Source: Taiwan Wangbao

Wangbao Society Review

Establishing a "guardrail" is one of the important goals of Bayeng Government's Chinese policy. I hope to avoid conflicts caused by the out of control of strategic competition. Last November, the Xi -worship meeting brought dawn to the establishment of a guardrail, but the latest signs showed that this effort was almost nearFailure means that the two sides will drag a car on the road of confrontation, and the risk of conflicts will increase.In the center of the Storm, how to "hedging" will be the primary challenge, but the DPP government has only slogans. Without action, the risk of the Taiwan Strait will only be higher and will not decrease.

China Refuses the United States talks

Sino -US relations have deteriorated. U.S. Secretary of State Brillin, Minister of Defense Austin, and Treasury Minister Yellen hopes to restore contact and communication with mainland China through media appeals and implement Sino -US relations fences.Not only did it actually reject the demands of the Biden government, but also showed the determination and strength of China in the international community with specific actions in the international community. It is difficult for Sino -US relations to turn around in the short term.

Sino -US relations have a context. In February this year, the United States shot down to the Chinese balloon that floats over the sky. Brincken has therefore canceled the visit to the mainland. In early April, South Korea and others to strengthen military exercises and cooperation. Taiwan issues have a trend of "internationalization", which has led to a stronger position in China.

During the March of the China Congress (National People's Congress and the CPPCC Annual Meeting), Chinese President Xi Jinping criticized the United States for the first time, saying that "Western countries led by the United States have implemented a full range of containment, enclosure, and targeting.Singapore's development has brought unprecedented severe challenges ", representing the sharp shift of Chinese strategies on the United States.Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang went on to say that China and the United States are currently malicious confrontation, and no matter how many guardrails can't stop the derailment and rollover, they will be caught in conflict confrontation., I can't scold them ", but this cannot be done.

The United States will jointly sacrifice investment restrictions on Chinese technology companies with the Seven Kingdoms (G7); South Korean President Yin Xiyue stated that Taiwan's issue is not a problem between cross -strait, but a global issue similar to the Korean Peninsula;Bollyi, a senior representative of EU diplomacy and security policy, called on the European countries that the European countries should patrol the Taiwan Strait normally. A series of global anti -China operations dominated by the United States worsen Sino -US relations and accelerate the way home.

Taiwan Strait misjudge risk drama ascension

Qin Gang pointed out on the 21st that it is not mainland China to destroy international rules, unilaterally changes the status quo, and destroy the stability of the Taiwan Strait, but the "Taiwan independence" division forces and a few countries trying to use "Taiwan independence".The core of the core of China is not ambiguous in a Chinese principle; whoever wants to act on China's sovereignty security will never give up.China and the United States fight against sharpness and internationalization of Taiwan. There is no room for compromise in Beijing. It is destined that the guardrails that the United States seek to establish will die.

In response to the United States step by step, mainland China takes three moves to counter the United States: First, with China -Russia cooperation as the core, dividing Western anti -China forces; 2. Integrating important developments in China to leave the influence of the United States; 3. "Promote promotionAnd the image of "shaping the peaceful creator.In response to Taiwan, the former American House of Representatives Perlis visited Taiwan and Cai Mai's opportunity to launch the island and Taiwan military exercises, and deterred Western countries. Investigating trade barriers to Taiwan ’s 2455 products was to Taiwan.Part of the Gray Zone Strategy.

According to the Taiwan issue announced by the mainland last year, the overall strategy of solving the Taiwan problem in the new era of the new era of China and the new era of the new era is still the highest principle of peace and reunification;It will not attack Taiwan. It seems that neither China and the United States do not think that the war is imminent, but the US military confrontation has risen.Risk must be rising, and how to avoid risks has become a common challenge for all parties.

Tsai Ing -wen is in power, Taiwan is safely delivered to the United States, and there are only suspicion and hostility between the two sides of the strait. The DPP nominated the presidential candidate Lai Qingde and shouted "Peace to protect the Taiwan", throwing "understanding, understanding, understanding and reconciliation", but the two sides of the straitThe lack of communication channels, the risk control and crisis treatment mechanism disappear, and the slogan of shouting is meaningless.