Source: China Youth Daily

Author: Tu Doo 绒

"The leader sent me 23 long voice after get off work". A few days ago, a simple vomiting triggered a lot of resonance on the Internet and was quickly pushed into hot search.Many netizens said that they have encountered similar experiences, and some netizens supported this situation to share how to make the leader not find his own "skills" after get off work.All in all, on the one hand, everyone feels the same phenomenon, on the one hand, and on the other hand, there are a lot of words to say.

Only a few chat screenshots can not be completely explained to the facts, and we are not even sure if this is true.However, netizens' reactions are real.People pay attention to and discuss a network information enthusiastically because everyone "worked hard for a long time.""Work must have a sense of boundaries" "The first moment of seeing these voice is masked" ... In this incident, people who ignite the public's emotions on the one hand are people's aversion to overtime, and on the other handRenewal of information.

The spread of information on the Internet is becoming more and more convenient, and the boundary between work and life is becoming more and more blurred.Overtime, in the past, it meant a specific scene -office, a specific reason -a certain job was not completed.Now, the Internet and the ubiquitous instant communication system are tightly binding people and work together.The information prompt sounded anytime, anywhere, wakes "fighting workers" from the meal, from the party, or even from the sleep, and instantly pulls into the working state.And when you handle these work information in a hurry, the leader said: Just return to WeChat, is it considered overtime?

Not long ago, a case reported by the media made many office workers cheer.Ms. Li of a technology company said that she had worked for more than 500 hours of get off work time, resting day and statutory holidays. She asked the company to pay the relevant costs and provided a screenshot of chat records, schedules and nail punch records.After the second instance of the court, it was believed that for the use of social media such as WeChat to carry out work, if workers used social media to carry out the work of social media at non -working hours, it has exceeded the category of general simple communication.If you have periodic and fixed characteristics, you should obviously occupy the rest time of the worker, and should be determined to be overtime.This verdict was interpreted by public opinion as "staring at WeChat after get off work is also considered overtime."

In fact, Ms. Li's situation is very particular.On the one hand, Ms. Li had been fired at the time, so she had no worries when she was struggling to work overtime.On the other hand, the company has advocated that Ms. Li implements an irregular work system, and the court believes that the enterprise must be approved by the labor security department.This dispute has become an important weight that affects the judgment.Therefore, for most people, Ms. Li's experience is not of reference significance.

From another perspective, people's resistance to overtime may not be disgusted work itself, but hate "invalid overtime" and hate the feeling of not being respected.As this hot search tells, the leadership issued 23 voice, just to transmit files, neither urgent nor important, why not deal with working hours?Such a "voice bombing" will only make employees feel that their time is "worthless" and can be splurked by leaders at will.This feeling is more frustrating than overtime itself.

Is it possible to not work overtime if "fighting workers"?The answer to this question may be very complicated.In some cases, people are completely likely to actively work overtime with enthusiasm; in other circumstances, people are exhausted because they work overtime, and they can't "break one by one" with work.Overtime or not overtime, not just whether the workers have the right to choose, but also the significance of overtime -whether it is valid or unscrupulous.In any case, strictly abide by the labor law and respect the workers, it is the "bonus item" of an employer, which also reflects the management wisdom of the manager.If you do not respect the workers, the time of leaving employees at will will inevitably ignite their enthusiasm for work, and unnecessary consumption of the development momentum of a company.