In this column last week, I read my former veteran Lin Renjun's masterpiece., I am very taught, and I also plan to follow up with articles such as "Artificial Intelligence VS Reporter".But when I was in the abdomen, the more I thought, the more I felt that the first thing I should answer was this profession. Is it significant to be replaced?

At least two more essential questions are involved here: 1. Do people now read, read, and listen to the news?Second, the media, especially the traditional media, is it still trustworthy?What if the reputation sweeps the ground, why is it alternative?In fact, the latter Ren Jun also touched. He called on the bottom line and believed that "the wanderer is sincere, the more the rumors are in troubled times.

In short, as long as the conclusions are negative, the limit of the mainstream media is almost the same.Who still cares if AI will come to grab a broken rice bowl?

Regarding questioning, let me talk about my news enlightenment first.

When I was in the low grade of primary school, I didn't know a few Chinese characters, so I followed the Xinming Daily at home because it reported the Vietnam War almost every day.It was 1974 and 75. As the Vietnam went south every day, a thin and long map began to be clear, knowing that it was hit today, and then the title began to appear in Laogang and Nha Trang, of course, of course, Saigon(Today's Ho Chi Minh City).When I have not heard of tourist destinations such as Phuket, Pattaya, and Bali, I know that Vietnam, including Hanoi and Kitan in North Vietnam ... You know, there is no Internet at that time, no historical classes, what communist communities, what communities, what communities, what communities, what communities, what communities, what communities, what communities, what communities, what communities.Doctrine, cold war, and bone cards do not understand.Maybe just look at the news as a serial novel, just like Jin Yong on the inside page.

I mentioned this childhood memory and wanted to compare the children today. Did they start to know the name of Ukraine?Like Kiev and the Crimean Peninsula, and Bach Murd, which was broken?Do you know the Black Sea and the Black Sea?Still, there is no interest and concept. I am busy brushing Tiktok and playing games all day long. Weekends are either tuition or on the way to tuition?

A amazing number of a small contribution

Big friends, many of them still read news, but they are not necessarily war, nor poetry and distance.

Because of the work relationship, I often pay attention to news traffic reports and related commentators; which is more likely, which star always recognizes love, or who has divorced and who has divorced.Social news is also particularly popular. Two men in the mall can easily go to the top ten. If they are two women, they will be even more eye -catching.

I was a little helpless after watching it, but if you think about it, you will be relieved.Because this kind of news is very sesame and mung beans, it meets people's desire to spy and provide seasonings for dull life, and it happens in the neighborhood. It is indeed a talk.For another example, the news of the long -dragons outside of Duoduo and the ending of how many people associated the bonus the next day, I may feel boring, but for some people, it is very "personal" and at least talk about the funding.As for the so -called hard news, it is not difficult to understand the lack of people.Most of them are boring, serious, always repeated, or politicians are re -interviewing. Unless they are really personal, they just sweep the title and think that they are sufficient.

Note that I have repeatedly emphasized the "personal", which is the element of news.Like over the years, people have paid attention to the news of the epidemic, because they must avoid evil and know how to protect themselves and their families.In many countries, people have discovered some local newspapers and websites, and they still survive, because they mainly focus on local content, telling people who has passed away, when the blizzard is coming, what is discussed at the citizen meeting, etc.Public products necessary for life.

No one in Singapore is a county or county. Our "national" newspaper is also a local newspaper in a sense.Everything happened on this island, we did not report it ourselves. Is it necessary to work for international media or rely on citizen journalists.They can give you a video of two men or two women on the street, but there are many far -reaching events in the world every day, and reporters need to verify and report; many issues in life must also think, deal with, or at least understandEssenceWithout mainstream media, the spread of information and the sharing and exchange of viewpoints will only be fragmented, messy and disorderly, and even become echoes in the rooms and cannot interact.

Last month, a exchange station contributed to young people's good deeds. On Facebook, Kopitiam alone, it touched more than 425,000 people!Yes, you read that the number is not right, and I did not make it wrong.This amazing, can only be explained in a sentence often said in journalism textbooks: humane is readability, and it can also resonate.

In short, people still have demand for news, just radish and green vegetables, they have their own love.Some people prefer snacks, or appetite; some people must have to be a "full" word, because they need to work hard; and nutritional people, they will specially pick deep topics and brilliant comments.It doesn't matter. As long as someone patronizes, the restaurant will be opened, and the reporters will be happy to cook.

But if you don't pay attention to hygiene, food always makes people eat bad stomachs.This came to the second one -the problem of not being credible.

I feel that I have become a human pillers

Edman, a multinational public relations company, will conduct large -scale credit surveys in many countries every year.This year, 59%of local respondents said that they trust the media and the ratio was the same as last year.However, I checked the 2019 report. The ratio of the trusts of the year reached 71%, which was the highest value since 2013.Fortunately, if subdivided media attributes, 64%of Chinese people still say that they trust mainstream media, higher than 60%of search engines, 45%of the media, and 41%of social media.Obviously, all of our professional media people have been dragged.My colleagues and I do have a certain position when they are not strict, text and reports, and even on some issues, but it is certain that it is certain that it is better than the self -media and social media.My mobile phone often receives the so -called "news" from my friends, and then ask me: Peter, is this true?I feel like a pneuming machine.

But just extend the time of observation, people's trust in the media has indeed decreased.Edman found that in 27 countries, as many as 16 compared with last year, six have improved, five -including Singapore, without changes.

Reuters News Institute also conducts investigations every year.This year's report has not yet come out.But last year, more Americans told the visitors that they had "didn't watch any news platforms" in the past week, accounting for 3%to 15%from 3%10 years ago.Japan, Britain, France, etc. all have such people with high proportion of news.In almost all major western countries, the groups that have less news have increased the trend in the past five years. The reason for nearly 30 % is that the media is not credible and the report is biased.Like Edman's investigation, in the 46 markets surveyed by Reuters, the weakness of the media has become better than the improvement.

This is definitely a alarm bell, especially the mainstream Western media. They have always advertised objective, fair, independent, and authenticity, but in recent years, due to geopolitical fission and ideological struggle, the real color comes out.Sinking is quite obvious.

I used to use words, or clever names, and still faintly obscure; maybe the content is not false, but it is also misleading for youIt is said that 100 times can also become "truth") to occupy a moral highland and strengthen the perspective, interests and values in the West.Nowadays, Chuhe and Hanjie have been drawn, and even the sound of guns has begun, and they simply do not perform. Everyone mobilizes and directly enter the wartime mode.

Self -smashing signboard and congenital insufficient

Cognitive Warfare is going on all the time, just in youIn your mobile phone, your computer screen is also reminded, including the newspaper you read now -because we also use the external electrical content that may be biased.It ’s just that there are no smoke and no blood flowing into a river, and most of the audience will have no alertness or unwillingness.

About Western journalists, as well as prejudice, dual standards, and hypocrisy of some of their background bosses, it can't be finished for three days and three nights.For example, Russia is an invader, a bad guy, and Ukraine is pitiful, the territory is occupied, and the civilians are killed.But when it came to the Baza conflict, the position was tone, but the standard was not consistent.Israel is an occupant, and it is not described as bad guys, but only take revenge; in the contrary, more people who lose the land and death are more than a terrorist.Whenever a child of Gaza was blown down, the news must have such an explanation: because "someone hides weapons in the building."The subtext is a person who is not launching a missile.Sometimes I think that if the two conflicts have been reported by the same reporter, will it be schizophrenic.

Recently, Saudi Arabia and Iran shake their hands. It is a watershed incident in the Middle East.Is the judgment of a while?Of course not, the problem is more medium, they think that another "bad guy" -China.

This kind of embarrassment is very smashed signboard. No wonder many people have already changed the BBC's first B: British (British) to BiaSed.This is a joke, but there is a bit of real.

Since it is a new cold war, you may wish to take a look at China.The number one opponent in the West also knows the importance of attack. After all, the gene of "daring to fight" is flowing in the blood vessels.Give more.However, its weaknesses are basically only official media and party media, no liberal private media, and the credibility is inherently insufficient.Another is that Westerners have played news for a few centuries, and they have become exquisite. Chinese peers still have to rely on the online army, and often copy the internal propaganda and use it directly on the foreign propaganda.obvious.

Among them, review is the biggest flaw.The live broadcast owners probably have such experience: Around the Children's Day of the Children's Day, the platform manager will send information to inform him that you will rest for a few days.Another example is that you do n’t let you say that you have to use what “three years of natural disasters”, eight or nine “political storms”, etc. to cover up, which is no different from referring to the deer as a horse.The key to "telling a good Chinese story" is that the story cannot be fabricated, nor can it be rewarded and not worried, otherwise it is okay to deceive the people of the world.

The people have no faith, as well as the Eastern and Western media, especially in this explosion of information, but also the era of anti -wisdom and noise, whether it is trusted or not, has become the foundation of the media of the media.At his new book conference last week, Ren Jun used the "last life -saving symbol" as a metaphor, which can be said in a word.

One day the credibility collapsed, the news room had to turn off the door, and the reporters had to find another way.Is there any ChatGPT or how powerful it can be evolved in the end, it has nothing to do with the purpose.

The author is the deputy editor -in -chief of United Zaobao