A friend who had worked for 26 years in Shell gave me a book that she recently published.After graduating from the Beijing Academy of Foreign Languages in 1989, she first worked at the engineering company under the Ministry of Chemical Engineering of China. Later, she was "digged" by Shell. In 1995, she became the first public affairs commissioner of Shell in China.

In the

Lunar year, she served as 12 different positions in Shell Company in China, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Singapore.This book is not purely a memoir of a person, but from the perspective of a deep public relations person, through her public relations career in the multinational company, she summarizes the experience of individuals and companies in responding to different public communication.There are stories and theoretical and methods in the book. Each chapter also lists reference materials.

I flipped up before going to bed at night, and I knew that my friend served because my father was in the army. After childhood, I lived with my parents in Xinjiang. I went to Jiangxi to go to middle school and then went to Beijing to go to college.

She went to work in Singapore in 2012, and I met her about her work dinner in 2013.During the outbreak in 2020, she officially became a citizen of Singapore.She and her family lived in other countries. After careful consideration, I finally decided to use Singapore as home.She said that Singapore is a gathering point for east and west culture, and life is suitable and comfortable here.Although the country is small, it is very international.Safe and good governance have benefited them; at the same time, they feel that they can integrate into this society and are willing to pay here.

High -quality migrants like her are not the same as those who have planned through expertise or investing in immigration.

Like getting married after a period of love, she has a process of understanding and recognition of the island country society. From her perspective, she can see the advantages of Singapore, and she must also see the shortcomings of Singapore.She and her family weighted it, eventually made solemn decisions, replaced their nationality, and changed the relationship with this land.In addition, she also sincerely prepares to do something for this place to let herself participate in this society deeper.

I think there are no shortage of people in our society, but do society open their arms to welcome them?

The fact is that the attitude of society on these religators is becoming more and more complicated. When discussing the topics related to them, the first is to treat them as a overall foreign group, and they often tend to "generalize" instead ofThey put them on a spectrum, look at different individuals more detailed and specific, and understand their different mentality; second, people will naturally look at them from their own interests in the face of outsiders who intervene in their own lives.EssenceOn the one hand, these migrators may compete with the locals in the workplace. On the one hand, the culture is different from the Singaporeans. In addition, in recent years, the economic conditions of this part of the migrant are generally more superior and consumer capacity than those earlier.Higher, so the local people's reactions are even stronger.

Social media focuses on the parts of negative and contradictory. After rapid dissemination, the public is more likely to produce emotional emotions.In addition, some political parties and opinion leaders expressed their dissatisfaction with the people who represent dissatisfaction in order to "reflect the people's sentiment", and further enlarged the causes of these dissatisfaction and causing confrontation.In order to restore the emotions of the people, the governors adjust their policies on the one hand and highlight "different inside and outside." On the other hand, they persuade the public to accept them.Because people feel that their own interests are damaged, what the governor does is to "benefit", emphasizing that these high -quality migrants can create higher economic value to society.

When launching policies to attract high -quality or strong relocities, they also encounter similar difficulties: the country needs it, and the public is unwilling, because this process will indeed have problems such as benefits.But my understanding is that, from the perspective of population replacement or the expansion of the talent pool, Singapore is more needed than many other cities, which is very important for future development.

Because of this, Singapore's DNA is originally open and diverse, and has always benefited from such a tradition.At the moment of geopolitics leading to the chaos in the world, Singapore has an advantage and has become a destination that more relocators are willing to choose. It is more active and aggressive.If the government can get better support and solicit more talents, the public also shows self -confidence to accept the relocate, and use this opportunity to make better Singapore.Their arrival can not only appreciate economic development, but also enrich our society's stories and make our society more diverse.

The friend told me that if she needed to work, such as something for the Chinese learning environment in Singapore, she was happy.

I answered it without thinking. With her work experience, she can talk to other Singapore communities to talk about public relations issues in Chinese business in English, and use Chinese and local SMEs to share the professional concepts of public relations.She is now joining the World Energy Council and is responsible for Asian affairs. She can also use Chinese and SMEs to tell the current popular environment, social and governance (ESG) subject.

She can also share the vision of bilingual people with students to tell the life experience of a relocator.

The author is the president of the Chinese Media Group