The framework of anti -rough and harassing medical staff proposed by the labor and government work group has been officially launched on the 13th of this month. The three major local medical clusters have decided to adopt it, and it is scheduled to implement the new framework standards before June next year.Officials also encourage private medical institutions and community nursing organizations to adopt the principles of framework, and then make appropriate adjustments based on their own processes and management.At the same time, the Ministry of Health Holdings will launch a national public education activity to encourage medical staff, patients and care to establish a positive trust and respect relationship, including adjusting the expectations of medical staff and promoting respect for them.

The formulation of this framework is based on the three suggestions made by the group: protect medical staff who are accepted and harassed;Although the focus of the framework is to protect the medical staff, to prevent various unpleasant doctors and patients from occurring or minimize such incidents, it is necessary to vigorously improve medical services and doctors and patients.In other words, this is a two -way problem. On the one hand, it is the front -line medical staff and medical institutions, and on the other hand is patients, family members and visitors.The so -called slap does not sound, both sides should have basic understanding of each other.

Medical and other public service departments are facing the general public that they must strive to provide humanized services, such as reducing the waiting time and reducing the problem of digitalization to elderly patients.Even so, I believe it cannot completely avoid the occurrence of unpleasant doctors.The guidance of some incidents lies in the uncivilized behavior of individual perpetrators. Some may be due to the poor service attitude of the medical staff, which causes misunderstandings and unpleasant.For a long time, the heart is dissatisfied and so on.It is difficult to generalize.

But when the incident occurs, if you can handle it in a proper process, you can at least resolve the incident and reduce the possible overflow effect. For exampleReturn.The newly issued response framework is that the hospital now has a set of processing processes that can be followed, including what response measures should be taken in time, submitted reports, how to deal with afterwards, and what follow -up operations are taken, etc., so that the hospital can change this more accordinglyTo properly handle various events, all medical staff can have a psychological backing, and they know that they can be helped and supported when they are grievances.At the same time, all events can also be investigated reasonably and objectively, restore the truth, and the sides of the side of the side, and the punishment of the evil party should be punished.

According to the definition of the framework, rough behavior and harassment refers to: through words, movements or inappropriate behaviors, threatening or insulting medical staff, causing relevant personnel to be afraid, nervous or anxious, or hinder them to perform their duties.Some common examples include: shouting to the caregivers, claiming complaints or adopting legal actions, dirty words, noisy, losing things, or even moving rough.

Some medical staff who have suffered evil trees and harass will treat these behaviors as an unavoidable career harm and tolerate, which is of course unfair to them unless they have wrong words and deeds.A survey conducted by the above working group showed that more than two -thirds of the medical staff and more than 1,500 public medical staff were witnessed or experienced in the past year in more than 3,000 medical staff and more than 1,500 public investigations.Or their caregivers (mostly patients with patients) treat or harass rudely, but about one -third of the medical staff do not think that personal attacks, vulgar or discriminatory words are violent or harassed.Reporting, this is especially true of nurses and nurses.

Although the doctor -patient incident only involves very few people, it has increased in recent years. It is worthy of attention, and it must try to curb as soon as possible.To achieve this purpose, both doctors and patients must learn to have empathy and understand each other to respect and understand each other. After all, everyone is human and has their own dignity.Singapore is already a civilized society, and people's words and deeds should also reflect this.Therefore, everyone should abide by the basic code of conduct and civilization; only in this way, we are expected to reduce the doctor's incident to the minimum.