The end of the

The end of the crown disease is finally confirmed and announced from the world's authoritative health institution, the World Health Organization (WHO).

On May 5th, the Director -General Tan Desai said at a press conference held in Geneva that he accepted the proposal of the 15th meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) the 15th meeting of the crown disease and the annuity of the crown disease.Urban public health events that constitute international attention.But he also emphasized that this does not mean that coronal virus is no longer a global hygiene threat.

From January 30, 2020, WHO announced the pneumonia epidemic of new coronary virus infection, constituting an internationally concerned public health incident. By May 5, 2023, WHO announced the end of the epidemic.Many months, 1191 days.Everyone in the world has experienced too many pain and suffering, too many life and death, too many sadness and tragedy, too many family ruins, too many blurred and confusing, too many frustrations cannot be all day.And too much economic losses ...

This protracted epidemic and disaster has changed the trajectory and future of too many people, or more or less the historical process and direction of China and the world.

Today, all this is finally over, and the suffering is finally in the end. Although the virus will stay in the world and nature, and it has been accompanied by humans for a long time, it can be said that the crown disease is like the past.Wind.

In this big disaster, the total number of crown deaths officially recorded in WHO is close to 7 million, but Tan Desai said: "We know that the actual death is much higher, at least 20 million."

In New York in the United States, about a quarter of residents, that is, about 2 million people have lost at least one loved ones, close friends, neighbors or colleagues; more than one -tenth of New Yorks, almost 900,000 residents have lost three.The above relatives and friends.

The total global economy of more than three years of crown disease is as high as trillions of dollars, and a large number of enterprises and institutions have closed down. Hundreds of millions of people have unemployment, and millions of people have fallen into poverty.

The crown disease of more than three years has also "exposed the political fault within the country and the country, eroding the trust between the people, the government, and institutions."The role".

The crown disease epidemic has also severely disturbed the health systems of various countries. Millions of people cannot obtain basic health services, including children who fail to vaccinate their lives that can save their lives.

Fortunately, global scientists, civil agencies, owners and government agencies have invested huge forces to fight against the epidemic. This disaster has been ended through the development of vaccines, drugs, epidemiological prevention and social control.

So far, 13.1 billion doses of coronary vaccine have been vaccinated worldwide, 89%of health workers and 81%of the elderly (over 60 years old) have completed basic immunity.In addition, major progress has also been made in other aspects in the struggle with the epidemic, such as formulating effective medical countermeasures; global technical forces in the construction of genome sequencing and genome epidemiology; understanding and establishing the epidemic information management, release, tracking, coordination, coordination, coordination, coordination, coordination, and coordination of the information age.Essence

The end of the epidemic relies on scientific and technological power and the entire people's efforts. However, the natural immunity that humans have obtained since evolution have also played a huge role, that is, through natural illness, they can build a strong group immune barrier, block and resist and resistThe virus, or the pathogen is returned to the original shape.

On December 7, 2022, China issued ten epidemic prevention to reduce the scope of nucleic acid detection. It is no longer required for cross -regional personnel to request nucleic acid negative proof and health code.It is this measure that allowed 80%to 90%of people to experience infection within two or three weeks. In addition, the previously wide vaccine vaccination was established to build and build a strong group immune barrier.The cost, but it can effectively stop the crown disease.

Tan Desai pointed out that the crown disease epidemic has "left deep scars for the world" and "these scars must permanently remind people that the new virus may occur and bring destructive consequences."

Of course, the epidemic will be forced to mourn today and future generations, but if you are mourning, you will also make future generations sorrowful.There are many issues and things that need to be reflected, including the tracking of pathogen, social prevention and control of epidemic conditions, transmission of information, investment in scientific and technological power (vaccine and drug research and development), and whether you respect and borrow the strong immunity inherent and biological.Human beings have the knowledge, experience, technology and organizational management capabilities that fight against epidemic for thousands of years.

More importantly, this epidemic also reflects that whether it is within a country or between the international, it shows lackThe consequences are magnified several times or even dozens of times.

Three years of crown disease, which also explicitly shows a principle for humans. The virus cannot be eliminated and cannot be prevented. It can get group immunity by relying on vaccines and natural illnesses.Effective way of disease.

The epidemic has ended, the fireworks on earth returns normally, and the charm of crown disease no longer endangers humans.During the May 1st period, the Chinese played entertainment. It seemed to make up for everything that was lost in three years. A total of 274 million people nationwide, domestic tourism revenue of 148 billion yuan (about S $ 28.4 billion), a year -on -year increase of growth, year -on -year growth128.9%.

Crown disease leaves huge scars on the world. Only by not forgetting scars and painful thoughts, will you cherish the days of the world, treat the fireworks on earth, enjoy all the good tastes of the world, and live a good life!

The author is Beijing scholar