When Chen Shui -bian was the second in Taiwan, due to the pursuit of radical legal Taiwan independence, the Taiwan Strait was caught in a war crisis. As a result, the American Bush government, who was afraid of ignition, repeatedly announced that it was opposed to the adventure of Chen Shui -bian tried to change the current status of the Taiwan Strait.Behavior.Chen Shui -bian became the "troublemaker" in the US government, while the United States "co -control Abian" with the Chinese government.This has become an important reason for the DPP's steps down in 2008, and it has also become a nightmare that the former DPP presidential candidates worked hard to avoid.

The Bush government at that time was very pro -China and China. The cause of the steering was in addition to being afraid of being dragged into the quagmire of the war by Chen Shui -bian, but also because of the terrorist attack of the mainland government in the United States in the United States.The Bush administration's adjustment of national strategy supports the United States to carry out counter -terrorism activities worldwide.The common interests of the Taiwan Strait and the world have contributed to the cooperation between China and the United States on the Taiwan issue to prevent the Taiwan Strait from being caught in military conflicts.After 2008, cross -strait relations have improved significantly, and the United States has also held a positive attitude towards this. It is affirmed that the president's cross -strait policy is always the president Ma Ying -jeou.Even before the 2012 election, the trouble of Chen Shuibian still remembered the troubles of Chen Shui -bian, fearing that the DPP candidate Cai Yingwen could become the second Chen Shuibian at the time.This was an important reason for Cai Yingwen to replace the "pursuit of legal Taiwan independence" in the relationship between cross -strait relations.

Time before the 2024 election, cross -strait relations and Sino -US relations have been converted to confrontation. Taiwan ’s strategic value of the United States has risen accordingly."" ".Under such a situation, discussing that the United States and mainland China, like the radical Taiwan independence that co -control Abian before, to co -control the possible next President Lai Qingde's radical Taiwan independence, is it tantamount to dreaming of dreams?

In fact, after Lai Qingde became a candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party, China and the United States had signs a number of "co -management" of radical Taiwan independence, but they have not been publicly collaborated as last time.China and the United States are worried that Lai Qingde, who is the most important political figure in radical Taiwan independence and legal Taiwan independence, has become the second Chen Shuibian.After serving as the president of the Executive President, Vice President and Presidential Candidate, a series of public speeches that demonstrated the will of Taiwan independence greatly deepened Sino -US doubts about him.

In order to target his independence of Taiwan, the mainland government did not give him "test opportunities", and there was no question of whether the "answer sheet" was completed.It is much more severe.The mainland government also crowned him early with the title of "troublemaker", trying to remind the US government: he will also bring you big trouble.

The U.S. government does pay special attention to some of Lai Qingde's Taiwan independence remarks, hoping that he can speak with caution.In order not to encourage his Taiwan independence tendency, he received a low -key reception of his visit to the United States.Recently, there are three heavyweight American scholars, calling on China and the United States to give each other to each other's credible guarantees (Assurance), and even suggested that the DPP (Lai Qingde) cancel the Taiwan independence party platform as a trusted guarantee for the mainland.China and the United States do not want Taiwan to appear another second Chen Shui -bian, so they all warned Lai.This is actually a "common tube" carried out for common purposes, and it is also the basis for further co -management in the future.

Obviously, Lai Qingde has received a warning issued by China and the United States, adjusted his position in a timely manner, and tried to show it to China -US and Taiwanese voters that in terms of cross -strait policy, he would be the second Tsai Ing -wen, not the first, not the first oneThere are no military conflicts on both sides of the strait.In this regard, the mainland is not believed, and the United States is estimated to be doubtful.As long as the United States cannot trust Lai Qingde like Tsai Ing -wen, in mainland China has the opportunity to continue cooperation with the United States to co -control radical Taiwan independence.

Taiwan Strait Peace is the largest number of three parties

For the three parties of China, the United States and Taiwan, it is a very critical period to go to the new president after the election next year.If Lai Qingde is really elected, according to the traditional ideas of the mainland, he should immediately pressure him with various means, forcing him to not challenge the bottom line of the mainland in the inauguration speech.However, such pressure -applied operations are likely to impact Sino -US relations that have just eased, forcing the United States to have to declare support again.Lai Qingde, who is supported by the United States, is more likely to adopt policies to confront the mainland. As a result, the three parties of China and the United States have once again entered a vicious circle.

Whether it is Beijing's initiative or Washington's initiative, can the two sides discuss the possibility of "co -management" radical Taiwan independence after 2024 through some channels?

Mainland China can present various evidence to prove the harm of radical Taiwan independence after 2024, and persuade the United States to manage radical Taiwan independence together.If the United States agrees, mainland China can lower the pressure of pressure before the new president of Taiwan can work to influence the work of Taiwan's new president in more space for the United States.Co -controlled radical Taiwan independence can increase mutual trust between China and the United States and help continue to improve Sino -US relations.

Even if they are in common, it is impossible for the United States to ignore Taiwan's interests. The new government in Taiwan can indirectly communicate with mainland China through the United States to maximize the current status of peace in Taiwan.In the final analysis, the Taiwan Strait Peace is the largest number of conventions of the three parties in China and the United States, and the three parties need to be together.