In the past five years, Ratin America's left -wing politicians have been elected president in Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Brazil, becoming the climax of the new round of left -wing -the top five economies in Latin America at the same time.Miri was born in the air, which stopped this wave of pink.The professional background of his economist fits the people's mentality after the people's completely disappointed in the tradition; the image of the "savior" meets the needs of most people who have slipped sharply in the economic situation.

The La Libertad Avanza candidate Javier Milei, a candidate for "Argentina Trump", was selected as the President's preliminary election on August 13 this year, the Wall Street Journal Male fashion writer GalaJacob Gallagher was titled "This politician just won the primary election, and his hairstyle has stunned the world"On November 19th, Miller defeated Massa, the candidate of the ruling party's motherland with a vote rate of 55.69%, and once again stunned the global media.This article discusses the challenges faced by Mirley after serving as president on December 10.

Domestic level: the bell effect reproduction

Comparing political science has a pendulum theory proposed by the modern political and economic development of Latin America. It is believed that every 20 years of the political system of the Latin American country, there will be a swing between the democratic system and the authoritarian system.If the economic development is not smooth and the society is unstable under the democratic system, it will lead to the emergence of the authoritarian system; and the authoritarian system faces the pressure of western countries and may return to the democratic system.The pendulum effect is a comprehensive reflection of foreign forces control, domestic economy, and social ecology. Argentina is a country that has long been restricted by this effect.In the 40 years after the return of democracy in 1983, Peronismo or the Kishnerist government had been in power for 28 years.Sexual doubts surpassed the fear of Miller's governance.

Earlier this year, when commemorating the 40th anniversary of Argentina's democratic recovery (1983 to present), Miller denied that there was a statement of systematically assaulting human rights during military dictatorship.But after the primary election, he said: "I am willing to start again and reshuffle, the purpose is to end the Kishnerist regime. What we must understand is that there is a criminal organization in front of us.Riking. "Miller could not investigate the responsibility from the military government from 1976 to 1983, but he could not escape that the federal prosecutor Alberto Nisman assassinated the case in early 2015 that caused millions of people to protest.The case began on July 18, 1994, a truck loaded with explosives, and exploded outside the Argentine Jewish Cultural Center in the capital, causing 85 people to die and more than 200 injuries. Most of the deaths and injuries were Jews. Niceman had accused the former president during his lifetime.Krisie is involved in the case and prevent judicial justice.On January 18, 2015, Nice Man was assassinated the day before that the report was proposed to the Congress.If the case cannot be injusted in Miller's office, he will lose the opportunity to execute transformation justice.

Regional level: Stop the Pink Wave

In the past five years, Ratin American left -wing politicians have been elected as president in the following four countries. First, Mexican President Lopez, who worked on December 1, 2018, followed by former Columbia left guerrilla member Peter, a former Columbia left guerrilla in August 2022,Luo, another Chilean President Borich, who took office in March 2022, and finally, Brazilian President Lula, who took office in January 2023, became the climax of the new round of left -wing return -the first five major economies in Latin America were governed by the left wing at the same time.

Miri was born in the air, which was stopped by this wave of pink.The professional background of his economist fits the people's mentality after the people's completely disappointed in the tradition; the image of the "savior" meets the needs of most people who have slipped sharply in the economic situation.

In May of this year, the background data report of the US Foreign Relations Association (CFR) described the Southern Market as a elusive trading group in South America (Mercosur: South America ’s Fractious Trade Bloc).Mirley said it will weaken the connection with the South Communist Party and turn to a free trade agreement with individual countries, similar to the policy of Uruguay President Lakaleh Bowu.On October 24, the heads of state of China and Uruguay in the joint statement of establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership, in addition to reiterating the consensus in the joint statement in the joint statement of the establishment of a strategic partnership in October 2016, the two parties congratulated the China -Ukraine Free Trade Agreement to jointly jointlyThe feasibility study is successfully completed, and it is dedicated to promoting the construction of free trade partnerships.It seems that the prospects of the South Communist Party will be more elusive.Taking the Miller's inaugural ceremony as an example, although Argentina's foreign minister personally invited Lula to participate in and transferred to Millai's personal letter, the representatives attended by the members of the South Communist Party of China were former Brazilian President Bosanaro and President President of Baraguay, President Uruguay,Lula was attended by the representative of the Foreign Minister.

Global level: Where to go in China and A -A -relationships

Milai advocates establishing contact with the freedom world in foreign policy to avoid contact with communist countries such as China.After the primary election, he said that he would freeze the official trade relationship with China. Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded that Mili Welcome to China to "go away and take a look".Answer.Michaeli understands that China is not only the second largest buyer of Argentina's export products, but also provides a $ 18 billion monetary exchange quota of the Central Bank of Argentina and repaid debts that owed the International Monetary Fund (IMF).Furthermore, Argentina's economic pillar industry is agriculture and animal husbandry, and is a competitive relationship with the United States.Argentina should cooperate with Brazil to increase the competitiveness of agricultural products between the two countries and expand its share in China and international markets.

Milai once said that former President Macri will play an important role. As a representative of Argentina and becoming a figure above the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other institutions, it may be necessary to create a new position."I think he is a person who can represent the country and open up the market for the country." This should be good news for China.In 2017, Macry attended the first Belt and Road summit. After the 2018 G20 Summit in 2018, China and Arabia signed more than 30 economic cooperation agreements from agricultural to investment.President Fernandez signed a memorandum of understanding of the understanding of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road on February 6, 2022, as well as a joint statement on deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Arabia.On October 21, Chinese President Xi Jinping called Mirley, looking forward to continuing the friendship between the two countries, assisting in the revitalization of the development of the country with cooperation and win -win cooperation, and promoting the stability of China -Arab relations.Millai should be able to recognize the reality of the two benefits of Sino -Arab relations.

Based on Argentina's lack of credibility internationally, "I only keep cautious and not optimistic."

The author is a professor of research at the School of Politics and Strategy of Chile