King Charles III of Britain was officially crowned, and this "Non -sunset Empire" seemed a bit shabby.In addition to Britain, 14 former British colonies still retain Charles as monarchs and heads of state, but many of his ministers around the world are re -considered this arrangement.

Barbados became the Republic in 2021, and Jamaica also launched a similar constitutional reform process.Other countries may follow up.Why do I still keep a white old man who lives from thousands of miles away from Beriz to Tuwaru and other countries. As a nominal head of state?

It is difficult for Americans to understand why someone accepts hereditary ruler, or what is the value of pure etiquette positions.However, in some most developed countries in the world, the constitutional monarchy still exists and runs well.Before you abandon it, you should consider its significant benefits.

It is not necessary to start discussing from the constitutional monarchy: absolute monarchy, that is, the real power is in the hands of the king and the queen.There are eight countries, mainly countries with rich oil resources in the Middle East, and are still absolute monarchy countries.

The constitutional monarchy must also be distinguished from the republican government. In the Republican government, the head of state should be elected by the people, or the people's representatives in the parliament are elected.The head of state of the Republic is limited, and the monarchs usually serve for life.

This defines, the constitutional monarchy is not uncommon: there are still 34 countries, accounting for 18%of about 193 independent countries.

Measured by any standards, these are very successful groups, including most regions of the Scandinavia Peninsula, Japan, Bilu Economic Union countries, and Charles' territories in Australia, Canada and New Zealand.Essence

According to the Economist's Think Tank Democratic Index 2022, 10 of the top 20 democratic countries in the world are constitutional monarchy; nine of the 20 richest countries are constitutional monarchy.In the 10 most historic countries, eight of the Constitution stipulates the monarch.

The reason why the surviving monarchy system can be this is mainly because for a long time, they hand over power to the elected legislative council.The process of political reform began in the British Charter and began to use in most other countries in the 19th century.

When the monarch against the infringement of his own power, he often loses the throne -sometimes even loses his head.When they yielded, they became the Junjun, but also sent signals to the conservatives, indicating that their interests could be guaranteed.

The monarch also provides some form of political insurance that can be involved during the national crisis.A well -known example was King Huan Carlos I of Spain. He helped defeat the coup launched in 1981 in his name.He ordered the armed forces to return their military camps on television, even if he was communicating with the main generals alone, which helped prevent them from coordinated with each other.

The Crown of the Naitai series of dramas has a story, telling that Queen Elizabeth II intervention in Wilson was in Wilson, which changed her idea of Lord of the cousin Moriden to launch a coup to seize power.

However, as we all know, some so -called constitutional monarchs will teach soldiers to launch a coup in the country.Thai king Pumeng did not prevent military coup as King Carlos, but he acquiesced in 10 coup during his 70 -year rule.Sir John Kel, the Governor of Australia, who represented Queen Elizabeth, ordered overthrowing the elected Prime Minister Whitland in 1975 to incite a constitutional crisis.

In the process of granting the government system, the monarchs sometimes have four or two pounds to help political parties overcome the deadlock.In other crises, monarchs can serve as the focus of national resistance invaders.During World War II, King Hang VII Norwegian Norwegian refused to acknowledge the government of Nazi collaborator Vidkun Quisling, but chose to leave his country during the war.

The monarch can also protect ethnic minorities during the crisis.The constitutional monarchs of Morocco, Denmark, and Bulgaria attached great importance to the protection of their Jewish ministers during World War II.Morocco's king Mohammed V declined to abide by the order of Wish France to encircle Jewish during the war; King Denmark was said to wear yellow Jewish hexagonal stars.

In modern times, symbolic unity provided by the monarchy can limit the most problematic populist politics.Popularism incite home, such as Olban in Hungary, Erdogan, Turkey, and Kachinski in Poland. They usually claim to have a unique and almost mysterious connection with the "people".Elite's infringement, and turned their opponent demon into "the enemy of the people."However, this claim is invalid under the constitutional monarchy.Some people represent the people's work, which limits the symbolic force that anyone can accumulate.

Therefore, although Erdogan has shaped himself as a New Sudan, Venezuela's late leader Chavez likes to summon the heroic spirit of Lifetime President Bolivar, it is difficult to see that the dictatorship appears in the UK, Denmark or Norway, andConvincing.The closest person is a destructive leader like former British Prime Minister Johnson. He has been impatient with his chief consultant and insists on.

With the monarch on the top of the system, this statement has fallen.The global populist database data confirms this.Data show that there are less populist remarks in political speeches in constitutional states in political speeches.

Of course, the constitutional monarch is a hell -like job.In a sense, the constitutional monarch is a prisoner of society. He only plays a etiquette role. He cuts ribbon and delivered a bland speech all day. Every move is dissected for entertainment.No wonder some royal members withdrew from the family business: just like Prince Harry, Princess Japanese Princess gave up the title in 2021, and Prince Yoshim of Denmark recently fled to the United States.

When the buyer and others are considering whether to give up the royal family like Harry, it is best to consider why the constitutional monarchy is still so successful in the 21st century.King Charles may seem to be a residue of an ancient system, and there is no doubt that his territory will shrink in the next few years.But it will not disappear, and for the rest of his subjects, this may be a very good thing.

Author Tom Ginsburg is a professor of international law at the University of Chicago

Professor of Political Science and Research Professor of the American Lawyers Foundation

English Original: Long Live the KingS and Queens

All rights reserved: Project syndicate, 2023.