The Seventh -way Group (G7) summit held in Hiroshima in May was a particularly heavy stroke since 1975.There will be such a evaluation. Most of the Ukrainian President Zelenezki Lightning in the war in the war is first visited in Asia, and the invited national summits such as the developed countries and the Indian Prime Minister Modi called on the international community to unanimously support Ukraine.Although it is difficult to say that it can completely change the position of "Global Southern", such as invited to attend the state, it is successful in sending a strong signal to countries other than G7.

Moreover, the visit of Zerrenzki not only allows the US president Bayeng, who is busy handling the domestic debt crisis to attend the summit, but also successfully allows the United States to agree to provide the F-16 fighter that European countries wanted to provide Ukraine.Of course, even if the fighter is handed over to the Ukrainian army, the pilot's training and operation will not be ready until the next winter.However, no matter what the current counterattack situation in Ukraine, it can be expected to effectively suppress the argument of unscrupulous fires as soon as possible.

In addition to the Ukrainian issue, another achievement of this G7 summit is that developed countries have strengthened unity and attracted developing countries such as "Southern Global".The results of the Hiroshima Summit are beyond the G7 summit in recent years. In addition to the highlight of Ukraine, the results of this summit can be called "excellent".

This summit was held in Hiroshima, which was severely damaged by atomic bombs, and specialized Hiroshima as Prime Minister Kishita, the prime minister of the political site, especially emphasized the nuclear disarmament.In addition to the 40 -page summit joint statement, it also published special documents related to nuclear disarmament for the first time.Of course, the G7 is the United States allies, with three nuclear countries.Therefore, although it is difficult to look forward to the results of magic -like abolition from the beginning, for Russia, it has clearly strengthened the use of new nuclear weapons and not allowed to use nuclear weapons for coercion.

At the same time, for China, the summit calls for ensuring the transparency related to nuclear weapons, and consensus on forces to obtain disarmament to strengthen the strength of the standards.The problem is that in order to truly realize the disarmament, reduce the gap between the nuclear country and join the existence of the Nuclear Treaty State, to rebuild the non -diffusion nuclear weapon treaty system, it is necessary to pay unremitting efforts.Although this is a subject that exceeds the G7 range, these topics will be pressed on Kishida's shoulder in the future.

China is also in the topic.However, it was not expected that because of the invasion of Chinese balloon and Taiwan Cai Yingwen's visit to the United States, it caused excessive tension.

G7's joint communiqué calls for a constructive and stable relationship with China, reflecting comprehensive considerations in diplomacy.While preventing excessive dependence on the Chinese economy and promoting the diversification of the supply chain, it expresses the premise that it has no intention to hinder China's development, restore diplomatic rhetoric about 20 years ago, and also proves that countries have on the diplomatic level.No interest in inciting confrontation with China.President Trump, who almost caused the G7 to fall into the crisis of abolition, is no longer in office.

Of course, as the US President's National Security Consultant Sarawon said at the end of April, the original meaning of the United States lies in the establishment of a new Wagon -consensus to facilitate security guarantee international economic order, but this is not completely consistent with the interest relationship between Europe and Japan.EssenceFor example, in response to China's economic coercion with trade as a threat to the other party, the G7 announced that the G7 announced that it will build a platform for economic coordination.Not only do you find a trading partner after coercion, but also hopes to establish a mechanism to suppress China to make coercion beforehand.However, if China stops trade in any country in the G7, including the entire EU, all countries in the G7 will specifically and openly release their commitments to stop trade in China together.Some countries may feel unequal burden. If it is stated in advance to stop trade, the opposition voices from the industry will also be great.In addition, only China's possibility of sanctions on some countries will be increased to obstruct the consistent pace of G7.

G7 also published documents related to economic security guarantee separately, confidently announced the re -examining supply chain, and listed key resources such as mineral resources, semiconductor and battery.In fact, there are almost no people in the financial industry believe that in terms of batteries, the world economy can be used to remove China.It is better to say that only prayer in the field of electric vehicles, China does not take the battery that determines life and death as a tool to retaliate Western.

In other words, in terms of nuclear issues and economic security, the results of the Hiroshima Summit only stay in surface articles.Nevertheless, this summit is successful, not only because of the strengthening of unity on the Ukrainian issue, but also in individual issues, but also found a point that can be compromised in reality.That is, the pace of progress is very small, and the developed countries of the developed countries can still show a full sense of presence in world politics.

Emerging countries led by the BRICS countries have no unified framework of the club, and there are almost no results.The scope of the G7 concern is not only concentrated on the west of Eurasia, but also in the face of the Asian order on the east and south side.This is a big issue for Japan's only Asian member country in Japan.

The author is an associate professor at the Institute of Toyo Culture, the University of Tokyo