Taiwan is a tourist destination that many local Chinese like.In addition to the South China cultural background, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the folk customs are simple, and the price is relatively low, which is a place that attracts locals.Now Singapore's currency is strong, and even those who travel to Japan are cheap, and Taiwan is cheaper.In addition to the beautiful scenery, the clean and clean environment is also a big advantage.

However, when I chatted with friends who had lived in Taiwan for a long time, I learned that Taiwan had been messy before.According to his memories, it seemed to start cleaning after the 1990s.What made Taiwan clean?In particular, Taiwan may be "another clean" compared to Singapore.That is, the cleanliness of Singapore is to maintain it by the huge number of foreign cleaners; the health of Taiwan is similar to Japan, which is largely completed by individuals' conscious maintenance.For example, before going to bed every day, we threw the garbage directly from the home or the central garbage groove. When traveling in Japan, we were troubled by that complicated garbage classification.Of course, Singapore is very clean, but what will the environment look like if there is no cleaner and the environment?

The modern development of Taiwan began in the era of Japanese occupation.Of course, the atrocities of Japanese occupation in Taiwan are another issue.According to statistics from academic circles, in 1895, for the Taiwan Boxing Army, the Japanese war killed 164, but there were 4,642 deaths of various types of diseases, and there were more people who were hospitalized in serious illnesses.In order to strengthen colonial rule, Japan also brought public health concepts and basic mass medical systems to Taiwan. Not only did they promulgate more than 500 pages of Taiwan health regulations in 1900, but for clean water sources and environmental sanitation, they also started from the government level.Pay attention to.It can be said that in many aspects, this was in front of China that was still turbulent.

It is worth noting that the early Taiwan's health management was solved by the police and other powerful corrections, which was affected by Germany.In general, there are two major genres to maintain the modern concepts of public health. One is that Britain, the United States and other countries emphasize local and communityism; the other is that Germany and the law adopt government compulsory control.Japan walked in the latter in the early years, and later moved to communityism; after the war, Japan was probably affected by the United States.

Touring the roots, the concept of public health is not available since ancient times, but a product of modernization.The direct source of modern civilization -Europe, the urban sanitation of the Middle Ages is actually extremely bad.However, with the research and strong appeal of Sir Edwin Chadwick, the pioneer of the modern public health movement, Britain passed the Public Health Act in 1848 in 1848 to vigorously promote the sewer and clean up the garbage.Reduce the epidemic of epidemic.Since then, other European countries have followed up, coupled with the advancement of microorganisms and medical research, advanced countries have begun to incorporate personal hygiene into the system of national education.

Therefore, many Europeans came to Asia in the early 20th century. The biggest impression of the Far East society that was still in the predecessor was still the environment.Especially in the environment of Chinese miscellaneous places in Shanghai, the huge contrast between the concession and the Huajie in hygiene, deepening the stereotypes of the sanitation of Chinese people who do not love Chinese people, have also become a hotbed for racial discrimination and ethnicism.However, the real reason after the contrast is the difference in the pace of modernization.

Looking back, you can find that the friend's intuitive impression is very accurate.When I went to the Taipei country to check the files a month ago, even if the cigarettes, which were rare, were clean, but this was not the case 40 years ago.At that time, Taiwan was discharged from industrial wastewater and the direct discharge of sewage in animal husbandry, which made many river pollution very serious.It was not until the peak of severe pollution in the river in 2003, and the environment of Taiwan has improved year by year.

In addition to the continuous growth of Taiwan's economy, the government has more financial and material resources to promote environmental protection. Since the late 1980s, many environmental protection groups have been established. Intellectuals have vigorously introduced the advanced concept of international environmentalism.Long -term publicity and advancement, and even fighting, the awareness of hygiene at the grassroots level is increasingly awakened.By the mid -1990s, under the guidance of the policy of Taipei and other metropolitan regions, qualitative changes have occurred.This process from the intellectual community to the awakening of the general people is exactly what Singaporea lacks.

Remember that during the epidemic, the local ox cart water was messy.But the dirty there should be perennial phenomena, especially in the food court area.This may of course be due to too many foreign tourists and neglected management, but the locals have not developed a particularly good hygienic habit, and it is also difficult to blame.

For example, when we go to Taiwan or Japan, the trash can not be everywhere in Singapore.Locals are often used to bringing garbage home, which is also a strong social habit.In Japan, people pay attention to developing good hygiene habits from an early age. From the kindergarten, they have learned to learn fine garbage classification and cleaning classrooms and even toilets, coupled with a good atmosphere formed by the entire society, so they have a benign personal hygiene consciousness.

In Singapore, everything is treated with foreign guest workers. When many families and maids are cleaned, how to develop truly conscious public health awareness, I am afraid it is a lot of challenges.

The author is a literary and historical worker, religious researcher