Source: Taiwan China Times Society

The progress of TSMC Arizona is behind, and was criticized by local union leaders to use this as an excuse to introduce foreign workers with low wages and grab their jobs.TSMC was under the fence, and it was difficult to argue.After TSMC's investment in the United States, a small debate broke out in Taiwan. The opponent pointed out that this investment made TSMC a "US -Bian Power", causing Taiwanese talent outflows, and semiconductor "de -Taiwanization". Of coursePowerful opposition to this argument.However, the preliminary answer of this debate has come out: de -Taiwanhua is undoubtedly damaged in Taiwan's economy, and there are problems with the management and cultural differences in overseas factories.From a certain perspective, Yang Jinlong, president of the Central Bank, has confirmed it vaguely.

The art union criticizes the work

Yang Jinlong delivered a special speech at a forum last week. It is mentioned that in order to ensure the security of the supply chain, the United States, Japan, Europe and other countries have attracted Taiwan semiconductor manufacturers to set up a factory.Customers, reduce the suspicion of disconnected chain and alleviate the pressure of excessive centralized semiconductors in Taiwan.However, there are also three major challenges: operators facing problems such as high construction and operating costs and management, fearing to weaken Taiwan's semiconductor industry settlement integrity, and may affect Taiwan's investment and employment momentum.

According to Yang Jinlong, the benefits of multinational investment in semiconductor are mainly profitable, but the challenge is mainly the overall social and economic tolerance.Its negative effects may continue.

The United States launched a trade war and tariff war on the mainland during Trump's appointment, and then evolved into a scientific and technological war with semiconductors as its core. In the process, the United States found that the semiconductor manufacturing capacity was insufficient.Many, especially the semiconductor of the cutting -edge process, almost in Asian countries, mainly refers to Taiwan's TSMC. Therefore, TSMC went to the United States to set up a factory in the United States in a almost half -compulsive manner. At that time, Zhang Zhongmou expressed his opposition.

The Cai government not only failed to stand on the incident from the long -term interests of enterprises and Taiwan's economy, but to a certain extent assisted the US government to "promote" the case.The implementation of the US chip law requires participating manufacturers to take out all the secrets of the commercial secrets. Taiwan and Korean manufacturers have doubts that the Tsai government fails to stand in the interests of enterprises and Taiwan's interests and strive for the right of the United States. In comparison,The South Korean government came forward to strive to be relatively loose or even exceptional clauses for Korean factories.

More specifically, Yang Jinlong's multinational investment in semiconductors in the mouth of Yang Jinlong has been reflected in economic data.Last week, the General General Region of the Taiwan Executive Yuan announced that the economic growth rate was estimated by 1.45%in the second quarter, which was less than 1.8%of the predictions of 3 months ago. Therefore, the economic growth rate for the whole year is difficult to "guarantee 2".

Weaken semiconductor competitiveness

The reason is very clear and affected by the reduction of semiconductor investment.Taiwan's private investment has been supported by semiconductors for a long time. Of course, the protagonist is TSMC, which has been more obvious in the past few years, but TSMC's capital expenditure has tended to be conservative: last year planned 44 billion US dollars in capital expenditure.$ 100 million, a decrease of 10 % to 20 %.The capital expenditure planned this year is 320 to 36 billion US dollars. Whether it will be reduced in the future will be observed, but the probability is very high.

TSMC's reduction in revenue and capital expenditure has been affected by several factors. From the over -demand of the global semiconductor expansion in the past few years, it is the cause of the oversupply of the world's extension and the slowdown in the world.However, it is worth noting that in Europe, the United States, and Japan, they are scrambling to establish and improve their own semiconductor manufacturing capabilities. Mainland China has invested in the semiconductor industry without cost to break away from the "card neck" in the United States. In the long run, Taiwan's ""Semiconductor investment" will inevitably weaken Taiwan's semiconductor strength, and its proportion of global proportion must decrease.

When TSMC first carried more than 300 employees to the United States for the first time in November last year, the outside world had accused this as Taiwanese talent outflow, semiconductor de -Taiwan chemical, and TSMC's "US accumulation".: Officials say this is a semiconductor that strengthens Taiwan.However, in fact, the US pressure is required to set up a factory to improve its self -control rate of semiconductor.Relying on Taiwan and affecting Guoan make people sleep all night.

The United States is indeed the most important allies and supporters in Taiwan, but the interests of Taiwan are definitely not 100 % in line with the US interests, and the US policy as a consideration must be considered as the interests of the United States; as far as the security of the Taiwan Strait is concerned, Taiwan's largest interest is"Avoiding war and protecting the Taiwan", but the largest interest in the United States is obviously fighting Taiwan "hedgehogs" with the mainland fire. The United States makes a profit from it, just like the Russian and Ukraine War.In the semiconductor policy, the interests of Taiwan and the United States are obviously not exactly the same. Taiwan should not be stupid enough to be sold and help people count banknotes.