AI's purpose was to simulate, execute and replace human intelligent tasks. While reducing human physical strength and mental work, it greatly improved productivity. However, the latest AI has the power of even their creators.The most terrible thing is that no one knows what they can do.

With a strong natural language ability, artificial intelligence chat robot ChatGPT, which has a meaningful dialogue with humans, has changed since the end of last year, this world has changed.Really changed.

From then on, generating artificial intelligence (General AI) has developed rapidly with thunderbolt, and several companies such as Google and China have followed up to launch such products;The company also quickly launched an upgraded version, and it was promoted to two levels.You chase me, to seize the forefront of artificial intelligence.

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) quickly rose up to become a popular term on the media.EssenceUnder the inevitable information about AI information fatigue and bombing, in order to not be thrown behind the times in order to not be thrown by the times, my founding generation has to keep asking what AI is, and I have to go to the old age and learn to hugIt.

However, as a computer science and technology door, I can only use my familiar "find news" method to read the development of AI and special articles to understand the development of this area, and try to apply ChapgPT to personally experience it.Among them, the recent two in -depth special reports of the New Yorker magazine "How does Huang Renxun's Nvidia promote the artificial intelligence revolution" and "the inside story of the cooperation between Microsoft and Openai" are very great to my understanding of the latest situation in the AI industry in the United States industry.s help.

After reading, I was fortunate to visit a AI laboratory under the School of Journalism and Communication, Beijing Tsinghua University in mid -November to experience some of the latest development and applications of Chinese AI technology.Young people responsible for explaining are very professional and frank. They know that my brain hole opens up and expands my horizons and ways of thinking.After returning to China, I also had the opportunity to visit the South Korean "Hyundai Automobile Group Singapore Innovation Center", which was just hosted by Deputy Prime Minister Huang Xuncai on November 21 to observe the actual operation of the group's first global innovation center, especially with the actual operation of the group, especially with.AI is a smart factory and smart farm for the soul, which also makes me eye -opening.

Of course, I understand, whether at Tsinghua University or in a modern automotive factory, what I can see is only the fur of AI, but "seeing the whole leopard". From these two visitsFull picture, feel the power of AI.

Similarly, limited reading just let me push the half -door door of AI and spy. Although I can't see the whole building of the deep house, I can feel "a little deep in the courtyard"!

In this case, it should be shared with readers, even the savage exposure.However, you must first make a disclaimer: This article was written by the layman to the average person. Please see the insiders to stop automatically.

AI will be human?

The invention of

ChatGPT is a Great Leap Forward for AI. It instantly became the fastest -growing consumer application in history and introduced most people into the AI world, but it is only one of the many applications of AI.Its appearance made many people aware of the existence of AI and was surprised that it had been widely used in many areas, including voice and image recognition, autonomous driving, medical diagnosis, economic development, industrial and agricultural production, science and technology, science and technologyR & D, education, security, military ... are almost omnipotent, what you can imagine is all there, it can be imagined that it can also be ... AI has appeared in the 1950s, and the concept of prototype has begun to form, but for decades, it has not been too big for decadesProgress, it was not until more and more fine -tip chips have been new in recent years, and it made breakthroughs, and then made rapid progress and was out of control.Today, AI technology can be said to be one of the strongest tools invented by human history to improve the quality of life.

The purpose of

AI was originally an intelligent task of simulation, execution and replacement of human beings. While reducing human physical strength and brainpower, it greatly improved productivity, but the latest AI has the power of even their creators.No one knows what they can do.

If it is not restricted to develop at the current amazing speed, AI's intelligence may eventually surpass humans and override humans -that is, the Elf AI has been released from the Pandora box.Can't control it anymore!

Is it sensational?At this point, I suddenly remembered that I actually had a "contact" with AI more than 50 years ago, but I didn't realize it. I did not have associative until I recently made up AI.

Maybe to relive a science fiction movie more than 50 years ago, which can help everyone understand the possibility of this "nightmare becoming true".

A older person may have watched the 2001 Space Roaming (2001: A Space Odyssey), a classic science fiction film known as the "epic work in the film and scientific community".For me, it was my first close contact with AI. It was amazing and unforgettable.

This movie directed by the famous American director Stanley Kubrick, with exquisite special effects, presents artistic and shocking pictures for the audience, especially those dizzying planet scene scenesIt is considered to be the pinnacle of visual effects, and the latecomers have been unable to surpass it.

Arthur Clarke, a science fiction novelist in charge of the screenwriter, in charge of the film with extraordinary creativity to inject rich science fiction in the film.When the film premiered in 1968, not to mention that human beings have not appeared on the moon and interstellar spacecraft yet, and even the "things around" today have not appeared, even tablet computers, touch screens, AI robots, etc.The director asked them to appear in the movie for granted. Not only did the "Discover No. 1" flying to Jupiter's manned spacecraft, these real objects and applications that were not invented at the time had also been operating naturally in the spacecraft naturally.Then, let the audience's horizons and brains open.

Director's imagination is empty, creating a fictional AI role in the movie in the movie, playing the big villain.This is a universal computer with perception and cognitive ability, responsible for controlling the "Discovery No. 1" system and interacting with the astronauts.In addition to it and two astronaut Bowman and Pur on the spacecraft, there are three scientists in hibernation.

The climax of the

The story is that because Hal9000 and two astronauts have frictions, they suspect each other, making this space roaming a terrible trip.HAL found that the astronaut intends to turn off the computer host. This is the same as killing it, deciding to make a pre -system, killing scientists in the three hibernation, and creating a false failure to allow Pur to go to the spacecraft to repair it, and then use a small boat to bring him hisThe cutting of oxygen caused him to die in hypoxia.The surviving Bowman had arrived at Jupiter at this time and wandered in space involuntarily ...

This is just an outline of the movie. Honestly, when watching this whimsical movie that is full of philosophy, I don’t understand many of the plots, images and meanings.I watched it two or three times when I repeated it, plus some film reviews and asking Wikipedia, and finally I really understood it.

Although it seems to understand at the beginning, but for the HAL9000, who is already in charge of human beingsPeople not only violate the commands of the Astronomy, but also have the opportunity to kill them all the circumstances.It was the first time I saw the power of AI robots, although I didn't know what AI was at that time.

2001 The imagination of space roaming is too advanced. Don't say that in 2001, even if you are about to enter now, the interstellar travel of manned spacecraft has not been realized, but the tablet computer and touch screen in the movie have long become.People are accustomed to tools, and the AI robot population has also grown rapidly, full of all corners of the earth.

Since many "predictions" in the movie have been implemented one by one, what reason believes that the HAL9000 big villain will not be born?Is the AI super computer with human emotions and thinking skills develop and develop in a laboratory in the world?If artificial neuron can be trained like biological neurons, it is like training human brain, and the capacity and energy of this "brain" far exceed humans.It is not unimaginable.

This may be one of the reasons why governments and the United Nations are worried about the development of AI.

AI bring the risk of extinction?

In fact, it is not just government and international agencies, but even the cutting -edge developers of AI are worried about the potential danger of their products.Openai's president Sam Altman (hearing at the judicial committee member of the US Senate on May 16 this year, he took the initiative to request to strengthen the supervision of AI to avoid this technology that exists in morality, law and national security hazards.Error use brings harm to society and even the world.On May 30, more than 350 AI technology industry leaders and experts issued joint public letter warnings: "Reducing the risk of extinction brought by AI should be a global priority, and tied with other social scale risks such as large epidemics and nuclear war."

This can't help reminding the highly respected late British physicist Stephen Hawking in 2014: "Comprehensive AI may mean the end of human beings."

AI is not controlled by humans or other risks used by bad guys, including: it may be used to develop independent weapon systems and threaten world security; a large amount of data controlled by the AI system may be abused and cause personal privacy to be violated; it is in itDeepFake technology in audio and video can be used to make multimedia fake information, fraud or mislead the public, disturb social security, etc.

AI elites holding such views are called "Doomers", and they believe that strict prevention and regulatory measures should be taken before continuing the development of AI.From the recent situation, they seem to have gradually gone; while the "Boomers" who are opposed to them are crowded, the latter faded the fear of AI disaster, emphasizing that it is huge in promoting human progress, it is hugePotential, advocate rapid advancement.

The two factions are constantly fighting in Silicon Valley, and finally reached a climax in the "coup" and "anti -coup" that broke out last month of Openai.

Paradoxie is that Altman, who is also inclined to the "doomsday theory" in May this year, now advocates rapid advancement. As a result, he was fired by the company's board of directors on November 17.However, the situation changed sharply afterwards. Three days later, he restored his position under the support of Microsoft, the company's largest investor Microsoft and the "uprising" of most employees.

Whether the victory of Altman means that the "fierce progress" of the business community will never advance, and it will not be clear to promote the development of AI regardless of the development of AI.However, it is certain that the risks of the governments and the international community have become increasingly concerned about the risks of AI and no longer ignore it.

On November 1st and 2nd, the British government hosted a AI Security Summit in Bletchley Park, with a total of 28 countries participating. In addition to the two large AI countries in China and the United States, it also includes EU members and Japan., South Korea, India, Australia and Singapore.Participating countries signed a declaration of Bryici, calling on participants in the development of cutting -edge AI technology to maintain transparency and accountability system.

The important significance of the

Summit is that China and the United States are willing to conduct international cooperation on the issue of AI threatening human security.

An important development followed is that Xi Jinping, President of Chinese President, and US President Bynden agreed at the San Francisco Summit on November 15 that the two countries should solve the risk of advanced AI systems through bilateral dialogue.When China and the United States are competing with fierce technology competition, they are also willing to carry out bilateral cooperation in this regard, reflecting that they all realize that AI's great threat to the potential of all mankind is not below the nuclear arms competition.

The control of the harm of AI seems to be another field of "competitive and cooperative" between China and the United States, just like their games in geopolitics, and similar to the U.S. Soviet Union during the Cold War period.The nuclear arms competition also coordinated the nuclear disarmament.However, the biggest difference between AI and nuclear weapons is that it is not controlled by the government, but is controlled in the hands of private enterprises, which greatly increases the difficulty and complexity of international cooperation.

As a small country, although Singapore can speak through the international forum or organization, the impact on the control of the AI "arms competition" is limited.What we can do is how to contribute to the positive energy and prevent AI's abuse of AI.In this regard, Singapore has long been planned, which can be clearly seen from the national artificial intelligence strategy 2.0 report released on December 4.

For the average person, the Minister of Health Wang Yikang said in the speech of the 5th New Middle School forum held in Beijing on November 21, perhaps as a motto: "We must be a person who can make good use of artificial intelligenceTo strengthen your own ability. In the future, employers are not choosing between humans and artificial intelligence, but to choose from a person who can use artificial intelligence and a person who will not be used. In addition, we also need to learn how to be a person ' -- Do not be replaced by machines. "

Chengyi said!Now that we can't get rid of AI, it's better to hug it.

The author is the editor -in -chief of the United Morning Post

Talk to ChatGPT during this article