Source: Taiwan Wangbao Society Review

Rosenberg, the chairman of the United States in Taiwan (AIT), was the third time since he took office in March.Re -reshuffle, the development of US -China relations is at the crossroads, and a critical moment in the Taiwan election, the multiple messages conveyed by Rosenberg's visit to the Taiwan -US relations and the situation of the Taiwan Strait should have a guidance and stability.

Keep neutral elections on Taiwan

Rosenberg clearly stated that the focus of visiting Taiwan is to reiterate the United States' security commitment to Taiwan, and not affect Taiwan's military sales due to the situation of the Pakistan.It has influence.The United States has obviously adopted it. From the Ukrainian war to the Baza conflict, US -China relations are vital to the implementation of US foreign policy, and positive US -China relations are in line with US interests.Rosenberg's visit to the table is to show the United States' commitments and support, but there are more signals under the table.

Rosenberg explained the priority and interests of the United States to the three presidential candidates. The main connotation includes: oppose any side of the cross -strait side to change the status quo, including not supporting Taiwan's independence, supporting cross -strait dialogue, and calling on Beijing to appeal to Beijing.Dialogue with Taipei, the United States expects that cross -strait differences in the future are solved in unforgettable peaceful ways, and this method must be accepted by the people of Taiwan.On the surface, Rosenberg only reiterates the consistent position of the United States. In essence, it is a boundary that cannot be passed on both sides of the strait, and tries to construct a stable structure for the security of the Taiwan Strait in the future.

Highly concern for all walks of life, has the United States eliminating doubts about Lai Qingde, "Taiwan Independence Golden Sun"?When Lai Qingde met with Rosenberg on the 16th, he pre -issued the initiator that he must be careful to prevent the opposite shore from differentiation of distributing Taiwanese society through information warfare, affecting the next year's election, and avoiding a negative impact on Taiwan -US relations."Holding the" suspicion theory ", and the problem of improper management of the import management management of food safety disputes shakes the pot to doubt the theory and mainland China.

When answering the reporter's inquiry, Rosenberg should avoid the question of whether the context of Taiwan ’s independence has been clarified on the grounds that the content of the conversation of all candidates must be confidential, but she has a clear statement on“ do not support Taiwan ’s independence”.Obviously suspicious alerts have not been lifted.Coupled with the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi, this visit to the United States has left a good impression on the US officials and think tanks. The United States may be optimistic about the Kuomintang's possibility of renovation. The United States should be a real attitude towards Taiwan's election.

The Bayeng government has already stated that the Taiwan election does not favor any party and opposes any overseas forces intervention. Regardless of the result of the election, the United States expects the party's policy to cooperate with the future, and will not change the Taiwan policy.Recently, the Bayeng government will announce the reinforcement plan, including Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan, but Bayeng said in a conversation in the White House on the 20th that it will propose "emergency budget requirements" to fund the security needs of the United States and support the Parliament."Our important partners, including Israel and Ukraine," he did not publicize Taiwan.

Avoid the United States from stimulating the mainland

U.S. -China relations have entered a delicate and critical moment. The two parties have a very different attitude towards the conflict with the Pakistani conflict, but it is very important to be scheduled to be held in San Francisco next month.obstacle.Therefore, Biden would rather be conservative and low -key to avoid directly mentioning Taiwan to stimulate the mainland.In other words, the US -Taiwan relations have returned to the past everywhere by strategic competition in the United States and China, and the mainland government controls the fate of Taiwan.

In fact, the US think tank and the academic community have recently begun to review the current positions and policies of the United States on Taiwan.The United States and China reached a high -level agreement, a new bulletin. Washington reiterated its long -term political neutrality, and China promised to reduce military threats.This will avoid war, while fighting for peace and unity for China.

She also emphasized that preventing the unification of both sides of the strait is not the responsibility of Washington, but to ensure that unification is not realized by military power or coercion.More scholars believe that simple military deterrence is not enough to scare the military committing committee in mainland China, but increases the risk of war in the United States and China due to Taiwan."To solve the concerns of Taiwan's problems", and in addition to emphasizing deterrent methods and maintaining the status quo, the possibility of future unification is not denying.

Biden said "we face the historic inflection point." Today's decision will determine the development of the next decades, especially in Taiwan.The presidential election, the development of cross -strait relations, the strategic competition in the United States and China, and the situation of the Indo -Pacific region are intertwined and restrained each other. Under the DPP's ruling, Taiwan's autonomy will be quickly lost.Essence