Source: Xinhua Daily Telecom

Author: Zhu Cheng, Shen Rufa

The anchor named "Three Three Brother" died after the live PK, which caused concern. Xinhua Daily Telecommunications reporters found that various "ruthless PKs" on the Internet platform are still endless, such as eating raw eggs, drinking and washing and washing.Foot water, drinking punishment, beating soles of the soles ...

Relevant persons believe that webcasting cannot only have traffic as a picture. It is necessary to strictly regulate such a "fierce PK" that is ruthless and encouraging the breath, and the Internet is clear.

Live PK Drink after drinking, drinking PK has not been banned

Recently, the online anchor "Three Thousand Brother" died in the live PK and died in the live PK, which has attracted widespread attention from public opinion.The reporter learned from the relevant local departments that the name of the "Three Thousand Brother" named Wang was born in April 1989. After the live broadcast PK, he was found to die. Because his family members did not report to the police, the cause of death did not investigate and identify.

"Three Thousand Brother" generally chose "PK" in the live broadcast.According to his self -report on his personal homepage: "The business failed, I bowed my head to my life, I put down my dignity and let go of my face, and pinned my last hope on the platform."

According to the live broadcast behavior specifications, drinking in the live broadcast is a third -level (general) violation of regulations. The platform has the right to give warnings, disconnecting, and banning permissions for the severity of the anchor's violations of the rules.

According to the relevant person in the live broadcast platform, the anchor had previously had an account for being banned by drinking.The night was used to live a number of accounts, bypassing the platform review rules. "After its PK drinking is interrupted by the platform, it has continuously replaced multiple accounts to drink and blocks wine bottles.

After the tragedy, the reporter found on multiple live platforms that similar "fierce PK" can still be easily searched, and the routine is exactly the same. Basically, the two anchors provoked each other and the losing party accepted punishment.Even after the death of the PK to drink PK, some anchors still have drinking drinking as part of PK punishment.

On the evening of May 30, the reporter saw on the live broadcast platform that after the PK of the two female anchors ended, the winning side told the failed side to punish "four".The failed side immediately took out the irrigation beer and started to seal.In addition to drinking punishment, there are also words of words, and the winning party kept saying "you are unlucky in my hands" and other words to stimulate each other.In order to escape the platform supervision, the winning party reminded the failed party to "take a distance" and "block the point", and use the cartoon avatar to cover their image.That night, the failed side began to vomit after drinking four cans of beer.

In addition to punishment, other "ruthless PK" forms are also emerging.For example, eating raw eggs, drinking mustard water, and even foot washing water; high -strength corporal punishment action and so on.

Recently, the reporter still saw on the live broadcast platform that after the two anchors were punished by the penalty of the parties after PK, the teeth were beaten with blood.Foot water.Earlier, after the PK, the two anchors failed to win hundreds of frog jets, touched their legs, jumping, and circles.In the case where the failed side is breathless and difficult to support, the winning side keeps words and stimulate the opponent, such as "Don't PK if you can't play", and increase punishment for various reasons.

Not only is the punishment session, it is so brave, but also provocative words and behaviors in the PK ticketing session.The reporter saw in the live broadcast room of some anchors that some anchors kept provoking each other in the PK ticketing session, and said with a rough words, calling on fans to give gifts for themselves.Driven by the anchor, fans watched and coaxed, and the phenomenon of mutual abuse occurred from time to time. The entire live broadcast PK process was full of suffocation.

Why is the "Ruthless PK" "why can't you stop"

The reporter's investigation found that under the "ruthless PK", the anchor was an excellent move to stir up the audience, and on the other hand, the anchor was "reflected" by the Internet and violence, forming a vicious circle.A netizen commented that the PK between anchors often raises himself with condemning or ridicule each other.

Why are this kind of "fierce PK" that constantly challenged the bottom line?

Industry insiders told reporters that a live broadcast PK, anchors and platforms are generally composed of 5: 5.Some big anchors can receive a virtual currency of 200,000 to 300,000 in a PK. According to the seven virtual currency of the platform, it is 1 yuan (RMB, the same, the same, S $ 0.19), which is worth 30,000 to 40,000 yuan. Among them, the platform can get it.One or 20,000 yuan."The more traffic attracts the anchor, the more virtual currency for rewards, the higher the platform's income," the industry insiders told reporters.

In recent years, the various "PK" has brought traffic and economic benefits to many anchors, which has also led to the lack of innovation and homogeneity in video content.In order to continue to gain attention, some "fierce PK" anchors rely on constantly challenging the red line of physiological and morality to stimulate the audience's nerves.

In recent years, a series of documents have been introduced from the country to the local area to regulate the webcast.Multiple platforms have also introduced management specifications."Drinking rooms have always belonged to the content of the platform strictly." A person in charge of a live broadcast platform told reporters that according to the platform rules, such as excessive drinking or even wheat PK drinking in the live broadcast room, the platform will prompt interruption or short -term ban.And remind the anchor not to drink too much.

A reporter squatted multiple platforms and found that many anchors had a settlement of platform punishment.When the platform punishs smoking, drinking and other behaviors, the "trumpet" will be re -broadcast soon; when some punishment is made, it is uploaded to the winner and audience by shooting videos;Supervisory, such as the mustard called Xiaolu, raw eggs as table tennis, foot washing water as Shiquan Dashu Decoction or Hong Kong milk, and even the "black words" of drinking urine drinking chrysanthemum tea.

The partner of Shanghai Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. told reporters that the current live broadcast platform has clear management requirements for live broadcast content such as smoking and drinking, but for many "trumpets" with low attention, supervision is not so timely.

In addition, the online platform also lacks supervision of the audience of the live PK.Some audiences act as the "atmosphere group" during the anchor PK. They not only discouraged them in time when the anchor was drinking, but instead encouraged a series of "666" to encourage.

"Now anchor wants to be the hard difficulty of becoming the head, and it is the iron law that meets the requirements of netizens. And many times when netizens are unreasonable, and they are more psychologically hunting.Go to complete a series of difficult challenges. "An anchor with more than 300,000 fans told reporters," Now the platform is not very strict in the behavior of netizens. "

Strict supervision, remove the "ruthless PK" and the Internet clear space

In recent years, the incident of cyber violence has occurred from time to time.Recently, the two online anchors were cut off during live broadcast.According to Xiamen police, at 20:30 on May 23, the victims Shi Mou and Ye Mou were scratched from the back to the back of the coffee shop outside a college cafe in Xiang'an District.Escape from the scene, and the police arrested the suspects from other places in the early morning of the 24th.After investigation, the suspect Luo Mou and the victims Shi Mou and Ye had a mouthful on the online platform. They were dissatisfied, and they rushed from the field to Xiamen to cut their injuries.

Prior to this, from January, Hangzhou girl Zheng Linghua committed suicide to the "management" of Internet celebrities in February, and Internet violence frequently became a "black hand" behind the scenes.Yu Haisong, the research room of the Supreme People's Court, recently wrote that due to the wide audience, strong participation, high communication rate, and the anonymity of the network, it makes it more difficult to remove network violence, and network violence is increasingly harmful.

A relevant person in charge of an online platform told reporters: "Follow -up, the platform will increase the management of drinking and alcohol. In addition to blocking the ban, it will also add equipment and face black library recognition for high -frequency drinking anchors to prevent the size number after banning the ban on the ban on the ban on the ban on the ban on the ban.Replace and wait. "

Relevant experts said that several anchors even competing for talents and attracting audiences to vote were a new format for rapid development in recent years.This stage of benign competition cannot be a good stage.Whether the anchor uses a small login or intentionally cover it to escape the platform supervision, or some netizens have helped the waves to applaud these "ruthless PK" platforms, they have reflected the insufficient supervision measures of the current live broadcast platform.

Zhang Hao, a lawyer of Xieli Law Firm, said that the online platform should timely discourage and interrupt the live broadcast in the process of supervision and review of "ruthless PK" behaviors such as excessive drinking and review the live broadcast content.Zhou Lianyong, vice president of the Nanjing Law Association, suggested that the online platform should strengthen the training of anchors, enhance the awareness of the rule of law, and enhance the technical means to prevent live broadcast behaviors such as alcohol and smoking.Prevent malicious behavior.

The network suffering from the Internet is not formed one day, and the resolution process must not be "forbidden". The platform uses good traffic incentives and other means to guide the anchors to consciously produce high -quality content, and strengthen the "according to the rule of law".Typical cases and other means cultivate the consciousness of the rule of law and the thinking of the rule of law.

"" Fierce PK 'like fighting wine does not meet the mainstream values of socialism. It violates morality and law. PK should be able to assume more responsibilities for who to provoke who is provoked by those who use voice."Zhang Hao said.

Experts said that while strengthening positive guidance, relevant government regulatory departments should further explore new mechanisms for supervision of live broadcast platforms to form a combination of industry self -supervision, mass supervision and government supervision, and shaped the clear space of the Internet.