The fierce party struggle in the US election has also been available since ancient times. It can be traced back to Adams and Jefferson, 224 years ago, reflecting the diverse characteristics, endless demands and competition spirit of American society.It looks messy, but in fact, the elections are extremely ancient in ritual and details.

The four -year -old US election has begun, and the primary election of the party's candidates started on January 15th in Iowa (IOWA).The American marathon election determines the leader of the world's number one strong country, and it has always been a big news in the world.The text related to this has long been sweaty, and there are countless customers, scholars, and journalists who have made a living on this topic.If there are more people who pay attention, there will be a derogation.The beauty of the beauty is the model of democratic politics, and the peaceful transfer of power for more than 230 years is the pinnacle of human political governance. Critics often refer to it.Power again.

As part of American democratic politics, the US election system is far from perfect.In fact, democratic politics itself may not be natural and perfect.Historical studies of political and psychology have long discovered that in social life and political governance, all nations of human beings have a deep -rooted "authoritarian tendency" and preferences.This cultural complex is the internalization of a long family tribe civilization.In human history, AutoCracy has always been a common case and normal, and is the most common and long -lasting political system.

The name of the French Enlightenment Master Voltaire, a widely circulated Western proverb declared that the best human government is "beevolent tyranny", but it needs to "from time to time (dictator) from time to time.Adjust. "Of course, no one is willing to lose their heads from time to time, so no matter how kind and reassessing the dictator, for the life and power of power, it will inevitably move towards the tyranny.The length is completely inverse.The blood -pro -dynasty, the imperial examination system, etc., slightly alleviated the inheritance and selection problems of authoritarian politics; but the best authoritarian dictatorship of human tradition is the best optimization system.One of its peaks has long risen in the Chinese world, that is, the Qin and Han dynasties that have continued in the past, and the Emperor of Confucianism.

Since ancient times, innovators have tried anti -dictatorship democratic politics, such as ancient Athens.Modern democratic politics began in Europe and the United States, so far only hundreds of years of history.This "unnatural" and even "accidental" and "helpless" compromise system continued to this day, helping the industrial revolution and scientific and technological revolution.The quantity, life, life level, and human rights and civil rights of human beings have achieved a leap -forward progress that has not been seen for hundreds of thousands of years in two or three hundred years.Democracy became the name of "universal".Some dictatorships such as fakes are also written into the name of "democracy" into the national name, which is quite funny in the place without silver.

Other political systems are "worse" than democracy

For people with authoritarian complexes, the democratic system is often quite unpopular and slow.For those who know the taste of food, democratic politics is even more troublesome.Former British Prime Minister Churchill had simply called democracy as the "worst" political system; however, wise, he still added an important follow -up sentence: but all other political systems that human experiments have experimented are "worse" than democracy.

Democratic politics is not the same; that is, in Western democratic countries, there are also constitutional monarchy, parliamentary system and presidential system.The common essence of modern democratic politics is to stabilize and effectively implement the rule of law, that is, the law is on the monarch;Of man), that is, to rule the country according to Li Li.Election is a must for peaceful replacement and legislators and law enforcement leaders. It is also an important mechanism for choosing and adjustment on the use of public power, definition of rights, and resource allocation.Election is a necessary tool for implementing democratic rule of law, but it is not a sufficient condition for democratic rule of law. Democratic rule of law must compete for elections, but there may not be real democratic rule of law.

As for the form of elections, there have always been a variety of diverse, just see who is "the most bad".Of course, the fair election of the people is of course good; even if it is only a limited elite but competitive election, it can effectively achieve democratic rule of law.The American election has a long history and huge influence.However, it is ancient and old. However, it is not easy to change; so it is quite antique today, compared with some election methods that later lived in the country, it is quite backward and unscientific.The two centuries have been advancing with the times, which is really difficult, and the criticisms are still all: endless national exercise for too long; freedom of speech is abused and caused the campaign to be too much.(Electoral College) sometimes caused the spectacle of winning the White House (such as 2000 and 2016); the primaries of the two parties exaggerated the influence of local politics and extremists within the party;Politicians often praise Haikou, yellow cavity, discredit with each other, or even misconduct, which also makes many voters not teeth, and the voting enthusiasm is not high: elected presidents usually only get tickets that are less than half of all voters.

The fierce party struggle in the US election has also been available since ancient times. It can be traced back to Adams and Jefferson, 224 years ago, reflecting the diverse qualities, endless demands and competition spirit of American society.It looks messy, but in fact, the elections are extremely ancient in ritual and details; the expensive election costs should be very cheap than other ways to generate big powers, and they can be described as one of the "most bad" politics.Of course, the last election (2020), because one side was rarely "willing to gamble or not," some hardcore fans forgot that one of the major meaning of democratic politics was "no irreplaceable leaders".Democracy has even hit the rule of law.

The US election was boasted as usual as usual to determine the fate of the country and even the future of human beings.Various saliva wars between the two parties have emerged endlessly: from abortion rights, identity politics, fiscal budgets to district division, voter qualifications, and votes.However, in diplomacy, the two parties seem to be rare to be roughly consistent with China and the Middle East.In any case, this election seems to be an unprecedented history in history: the two parties in the parliament are evenly matched, and constantly making the government break the grain to close the door;The leading candidates did not accept their defeat four years ago, and at the same time, they were also the defendants in several criminal civil lawsuits, and they were also 78.Speaking of which, these two are also related to my alma mater: one is a concubine professor and the other is an alumni.It is really four years in four years, and the same door is anxious.Those who like to watch the political reality show are blessed.

(the author is a professor at the School of International Affairs of George Yawa Institute of Technology)