BBC (BBC) reports global news on TV news around the world, and most of the news of BBC1 units played by the people of British people is mostly domestic people's livelihood affairs.It has risen again, inflation is higher, and so on.The right wing of the Netherlands wins the general election, not a topic that most British media cares about.

Recently, the political parties led by the Dutch Right -wing MP Veldes have won in the election and caused response in Europe.Verdes advocates populism, anti -immigrants, anti -Islam, and the EU's suspicion theory.It is unknown how the election results will affect the situation in Europe. The impact on Britain is only slight.

From the perspective of Europe, the Dutch right -wing wins, and Europe may repeat the result of the 2015 European refugee crisis, which trigger the continuous rise in right -wing forces and move closer to the middle.Because the crisis triggered the panic of the refugees in Europe that year, and the populist trend rose, Brexit was the worst victim of the European Union at that time.

Europe, supplemented by Christianity and entered a secular society, has held up the banner of liberalism for many years.From the perspective of the impact of Muslim immigrants on Europe over the past 10 years, right -wing forces are slowly entering the government of some countries.If one day is in power in European countries, it will naturally be a symbol of Europe that cannot defend human rights and freedom and retreat.

Freedom and democratic values such as supporting cultural and religious diversification and personal rights of minority (such as Muslims) are the mainstream thinking of European society, that is, immigrants from various cultural backgrounds in Europe, believe in various civilizations and religious backgroundsImmigration can coexist peacefully in secular Europe, and is willing to give immigrants with religious beliefs to human rights and freedom.

My life observation from Mainland China proves that most of the first -generation Chinese behaviors are dominated by the nationalist education (China) nationalism for life. The target of loyalty is China instead of Britain.However, because there is no religious influence, Chinese people live in the UK although "people are in Cao Ying's heart in Han" and have been educated in China for many years.Freedom, but they are just marginal people in British politics and society and cannot challenge European values.However, Muslims from all over Europe, from refugees to citizens, are the most firm religious beliefs compared to other religious groups.These Muslims (such as Syria and Somalia) with Islamic as a sign of society and ethnicity can coexist with the freedom of freedom of secular human rights, and there is no answer to the answer.

Why can't Britain feel the panic of immigrants (especially Muslims) like the Netherlands?

The Britain's leaving the European Union is naturally the victory of populism, and it is also the first practical country of the EU's skepticism. The most panic is the Brexit in 2016.In this way, British Bildes no longer know how many times right.Talking about the personal rights and freedom of defending Muslims in the UK. Compared with the Europeans of Europe, the left must have a sense of shame that cannot be lifted.The right of the right is much less than that of the European people -Britain has left the European Union. The trouble of those immigrants is the European Union, not Britain -Britain is an island country. How can illegal immigrants come?

A large number of boat refugees that have been poured into the UK from France recently are the posterity brought by Brexit, which has made the Sunak government extremely passive.Supporting Muslims in Gaza and Palestinian, still marching in London every Saturday.At present, the trend of the thought of Jews and Muslims has risen at the same time.According to data from the London Police Department, from October 1 to November 13, London recorded a total of 779 anti -Jewish hatred crimes, an increase of 12 times over the same period last year.In terms of hatred of Islamic hatred crimes, the report of the same period increased by 236%to 343.It can be seen that Jews, not Muslims, are the key targets of the current hatred of British society.

A few weeks ago, I was a guest at the former British Minister of Commerce Sir Vince Cable and asked why the British had no concept of national security?The competition between China and the United States is so fierce.Kaiber's answer is "National Security issue is a question that British elites only pay attention." In other words, ordinary people are not worried.This confirms my observation of British society in the past 10 years -ordinary people only care about their own chai oil and salt, housing, medical care, travel, strike, climate change, animal rights, etc.;Government corruption and so on.

The British are two kinds of freedom, that is, the freedom of the Holy Guild (British National Education, a branch developed by Christianity in the UK), that is, the freedom of love others, a kind of demeanor and temperament, and a temperaThis is a lofty goal pursued by Christians throughout his life.This is actually a morality, and the standard is extremely high.

Patrioticism has long been gone

Another freedom was born in the vulgar society after the Enlightenment. Most of them are inspiring individuals to find and pursue personal rights and freedom.This is the morality and rights coexisting in the hearts of the British, and the two balance each other.The Patrioticism of the British (the place of national security) has been destroyed in a vulgar society.If you have to find the patrioticism of the British, the answer is that they have a lot of self -criticism and ridicule every day.

I insist on watching the British Sky Satellite TV's summary of the British newspapers at 22:30 every night, and found that most British media were born for the interests of the people (or, the news they reported created the BritishField), it is difficult for international events to get on the first version. Star, royal family, party disputes, etc. are the focus of the front page.The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has reported global news in TV news around the world, and most of the news from BBC1 staties played by the British people is mostly domestic people's livelihood affairs.It's higher and so on.The right wing of the Netherlands wins the general election, not a topic that most British media cares about.

So who is the elite of national security?Economists must be one of them.I used to be curious, why the editors of each newspaper were made by BBC, Sky Satellite TV, etc., please go to the show to analyze important news on the day, but have never seen the editor of economists?Later, I realized that economists were elite media and talked about the world's storms; and media such as BBC talked about domestic people's livelihood every day, which was fundamental.

In September 2023, the economist won the election for the Dutch right -wing and published the article "Tough right wing is getting closer to power in Europe" -it can influence decision -making without joining the government.

The other is a think tank, such as the Chatham House, which published "what does the Dutch right -wing forces mean to Europe in November -Europe suspected that the stable ruling group of political parties is concerned;There are academic institutions, "Security security", especially "Islamic Security" is the research direction of research institutions in European universities.

Finally, the party is of course party.Regardless of the left, middle and right, each faction believes that he is defending national security.

Therefore, at the moment of the crisis, national security does not need to worry about all the people every day, and can live well and enjoy themselves, because major events have their own elites.

The author is a bilingual writer who settled in the UK