Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Zhongshi Social Review

After the US fighter aircraft shot down the "spy balloon" (China known as the "stray balloon") incident, US -China relations have continued to bottom out, and high -level dialogue has been comprehensively interrupted.Blingken, Minister of Finance Yellen and Minister of Commerce Raymond, have expressed their willingness to visit mainland China. The Penta Building also arranged for the Minister of Defense Austin and the Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu in Singapore's "Shangri -La Dialogue" Asian Security Conference, but it did not haveSee Chinese response.Obviously, China has made up its mind to challenge the order of the United States and improve the leading position of the Chinese international community.

Bayeng government self -destruction fence

After a long -term zero -sum game confrontation, US -China relations have fallen into unprecedented tensions. The two major powers must end up the arguments in the first battle. Both sides have been harmed.risk.Last November of the "Worshiping Club" brought a line of dawn, but the balloon incident in February and Brinken Noodles canceled the visit to the mainland, coupled with a wave of high -tech control measures in the United States, and the construction of the global anti -Chinese alliance., Especially on the Taiwan issue, the warming up has caused US -China relations to be on the verge of cracking.

However, the United States and China understand the facts of mutual dependence on each other. "Comprehensive and ultimate confrontation" will only harm the major interests of both sides.According to the past interactive model, it is usually active by the United States with an advantageous status. China respects cooperation. This time, the president Biden personally appealed to appeal, and the relevant head responded warmly.The difference is that so far, the mainland government has responded calm, obviously its strategic assessment and overall interest considerations.

By the current political atmosphere of Washington's comprehensive anti -China and China, Biden, who has announced the re -election, cannot show weakness to China. His Ruyi abacus is to adhere to the exemplary route at the level of security, diplomacy, military, and ideology.The Indo -Pacific region and even the global hegemony position, and exploring the space for cooperation in the fields of economic and multinational threats, that is, competition but not decoupled.

Yellen is the very few "pigeon factions" among senior officials of Biden's government. She has always advocated establishing a constructive and fair economic relationship with China and discussing a frank issue for difficult issues.In fact, most of the US Treasury Secretary faces complex US -China relations with a positive and pragmatic attitude. Yellen also met with former Chinese Vice Premier Liu He and conducted a constructive discussion.Earlier this year, it was publicly expressed to visit mainland China, but due to the failure of balloon storms, it was reported that planning was in March with Raymond Doro visits, but it has not been able to do so far.

In many possible interviews, Broske's trip to China is of course the most indicator. He reiterated in an exclusive interview with the Washington Post that the United States hopes to re -establish a fixed communication channel at all levels of the United States and China;Being able to manage strategic competition responsibly, starting from bilateral exchanges and communication; he has repeated the importance of constructing the US -China relations guardrail, all of which need to go through both parties, but China has not yet been loosened so far.

Taiwan Strait Red Line hostile spiral

The US -China military confrontation in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Maritime has continued to rise, and the risk of conflict between misjudgments and accidents increased. It is even more important to strengthen military communication and risk management and control mechanism.The interrupted communication channels at all levels did not even answer the call from General Mili, the chairman of the joint meeting of Austin and the Staff of Staff.The latest development is that the Pentagram is arranging Aos to use the opportunity to use the "Shangri -La dialogue" in Singapore in June to meet with Li Shangfu, the new defense director of the mainland.The obstacles that must be excluded by the National Defense Minister.

Bynden government showed sincerity about restoring the communication and dialogue between the United States and the middle, but Beijing did not accept it in accordance with the order, representing the qualitative model that the United States had said in the past.Mainland Foreign Minister Qin Gang met with the United States Ambassador to China in Beijing on the 8th. On behalf of the China, the Chinese side intends to resume the call with the United States.Infurbro -accidents are required to "deeply reflect" and "properly handle Taiwan issues."

The mainland believes that the United States has said a set and a set on the issue of the reorganization of the world's power structure and Taiwan, claiming to be responsible for handling strategic competition in the United States and China, but it has been comprehensively curb, enclosures, and targets the mainland;It is necessary to install a guardrail to Sino -US relations, but the political foundation of the relationship between the two countries is actually destroyed, and the policy of blurring and emptying the Chinese China.

The United States and China not only lacks strategic mutual trust, but even reached the level of "strategic mutual doubt". It is difficult to fully restore the communication channels. The two parties must make a certain degree of compromise and concession. One of the key is the Taiwan issue. This is also this.China adheres to the red line that cannot be surpassed.The DPP government is the most likely to be a condition for the exchange of strategic competition in the United States and China. This is the consequences of the DPP governing and the political reality that the people of Taiwan must face.