Source: Surging News

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Minister of Natural Resources Wang Guanghua announced on April 25 at the National Natural Resources and Real Estate Registration Working Conference on Natural Resources and Real Estate. China has fully registered for real estate.

This means that after ten years of hard work, from scattered to unification, from urban houses to rural homesteads, from real estate to natural resources, covering all land spaces, and the unified registered registered registered system that covers all non -moving product rights.

China takes the Civil Code as the lead, with the temporary regulations of real estate registration as the core, and the unified registered registration system system with supporting support is based on implementation rules, operating norms, local regulations, etc.

Uniform registration of real estate to find out the "family bottom" of the real estate

Li Yujia, chief researcher at the Guangdong Housing Policy Research Center, pointed out that the first significance of carrying out unified registered real estate is to implement the property law of real estate transactions, and protect the legitimate property rights of the property rights.The fragmented information of the non -motion of production is to find out the "bottom of the family" of the real estate, providing basic data for policy formulation and implementation, and improving the efficiency and level of government governance.The biggest significance of the unified registration of real estate is to provide the foundation for the public finances of modern countries, and to lay the foundation for China's future tax reform.

The middle finger research institute pointed out that in the early days of Chinese land, grasslands, forests and other types of real estate, there were corresponding registration systems and certificates standards, and it was easy to cause problems such as complicated management and disputes over property rights.As early as the Property Law promulgated in 2007, the unified registered registration system for real estate was proposed.

In March 2013, the State Council ’s institutional reform and functional transformation plan proposed“ strengthening the construction of basic systems and establishing a unified registered registration system for real estate ”. In November of the same yearPut forward the "four unified" reform tasks of unified registration agencies, unified registration books, unified registration basis and unified information platform.

In 2016, the official website of the Ministry of Land and Resources issued the implementation rules of the Interim Regulations on Real Estate Registration, marking that the unified registered registration system of real estate began to implement a comprehensive implementation.In 2018, the Ministry of Natural Resources announced that the basic platform of real estate registration information management has achieved the national network.

Jia Kang, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences and the founding dean of Huaxia New Supply Economics Research Institute, pointed out that the unified registration of real estate is clearly clear before. Now the official officially announced that China has fully realized the unified registered real estate registered.From the perspective of official information, there is no connection to specific reform management.

Jia Kang believes that from the perspective of the state's modernization governance, the unified registered work of the real estate is not possible to do the basic work. In terms of policy optimization, promotion of reform, and management regulation, we need to comprehensively and truly grasp the situation.

What is the relationship with real estate tax

What is the relationship between the unified registration of real estate nationwide and real estate tax?

Jia Kang mentioned that it is undoubtedly the support of the real estate unified registration from logically to the future promotion of real estate tax reform from the support of real information.The actions of tax reform can only wait for the official implementation plan.

Chen Wenjing, director of the market research director of the middle finger research institute, mentioned that the pre -conditions for levying real estate tax include the unified registration of real estate in the country and the National Internet of China.The prerequisite conditions are further improved.However, from the perspective of the current real estate market, the national real estate market has been repaired in the first quarter. The recovery of supply -side indicators such as development investment and new construction is still weak, and the effect of real estate's drag on macroeconomics is still there.Since April, the new house market is insufficient. According to the China Independent data, the turnover area of the new house in 50 cities has decreased by about 20%from March.Policy support is not a suitable time for real estate tax pilots.

From the perspective of Chen Jie, director of the Housing and Urban -Rural Development Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University, there is no major inevitable relationship between the realization of unified real estate registration and the opening of real estate tax at present.Real estate tax is a local tax. Previously, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress authorized the State Council to carry out the pilot work of real estate tax reform in some regions. The unified registration of real estate was not completely residential, but a unified registered registered registered registration system that covered all non -moving product rights.Interpretation.It can only be said that unified real estate registration is a technical support levied in the future real estate tax. As for when the real estate tax is done, it is necessary to comprehensively consume multiple conditions, including the market environment, institutional support, and public recognition.

Zhao Xiuchi, a researcher at the Institute of Economic Development of the University of Capital and Trade, and the vice president and secretary -general of the Beijing Real Estate Law Society, believes that it is the general trend to fully realize the unified registration of real estate, providing the foundation for comprehensively and fully grasping real estate information and scientific decision -making.It also provides conditions for the collection of existing real estate tax.However, at present, the real estate market is also needed to adopt many policies to support the property market to promote the recovery of the property market and achieve a virtuous circle.It is not advisable to increase taxes at present, but should be exempted from taxation.Whether it is levied and how much will be levied in the future, it should also be considered from the perspective of the entire real estate tax burden. In general, with the land transfer fee, the tax burden of the entire real estate is not light, and the tax burden should not be increased.

What are the relationships with the people?

In addition to real estate tax, what other relationships have real estate registration and the people?

According to the China Economic Network, after the real estate registration work is completed, citizens do not need to run in multiple places, and they can inquire in one step at the designated office place to avoid cross or conflict in property rights.The unified registration of real estate is the basis of a series of major reforms. For example, it gives farmers more property rights, protects farmers' house sites, and establishes a unified urban and rural construction land market and collective operating land "farmland entering the market".

In addition, many people hope that real estate registration can curb official corruption.The above -mentioned reports of the China Economic Net quoted experts saying that although the original intention of the unified registered registered real estate was not aimed at anti -corruption, if the judicial organs and disciplinary inspection and supervision organs were inquired in accordance with the law, they can indeed quickly query all real estate under the name of people -oriented.This will detergue corruption officials.