After the Election of the Spanish left Workers' Socialist Party (PSOE) was elected at the end of May, Pedro Sanchez, the Prime Minister of the Party Chairman, was worried that the right was pursuing the right.He used the United States as a reference and forced voters to decide "Biden or Trump to govern Spain."

Sanchez, which has a bright style, has a straightforward stance: The Popular Party of the Rights is the most obtained in the local election, but it is difficult to separate more than half of the Congress elections and must cooperate with the VOX party (VOX).This imitation of Trump claimed that the far -right party, which was "greatly enabled in Spain", was out of line, anti -Islam, anti -homosexual, and anti -abortion.

On the other end of the Mediterranean, after listening to the Greek version of the "Watergate Case" storm of the opposition party, a train collision accident that killed dozens of people, and the allegations of the media.At the end of the month, the election won 40 % of the votes, which was twice the voting rate of the second largest political party radical left -wing league (Syriza).

The Right Rights not only disturb the Mediterranean, but also have a Nordic momentum that has always been democratic model students.The original Swedish Democrats (Sweeden Democrats) exceeded 20%of the votes in the election last year and jumped into the second largest party.The right of the National United Party (NCP) of the right is less than a percentage point.

The Right -Right -Right -Righting foundation at Eastern Europe

The extreme rightist embracing nationalism has been standing firmly in Eastern Europe. Law and Justice (Law and Justice) has ruled Poland since 2015.

At the end of 2021, when the Russian conflict was still burning, Poland used the army to stop the refugee tide from Beros and prevented reporters and humanitarian rescuers from entering the scene.After the start of the war in February 2022, Russian President Putin received a large number of Ukrainian refugees, quickly washing and oppressing the notorities of refugees, and turned into a free democratic defender.With the approaching of the election at the end of the year, the law and the Justice Party are more daring to use anti -Russia as a tool to combat domestic political opponents. It is not only defined, but also retroactively.The United States and the European Union have expressed concern about the legislation, and hundreds of thousands of Polish people cannot continue to ignore the law and the Justice Party's use of anti -Russia as a shame for democratic ebb to protest on the street.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán walked further on the right road.He said that he hoped to establish a "non -liberal democratic country", inserting loyal colleagues in independent institutions, removing checks and balances of all power, and controlling the media to become the government's speaker.Olban fulfills its own commitments, and the European Parliament has also voted in mid -September last year. "Certification" Hungary has become a "electoral authority" -ly, although there are regular elections, they no longer follow basic democratic norms.However, Giorgia Meloni, who is also the same populous, condemned the European Union, the same is ideological attack on Hungary.

The Italian Brothers (FDI) led by Melonony won 26%of the votes last fall, forming a joint cabinet with the right of the Rights Italian Power Party (FI) and the Right Right Alliance Party (Lega), and became the first in Italy's historyFemale Prime Minister.The three -party alliance won again in the spring of this year, and confirmed that Melonney's rise was not a short -lived, so that she was full of confidence to output the "Melonini model" and led the extremely right black tide to sweep the European Parliament election next June.

Melonney is the chairman of the European Conservative and Reformist Party (ECR). The party with contradictions in this name includes the Italian Brothers Party, the Spanish Voice Party, the Swedish Democratic Party, the Orthodox Finnish Party, and Poland.Law and Justice Party.Over the years, Melonney has tried its own extremely right -right colors, and has packaged the European Conservative and Reformist Party as a stable rightist like the British Conservative Party and the United States Republican Party.

The British conservatives have experienced the Putty of Prime Minister Johnson after Brexit; the United States Republican Party has experienced the Democratic thriller code of the Parliament Mountain, and his supporters have broke into the Mountains of Congress Mountain, Mrs. Churchil, Mrs. Sache, andReagan's British and American right, the mainstay image of the mainstay has collapsed.What's more, Meloni's campaign totem still has three -color flames symbolizing fascist red, white, and green.The red and white and green fire, like the Italian flag, was the pattern designed by Mosrini after the Second World War.The fire was still burning in Melonini, and it also ignited European political wildfire.

The European Conservatives and Reformist Party are suspicious of Europe, but now they no longer advocate Brexit or abandon the euro. It will enter the EU system for reform.Just like not to the market with Meloni, but the more senior French right leader Marine Le Pen said: "Because we are authentic Europeans, we have to re -give birth to Europe." What kind of European concept?A Europe, which returns to Christianity, a European Europe, which rejection of Islam, and more radicals like the Polish law and the Justice Party to "chaos anyway", anti -abortion, and marriage.After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the extreme rightist with Christian civilization superiorism also questioned the Chinese autocracy. However, they lack the ability to convert slogans into policies in addition to inciting emotions, and political figures have their own calculations.Melonony severely criticized Beijing for persecution of human rights during the campaign, but after taking office, he only mentioned China in front of the media and continued to promote trade and investment with China; Olban was still the supporter of the "Belt and Road".

Different from north and south will collide more intense

The just -released European courts pointed out that the judicial reform of Poland's law and the Justice Party endangered the value of judges' independence and the rule of law of the European Union, and knocked a alarm bell for the Right Right.The populists who are good at shaping the enemy immediately attribute this judgment to the EU elite's interference in Poland's sovereignty.Faced with the offensive and defensive of the establishment of the system, Melonini is prepared. Compared with the exaggeration of Trump and Johnson, she is an upgraded version of populist.The tax is like a blackmail party ransom protection fee, but when he turns around to meet with the politics of various countries, another serious word is considered.The extremely right black tide headed by her is ready to go. With the politicians, the politicians are linked to the domestic elections, and the European election drama next year, the differences between the north and the south, will collide more fiercely.

The author is a Taiwanese journalist and a doctor of sociology living in Italy