Source: Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times

Industrial and Commercial Society

For a long time, Taiwan has been based on Guoan and limited the import of 20%of mainland items. This system that conflicts the WTO (WTO) has recently been challenged by mainland China. According to its laws and regulations, the mainland has launched a trade barriers to Taiwan.More than 2,000 products imported from the mainland have faced open pressures that have never been seen before.

For this long -established problem, Taiwan has always taken the Ruyi abacus, thinking that the mainland does not want to make cross -strait affairs internationalization, so as not to follow the WTO dispute resolution mechanism.Trade barriers to trade barriers to foreign trade barriers are forced to face this problem like anti -dumping and anti -subsidy. This can not only solve the obstacles of their exports, but also not cause the cross -strait problems to be internationalized.

In fact, Taiwan is not the first case of the mainland trade barriers. In the past, they also launched this survey on Japan and the United States, and they also made a judgment.Take Japan as an example. In 2004, the Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland on the Japanese government restricted the input of laver in the Japanese government's production system and launched a trade barriers to investigate.Subsequently, China and Japan held three rounds of consultation to improve in Japan and issued a bulletin in the following year. After the restrictions on land on the land, the mainland also ended the survey.

From this we can see that the purpose of this trade barriers is to solve the obstacles facing their exports. Trade retaliation is not the focus. In the future, the land side comes to Taiwan to investigate.This consultation is obviously one way on both sides, and it is impossible to resort to the WTO dispute resolution mechanism.Faced with the investigation of this trade barriers of the land, we should study Japan and think about the response from the economic and trade perspective. There is no need to notify us to conduct the investigation because the mainland follows the WTO delegation.Negotiations with us.

According to the WTO regulations, the notification is notification, negotiation is negotiation, and there is no necessary causal relationship between the two.And asking for consultation, obviously Lu Fang did not do so.Furthermore, the mainland's unwilling to make cross -strait affairs international research and judgment. This survey cannot be offensive and defensive under the WTO structure. We are looking forward to negotiating under the WTO structure.In response to the reason, the researchers came to the concludes of this crisis.

It is worth noting that, in addition to facing trade barriers to investigation, Taiwan is currently signed by the Economic Cooperation Architecture Agreement (ECFA) signed by Cross Straits in 2010, and more than 500 "early collection lists" are also shaking.A few days ago, a legislator asked the MAC. Qiu Tai San, the chairman of the MAC, said that the trade barriers were not directly related to ECFA. Since the implementation of the ECFA, it will be beneficial to both sides of the strait.

The third chairman Qiu said is right. Since the list of early collection in 2011 has taken effect, because I have lost more than 500 to enjoy zero tariffs, Lu also enjoyed more than 200 tariffs on Taiwan exports. In the past 12 years (2011 (2011 2011 (2011~ 2022) It does save a lot of costs for the industry, which is naturally beneficial to both sides of the strait. However, according to statistics from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the tariff reduction and exemption that we enjoy in the past 12 years is as high as US $ 9.4 billion.It is good, but the tax reduction scale enjoyed by Taiwan is more than nine times that of the land side. It is self -evident who ECFA is more beneficial to who ECFA is.

It is noted that the zero tariff treatment of the early collection list is based on the premise of the cross -strait service trade agreement and the cargo and trade agreement (the tariffs of most products are reduced to zero; Substantially All the Trade).However, in 2014, the Cross -Strait Service and Trade Agreement was in the Democratic Progressive Party Cup in the Legislative Yuan, and then set off a magnificent Sunflower Study Games.At this point, the judgment of the early collection list is not in line with the WTO. As long as the two sides of the strait notify the WTO, it will fail.Naturally, we do not want it to fail, but in recent years, cross -strait relations have been so nervous, and the possibility of notifying the WTO on the other side is naturally greatly improved. In particular, after the suspension, the loss of land for the land is only one -nineth of Taiwan. For them, for them, it is for them.There is no worries.

Some people may ask: How much is the export amount of the list early and the total ratio of the total export of the mainland?Is it really serious?According to the information of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the amount of land -in -landing of the list in 2021 was $ 25.2 billion, accounting for 20%of the total exports to the mainland, and this ratio in 2022 still reached 17%.It can be seen that if the ECFA is suspended, the impact on my exports is extremely considerable.

We believe that the reason why the cross -strait situation has been so open in recent years is that the governors should have the greatest responsibility. The governors can have their own beliefs, but they should still take the premise of safeguarding the interests and happiness of 23 million people in Taiwan.In the case of cross -strait trade, investment, and employment exchanges such close exchanges, if the two sides of the strait continue to oppose, in addition to the trade barriers investigation, the challenges of ECFA earlier lists have come.Over the above us, the decision -making official must not help but notice.