On May 9, under the world's attention, although the Kremlin had just been attacked by drones before, Russia still held a "Victory Day" military parade at the capital Moscow Red Square as scheduled.On the one hand, of course, the arrows have to be released on the string. After all, it has been prepared for a long time, and there are so many rubles of taxpayers. It is that the mule is that Ma always pulls out."Domineering President" Putin's consistent style.If the flags are stunned, where is the face of the strong country and the strong man?Putin's abacus naturally wants to use it to consolidate the people's hearts and encourage morale.However, this year's Red Square parade is relatively bleak, and the number and equipment have shrunk. Except for a few previous joining the Republic, there are no friendly countries to come to the show.The parade on May 9th became a unicorn of self -entertainment and self -entertainment. The old saying "gets more help, lost the way".

The frontline war is tight. Naturally, high -quality war resources must be put into the battlefield. In the "money, buying and drinking" of military parade, there is not much actual help to the battle. It must not invest too much valuable resources.Therefore, this year's visit to the soldiers is 10,000, the scale is small, and the military school students are the main. After all, even the regular army is not enough on the battlefield.The soldiers came to the red field to kick and call Ula?Weapons and equipment are also unprepared. Many of them are lacking old equipment, especially in the past, the stamping of the stunning steel floods in the past disappeared. Only one old T34 tank with a lonely tooth seemed to tell the world about the glorious light of the Soviet Red Army World War II.

After more than a year of war, most of the tank armored vehicles on the front line consumed most of them. In an online buzzword, "there is no more than food in the landlord's house!"In the past, there were no aerial teams in the parades of military parade, and it became a pure ground force display. It can be seen that the shadow of the drone is still lingering. Moreover, the front line also needs to throw an iron bomb on the front line;The logo, this time I have not shook the city, it seems to have converged a lot.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has caused it to be very isolated internationally. Even if it is an allies, they dare not publicly come to support.In addition to the large -scale officials of the country, Putin, which is the leaders of the former Republic of the former Republic, even if they are joining the Republic, there are hatreds, such as the Baltic Three Kingdoms, Georgia, and Ukraine, which are not at all;The scale is not even as good as 2015. Despite that year, Russia has been tense with Western relations because of an annexation of Crimea that year, and more than 20 leaders or government representatives at more than 20 countries attended.In just a few years, the scene is so deserted, making people sigh!

In a sound of "Ula", Putin delivered a speech that the theme was still defending the Ukrainian War that he launched by himself. Like last year's argument, he was still blame Ukraine officially "new Nazis".The Russian troops were inheriting the fine tradition of carrying forward the Soviet Red Army that year.It is just a sensational language that can't hide the facts of the iron -the "first shot" of the Russian and Ukraine War is undoubtedly the start of Russia, and the war was carried out in the Ukrainian territory.

Ukrainian President Zelezi, one day in advance, delivered a public speech and signed an order to change the so -called "Victory Day" to "European Day", incorporate the West, and the situation of tattooing Russia has become more and more obvious.EU Chairman Feng Delin also chose to visit Kiev on this special day, highlighting the firm support of EU countries for Ukraine.

Needless to doubt that during World War II, the Soviet Union made an indelible historical contribution to defeating fascist Germany. It was the main terminal of Nazi Germany.European liberator "-The" spiritual descendants "and" descendants "of the Soviet Red Army, but the invaders of other territories!The war in front of it was unfavorable, and the expected quick battle was decided to make a bubble. The pictures of the soldiers who were close to Kiev and captured Zeelianzki did not appear, and it became a long -lasting war.

In the final analysis, whether a country can win the respect of the world is not in the parade of the two ends and two ends, and shows various powerful murder weapons; in accordance with the historical trend, taking the road of peaceful development is the right way.The ancient Chinese saying "soldiers, weapons," "although the country is big, it will die", it is still enlightening today ’s world!

The author is a teacher in Yunnan, China