Taiwan compatriots should be found to find a way out of the deepening of cross -strait integration and development.The achievement of the two -way "three links" is the result of the release of goodwill on both sides of the strait. On the occasion of the 15th anniversary, how to replenish and bift the rescue, all parties in Taiwan may wish to explore some wisdom and inspiration from history.