Singapore will enter a super -aging society in 2026, and according to international organization definition, it means that one person is over 65 years old.According to the world's population outlook data, in 2018, the number of population over 65 years of age in the world has broke the number of population under the age of five.It is a common phenomenon that the world's developed or middle class accounts for the majority of countries.Minister of Health Wang Yikang pointed out in Congress last week that Singapore will enter such a society three years later, and Singapore enters the "aging aging" stage from the international definition of "aging" as early as 2017.In the year, it is much faster than some European and American countries decades and hundreds of years.

Super -aging aging is an imminent issue of life situation for the fourth -generation leader, and it is the largest social transformation issue for the government.In the welfare system, we need to make more and better changes in order to allow the gradual aging population to transition to the end of life to avoid the anxiety, sorrow, restlessness and even politics faced by many insufficient society.

There are many important topics in response to the super -aging society. The government is summarized into five major aspects, including housing, maintaining active labor teams, retirement protection, pension and good governance in place.In the past 10 years, reforms, including the provident fund system, housing, pension and care facilities, improvement of grass -roots work treatment through gradual salary support, and encouraging the employment of seniors, have successively moved towards this stage.On the whole, the quality of life of elderly people should improve.At present, various activities organized by local communities are quite rich. As long as older people are willing to go out to make friends, they will not be too lonely and have long -term psychological health.

The acceleration of aging aging is closely related to the continuous decline in fertility rate and the phenomenon of "this long".At present, it can be settled here by continuously introducing relatively young immigrants as the key to solving problems, but the fertility rate is still fundamental.In the long run, the increasingly popular phenomenon in many cities and developed countries is increasingly popular, which is likely to further change the social population structure and deepen existing problems after a generation.

In 2022, the Pie You Research Center investigated that 30 % of the United States had no partner, and half of young adults had no partner; looking around for local society, this phenomenon may also be comparable.The development of mobile phone applications and social media has led to personal atomicization. It can easily get colorful customized entertainment, as well as a good education and independent economy, so that urban people do not need too much social or dating to live.very good.Single young people are too much. After 30 years, social and psychological phenomena may be a deeper problem in addition to care.

Early arrival of ultra -aging, it is a topic that all society is facing together. In the long run, Singapore has several advantages in response.First, there are long -term and comprehensive plans, and it has been arranged in terms of infrastructure and systems to avoid instantly intensified conflicts when the problem comes.The second is that there are no different situations in the urban -rural elderly population in the local area, and the way to solve the problem of pension is more direct.Third, the national pension system has not been adopted. The long -lasting provident fund system that Singapore has adhered to was criticized by some Chinese and even foreigners as unreasonable and uncomfortable, but after continuous improvement, this system that each national is responsible for the pension.With the improvement of the education level of Chinese people, it is getting more and more affirmed, although it has been appreciated by the institution of the international pension system.

The system shaped the people's thinking. Recently, because of the unsustainable pension system, France must gradually extend the retirement age, which has caused people to fight against each other.Singapore pursues the basic principles of personal care for the elderly. The country plays more support and auxiliary roles, and provides a security net at the bottom. Therefore, many elderly people do not exclude the retirement age, and the reform of the system does not have much psychological entanglement and the psychological entanglement and the reform of the system.Social resistance, especially modern workplace, has a large proportion of brainpower positions. If you are willing to work, age and physical strength are generally not a big problem.This value of focusing on work and willingness to be willing to eat, provides great help for the country to respond to pension challenges.

Facing the tide of aging, whether single or partner, whether there are children care, individuals have the responsibility to take care of their physical and mental health, and compress the time that needs to be taken care of as much as possible.For the government, all kinds of systems and facilities must be excellent, and make more delicate to make Singapore really rely on. Especially in a society where single veterans are not sad, Chinese people must also hold the old and old and old people.Virtue, giving full play to the same sense of the elderly population.