Recently, there is a hot search, and after reading it for a long time.It is a netizen. Her dad likes to share things in the family, but often encounters the embarrassment of the cold field, and finally chose to exit the family group.The declaration of refund is: A relative is a small group who shares the feelings of joy and sorrow. No one pays attention to praise and communication. This group does not have the meaning of existence.

My daughter thinks that my father is cool, so I shared it with netizens. You see, young people also have the desire to share.This incident has caused a lot of netizens to resonate. Some netizens think that this father is cute, and some netizens' experience does not respond, but it really responds.Indeed, there are all kinds of life, and everyone is different. The group has the scriptures that are not very good. Of course, we cannot ask all netizens to have a consistent view and choice.

After looking closely, there are not many people in this so -called family group. There are only 8 people. They should be relatively close. Perhaps it is more suitable for family groups.The last sharing of this dad is a bottle of 28 years old wine. He also took a close -up of the bottle with a close -up of 19960427 (virtual age 28). There are a few simple dishes behind the bottle.It's bean sprouts.

Extreme life, this is the father and mother of most of us.We feel that it is not unusual, but in their perspectives, there are always desire to restrain it.However, sharing desire is a good thing.Want to share and love to share, indicating that a person is full of love for life, and also wants to pass his joy to the closest person.Although such people, although they are old, they often have better energy and easy to get along.

For this dad, since it is impossible to change others, it is also good to change yourself, retreat, and follow your heart.Just as children and loved ones, we seem to be able to feel something from such things, then cherish, or change.

Frankly speaking, seeing this hot search, my heart is stunned.My father is also a person who loves to share. The flower on the road is blooming. He will take a look at it; the persimmons in the yard are red, and he will shoot a video to show off; or who neighbors do a happy event, and he will also take a happy event, he will also shootThe lively scenes shared the joy of other people's family.Does the father really like it?It may be just a kind of seeing and knowing.

Of course, someone will ask, if you respond to respond, to comfort your parents and elders deliberately make a praise and communication posture, is this a cope and really meaning?

Yes, how many meaning in life is.In life, there are many things that are greater than meaning, and you can't say that these forms are not important or needed.

Recently, I have been busy preparing for the wedding related matters, just a wedding day, and I have communicated with the family on both sides many times.In my opinion, as long as the weather is good, everyone is more convenient that day, isn't it a good day?But parents don't think they can do it, always find a gentleman.Many rituals are actually a form, but it often carries our social relationships and emotions, so it becomes meaningful mdash; mdash; is not a substantial meaning, but it is a spiritual meaning.

The daily communication with parents is full of these necessary forms.I call with my parents every week. The first sentence at the beginning must be to eat, and then there must be a sentence of the family. These are all stylized things. When I asked, and my parents asked these questions, they were allWithout a answer that we must want, we just want to ask, seeking a feeling of present.

Many times, the sharing of the other party is not to let everyone discuss with him seriously, but to make a voice so that he feels that someone is there, and he will be content.

The family members are not just a communication tool that is interconnected, but also not just who has something to do. In addition to the information function, it also carries emotional functions.At present, the material life of many families is very abundant. Parents' food and clothing are not a problem, but we may ignore mental pension.

Using modern scientific and technological means, some people can monitor their hometown. You can communicate with parents in the distance through the connection of your mobile phone. You can turn on your mobile phone at any time to look at the door. This is also trying to create a sense of presence.In your life, I am present. This is important and important to anyone.They can withdraw from the group, this is not a big deal, but we cannot completely withdraw from their lives.

Xu Fei sang in the prose poem written by his father. After decades, I watched tears, but my father was so old like an old newspaper.This old newspaper requires people to read.It's best to take advantage of it now.