Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

Li Jiachao, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, led five directors and 83 Legislative Council members to complete the four -day Dawan Area inspection and returned to Hong Kong.Hong Kong integrates into the overall situation of national development. The Greater Bay Area is an important entry point.This time is the Greater Bay Area Inspection Troupe, which has the highest specifications and largest specifications in the SAR, has positive significance for deepening the understanding and contact of other cities in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.The most important thing for Hong Kong to participate in the construction of the Greater Bay Area is to correct the mentality, should not expand themselves, nor should they be self -evident.In the past 10 years, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Foshan, Guangzhou and other places have developed rapidly. Of course, other people's successful experience is worth learning from Hong Kong; at the same time, members of the SAR officials must recognize Hong Kong's roles, positioning and strengths, and moreThe overall development of the district, think about complementary division of labor, avoiding the ability or Dongzhi.

Complex and win -win correction mentality

Hong Kong does not need to be arrogant

The official investigation of the Greater Bay Area in the SAR, the three -and -a -half days of the three and a half days is quite fulfilling. In addition to meeting with the leaders of the 4th city of the Suishen Wanguan, many visits and exchange activities have also been arranged.In terms of visiting leading technology companies, the delegation went to Tengxun, DJI and BYD automobile bases in Shenzhen, Huawei R & D bases in Dongguan, and two robotic production companies in Foshan;Dongguan's Huayang Lake National Wetland Park and Muyuzhou Cultural and Cultural Park, Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen -Hong Kong Youth Dream Workshop and activated ancient sites in the south of the ancient city, Foshan Lingnan Tiandi, Guangzhou underground water purification plant, etc.Essence

This time is the first time the Legislative Council members have been visiting the mainland since the Customs Customs Customs Customs Clearance.imagine.In 2017, the National Development and Reform Commission signed an agreement with the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao governments in Hong Kong to set the goals and frameworks for the construction of the Greater Bay Area.Looking back at these 6 years, Hong Kong participated in the development of the Greater Bay Area. It has been influenced by the political and social environment and epidemic conditions. It has progressed slowly.The Chief Executive, Li Jiachao, summarized the itinerary yesterday and talked about the "three achievements and three experiences". Among them, it also mentioned that "chasing time, chasing results and chasing the front".

In the past ten years, the development of the deep -widening and Buddhism has been developing a thousand miles a day. The economic growth is considerable, and the creation industry is prosperous.Taking Dongguan as an example, the local area is no longer a place for Hong Kong business factories and sound dogs. In the past 10 years, the transformation and upgrading has been successfully transformed and upgraded.Local.This time, the SAR inspection team visited the "Huawei Town" and other places. If Liu Ye entered the Grand View Garden, it reflected that there were too many gaps between Hong Kong and the mainland in the past, so that they did not understand the urban development of other Greater Bay Area.It is of positive significance for encouraging Hong Kong people to re -understand the deep Buddha.

Hong Kong exchanges and cooperation with the mainland. In the past, it was affected by historical, cultural, political and ideological factors for a long time. Many people's mentality did not set up.Some people hold the mentality of "high people" and believe that Hong Kong is superior to the mainland. Cooperation is equal to the "Yi" mainland. Some people even resist the mainland at all, and they must build a "firewall" everywhere.Dagong's "political slogan, saying in the mouth, actual inaction; some people hold the mentality of" holding the number ", hoping that the central government will give Hong Kong more benefits, and some requirements or even" benefit others ".These mentality reflects that the standardism is respectful and does not understand the development of the mainland.Now that Hong Kong integrates into the overall national development situation, the most important thing is to correct the mentality.The construction of the Greater Bay Area focuses on complementary advantages and mutual benefit.Hong Kong should not be proud of himself, nor should he be arrogant because of his unwilling development in recent years, and only understands envy others.

Give full play to Hong Kong Director

Combining the need for the Bay Area

BYD and Tencent are both Shenzhen leading technology companies. The former is a model of the real economy, and the latter is the pioneer of the digital economy.If Hong Kong becomes the center of international innovation, it can learn from Shenzhen experience, but how to cultivate star -level innovation companies must consider the unique environment and advantages of Hong Kong.For example, the development of the automotive industry occupies a lot, and Hong Kong is limited in this regard. Even if some related research is successful, it must be combined with mainland production. In contrast, the development of biotechnology and medicine is more suitable for Hong Kong.

During the period of investigation BYD, many members were very interested in "Yunba" and advocated the introduction of East Kowloon.The feasibility of the transportation system.The "Yunba" MRT system has its advantages, but whether it is suitable for transplants to East Kowloon, you must always study it, and you can't take it for granted; even in principle, you may have to take into account the local special environment.There are many mountain slopes, and electric scholars used in Hong Kong must have a strong upper diagonal ability to be suitable for the local environment.

The development of the Greater Bay Area, since the focus is on complementary advantages and division of labor cooperation, of course, Hong Kong must first know how to know each other.The official investigation of the SAR is to deepen the understanding of other cities in the zone, recognize their own positioning and advantages, and pave the way for future policy docking, the docking of scientific research industries, and work together to build a bay area.Which mainland hardware facilities are introduced.One of the stations of the delegation is to visit the "Hong Kong International Airport Logistics Park" pilot program facility in Dongguan. The relevant plan is the world's first cross -border sea and air joint transportation project in the restricted area of the airport.Providing seamless and convenient international air transportation network is a project that exerts the needs of Hong Kong and combines the needs of the Bay Area; Hong Kong is stronger than scientific research, while the mainland has a perfect industrial chain and strengthening cooperation and docking.Mainland robotics technology has developed rapidly, and has made great breakthroughs in professional and standardization. However, in the introduction of robots in Hong Kong, many standards are still "ink to keep the rules" only from foreign countries.Solving related issues is actually more urgent than discussing whether to introduce construction engineering robots.