Source: United Daily

The Kuomintang 2024 presidential candidate is about to reveal the mystery. The "strongest candidate" in the party chairman Zhu Lilun's mouth is either a New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi or Hon Hai founder Guo Taiming.I have already written it, but I can't peek.Although Hou and Guo have put their unity with their mouths, the call mechanism is unclear. If the nomination is longer, the unity may become "a group of hearts"; in the end, it will be "the person of Zhu" or "the person of the candidate", which will determine the Kuomintang 2024 2024.It is a wave of waves or industry.

polls are the key factor in the nomination of the Kuomintang. Police investigation is a "statistics", which has many years of empirical experience. Both the validity or trust have a certain scientific basis.True public opinion, nominated candidates determined by scientific polls, theoretically closer to "candidates".

However, the announcement of polls is a "political science". Regardless of each other or comparison, absolutely leading or relative leadership, political calculations may be hidden during the execution of polls. The so -called polls may be scientific ""Investigation may also be" adjustment ", or even the" Zhu Xuanren "decided by the party's chairman.

There are two possibilities for poll results. The first is overwhelming victory. Regardless of Hou or Guo Da Sheng, if the poll results exceed the error range and the election situation is relatively simple.It will be cast aside by voters, and the selection and losses are not wise; the second is a complicated twist phenomenon.The two sides will have their own.The problem is that the Party Central Committee does not announce the internal ginseng polls. When the polls are "built", they will only be decided by the party's chairman or the often meeting. As a result, it may be variable.

Grasp the last month's sprint period, Guo Taiming has frequent actions. The major in Taiwan has also invited the Kuomintang legislators to dinner.Direct proposal requires Zhu Lilun to call for Guo Taiming to become a presidential candidate in 2024 to create an atmosphere of "local surrounding the central"; although the old god is in the parliament, he has "anti -kill" DPP members in the parliament,In private, it is difficult to hide the worries, and I am afraid that I will finally encounter the crazy dog waves and turn over the boat in the gutter. Jiang Genhuang, the standing member of the middle member of the Hou Hou, quickly returns to the country to defend.

The main attacking "Taiwan A Ming" blooms everywhere.; In the end, all kinds of polls and rumors are flying. As the party chairman Ke Wenzhe bluntly stated that Guo Taiming did not know the rules of the competition. He also went to participate in the competition. The Kuomintang should have clear competition rules, otherwise the world will be "chaos in the world."

The "chaos in the world" previewed by Ke Wenzhe is not groundless. In 2020, the Kuomintang, which had a good situation in 2020, was defeated by self -confidence. Many people were worried about historical repeats.According to the "Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation" polls, 40 % of Taiwanese people are not happy to see the DPP continue to govern, but it does not mean that the Taiwanese want to be governed by the Kuomintang."Zhu Xuan" or "candidate" must know where the public opinion is in order to become the strongest candidate for the blue camp.