As the first generation of new immigrants, we did not experience Singapore's military service system. We only heard some rumors occasionally, and from time to time, we saw some reports related to the training of recruits from time to time.He knew about Singapore's military service system, and even had a "complaint" of the two -year military service system. He felt that his son would go there for two years in the future, which caused him to start two years later than girls of the same age.

The son of the junior college has entered the barracks at the beginning of the year, and it has been more than three months.During this period, because I had a soldier at home, I had a little understanding of the various training and learning of the barracks, and found that the Singapore military service system has many advantages.Although "the whole people are soldiers" are the helpless moves of the small country of projectiles, this kind of no choice has forged many excellent qualities of the male citizens of Singapore.

Although the military service system seems to make boys go to college for two years later, the barracks are another form of university.In this university, the boy learned a lot of knowledge that could not be obtained in books. It was two years when they learned in practice and grew rapidly in training.Although the start looks two years later, the foundation that has been laid in the past two years has made them more mature, more responsible and responsible, so that they can work more stable and go further in the future.

First of all, the barracks have hone their children's body and mind, making the tender boy a strong man.Children have to do a physical examination before they are soldiers, and decide the strength of training after being a soldier according to their health level.My child is in good health, so he receives the intensity of the basic military training in nine weeks.In addition to basic physical training and testing, shooting exercises, more than 20 kilometers of training, and the most challenging field training.It is said that this week's wild camp training is a "devil" training, and it is also an excellent training for testing children's adaptability and survivability.

Children dig "pit" in the wild, and sleep with clothes even when it rains (actually sitting and sleeping), and various training and harsh requirements of the instructor.In short, one week of wild training, no bed sleep, no bathing, no hot rice and hot dishes, some are just the bite of the wild bugs, the instructors are repelled from time to time, and the body is full of mud and sweat in the wind and rain.Under the high -intensity physical training and the severe requirements of the instructor, test the child's ability to respond and respond.I asked the child what the harvest was after training, and he just said it simply: he became more tough.

Secondly, leaders can be cultivated.Leading children will be excavated and well cultivated.After nine weeks of basic military training, according to personal wishes and results of various physical tests during training, leadership talents and character, and academic performance, new enlisted will be assigned to different places to receive different training for different training.EssenceThose children with good physical and psychological quality, outstanding basic military training performance, leaders can be outstanding, and their academic grades are not bad. Many of them are assigned to military officer schools or non -commissioned schools to conduct leadership and various professional capabilities.And the main force of training other recruits, or become talents who have served the national armed forces for a long time.Therefore, during the military service, children do not just practice a stronger body, but also the cultivation of the feelings of the country, and how to influence and lead other people.

Once again, the basic life skills have greatly improved, and gradually have awareness of planning income and expenditure.Prior to the service of military service, most boys grew up under the care of maids, grandparents, or parents. The household chores were very limited, and their storage and finishing capabilities were even more average.During the military service, children should clean their clothes, organize beds, storage personal items, and health (because the barracks do not have a cleaner).In addition, the battalion has strict requirements for the collation of beds, the placement of personal cabinet items, the folding of clothes, and the storage of items. Therefore, the children's basic life skills have greatly improved after the soldiers, and their ability to take care of themselves is greatly enhanced.

In terms of money, because he is basically studying at school before the military service, he has not yet made money to make money, and the daily expenses needed are provided by parents. Therefore, most children do not have much concept of money, let alone how to plan personal expenditure.But during the military service, the child gets a subsidy every month.Although there are not many money, at least it gives them a pride of making money by themselves.And for the money you make, the child is particularly cautious. What will be regarded as how to spend and what should be spent to ensure that the money of this month is enough before getting the subsidy next month, that is, they have a balanced income and expenditure.The consciousness has the ability to plan personal revenue and expenditure.This is undoubtedly beneficial to children's future entry into the workplace, establishing a family, and planning financially.

Finally, take military service to cultivate children's good social responsibility and awareness.The barracks should instill the family feelings of the country, hoping that children are loved and loved, loyal to the country, high self -discipline, and fighting spirit, and can protect the country.In addition to these principles and values, the barracks pay more attention to making children a qualified citizen from details.For example, wearing military uniforms in public transportation. If someone else in the car did not sit down, even if there is a vacant position, you cannot sit down as a soldier; you should carry it home without any backpack, you should carry it home without yourself, you should not be able to carry it yourself without it, you should not be back without yourself without your own backpack.Let your family back; wearing military uniforms cannot smoke in public places.In short, various seemingly fragmented rules, in fact, will give children a sense of solemnity, so that they can establish the responsibility of the man's family and country from the details.

In short, because of understanding, I agree that with the deepening of the child ’s barracks, my new immigrants have become more and more aware of the military service system in Singapore, and they are increasingly agreed and approved by the military service system of all people.After two years of polishing the barracks' life, the original immature boy became a man who was strong, calm, calm, and planned.

The author is the company's financial staff