The author believes that if reformers, investors, courts, and the company's own interests cannot limit the use of fossil fuels, the next 10 to 15 years will inevitably fall on the political system, and policy is urged to urge the policy to urgeAnd the expansion of oil and natural gas.

The 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), which is just unveiled and is ongoing. Because the chairman of this session is the CEO of the UAE -owned oil giant, and his chairman as the chairman of the Petroleum participation in the meetingAnd criticism.

This week, before the rally was opened, the media had thrown a shocking bomb: according to a batch of leaks, the UAE originally planned to use the stool of COP28 to arrange a meeting with the foreign government to promote oil fuel and liquefaction and liquefactionNatural gas transactions.The leaders of the Climate Summit participated in the suspicion of the climate crisis behind the scenes, and immediately broke the confidence of people's confidence in the UAE's leadership.

COP28 shall focus on the transformation of clean energy, gradually eliminate fossil fuels, and reach an agreement to assist more weak poor countries in response to the climate crisis and provide them with climate action funds.However, signs show that although global oil giants often declare to provide solutions for climate change, their actions do not meet their rhetoric and commitments, and run counter to the global climate goals.

Before the climate conference, at many energy industry conferences, the media also often heard representatives of oil and natural gas companies, and mentioned how to expand supply and capture new market opportunities to meet energy needs.These industry players largely do not advocate changing the business model and departure from the current track of the oil and the natural gas industry.

In addition, in recent years, oil companies have used their own huge economic resources to hire public relations companies to assist in transforming their image. Through lobbying and advertising, they brag about carbon reduction measures in their plans to explain how they will transition.Go to renewable energy, or how to invest in rejuvenation to offset carbon emissions.However, if you carefully analyze the plan, it is not difficult to find that these companies' commitments to stop oil and gas mining are quite inefficient.At present, only 1%of global clean energy investment comes from petroleum and natural gas companies.

In addition, the oil and gas industries have also been criticized for carbon capture as a key solution for climate change.The so -called carbon capture is to capture it and store underground before the carbon dioxide in the industrial production process enters the atmosphere.The Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Fatih Birol (in a statement before the COP28 meeting last week, he accused the oil and natural gas giants of seeing the climate plan was an unrealistic "fantasy".EssenceHe said: "The industry has to face a disturbing reality, that is, the successful clean energy transformation requires the reduction of oil and gas business, not expanding."

Of course, the pessimistic people believe that the world should not expect those companies that make us in crisis to help us get rid of the crisis, and there is only one reason for the oil company to care about the climate, that is, these companies are facing risks that are no longer recognized by the society. InvestmentPersons also began to reduce investment in fossil fuels and make them feel stress.

Many cases show that global oil giants such as Exxonmobil, Shell, British Petroleum Corporation (BP) and Total, although they are facing Activist Shareholder (Activist Shareholder)Or investors 'urging will even perform the "climate forced palace" with the voting right at the shareholders' meeting. The directors who do not support energy transformation will continue to serve so that these companies will regard the climatic risk as the core component of the company's long -term value.The rise in oil and coal prices makes the report look good, and these companies are easy to hesitate in decarbon transformation measures.Different geopolitical crises have caused tight energy demand, and also make the protection of energy security the best excuse for oil companies to expand supply.

The author believes that if the reformers, investors, courts, and the company's own interests cannot limit the use of fossil fuels, in the next 10 to 15 years, this burden will inevitably fall on the political system.And the expansion of natural gas.Today, in many countries, climate issues have entered the mainstream of politics, but many governments are still adjusting the reform and energy deployment of energy supply structure. They are quite conservative, or are limited by political considerations such as energy price control.

Paradoxie, at the time of the COP28 meeting, the chairman of the COP28 stated to the media that he hoped that the outside world would not have prejudice against him and expressed his point of view.You cannot rely on the government alone, but "business thinking".He also insisted on participating in COP28 by oil companies, thinking that this can promote a "more inclusive" rally.

However, this year's UN Climate Conference has many major discussions to be discussed, and the corporate conference cannot be confused. It is also necessary to ask the attendees to take the climate crisis seriously, and the purpose should not accumulate benefits for themselves.At this Friday, at the COP28 meeting, the United Nations Secretary -General Guterres gathered while the oil giant gathered, shouting to them, warning that the old way for them to take the oil company is no longer available.The business model should start leading the transformation of clean energy.