Source: Taiwan United Daily News

The United States has recently broke out of large -scale leaks. From Ukraine's military deployment, the United States' listening to the Alliance, to Taiwan's combat power assessment, a large number of confidentiality is circulating on the Internet.In the United States for more than ten years, a large -scale confidential document leaked. From 2010, Manning passed to Azanjie to the "Virgin Decrypture" and the "Proposculators" incident in 2013 and the 2013 National Security Bureau employee Snoten.A large amount of emotional leakage not only exposed the US intelligence security loopholes, but also showed the arrogance of Washington.

This incident is different from the two cases of Azanjie and Snonden. The 21 -year -old air force national militia, Tezerra, has no anti -war and anti -American ideology. He is less than 30 people.Members of the video game group, in addition to the success or failure of the Ukrainian war on the Internet, posted troops to deploy tight documents for showing off. As a result, it was different from Aisanjie and Snonden's political motivation.

But imagine that if the enemy country penetrates into the video game circle or dating platform, wait for the opportunity to absorb such people to obtain emotion, and how much will it affect the security of the United States and allies due to showing off?What is even more unimaginable is that the 21 -year -old computer system repair soldiers can be awarded the same level of confidentiality and even the power of downloading and downloading and downloading the same level of reading confidentiality.U.S. intelligence authorization is so popular. Yin Jian of Manning and Snonden has not yet been treated with pain.

The impact of this leak has gradually emerged.All countries have found that the United States still has a close distinction between the allies, especially the "Five -Eyes Alliance" and the information shared by the non -"five -eye alliance" countries. The quality is very different.And related countries are often dumb to eat Huang Lian's emotional capital, and they can't tell if they are admitted. If they admit that the documents are true, criticize the US leakage, not only hurts bilateral relations, but also lets the outside world know that this confidentiality is true, so they have to deny it.But privately suffered from losses in the United States.

For example, the latest military deployment of Ukraine in February March was announced. Although Ukraine claims that the authenticity of the documents still needs to be determined, the Ukraine Spring Festival battle plans, the deployed soldiers and the position of the air defense missiles are clear at a glance at a glanceThis is equivalent to calibrating the Russian army to air strike.However, the United States is the largest military aid country in Ukraine. Ukraine dare not offend the United States, and only swallowed his nose.

South Korea's situation is even more outrageous, leaking confidential documents saying that South Korea has agreed to sell ammunition to supplement the ammunition gap formed by the United States for assisting Ukraine, but officials are worried that the United States may transfer South Korea ’s fire directly to Ukraine.The source is labeled as an intelligence obtained through "signal intelligence" that is to eavesdrop.After the media disclosed, South Korea and the United States unanimously stated that most of the documents were forged. However, South Korea really cared about eavesdropping. Especially in the past, the United States was revealed to the leaders of the allies, including the monitoring of German Chancellor Merkel, and still did not stop.However, South Korean President Yin Xiyue was about to visit the United States. On the 26th, he held the first summit for the first time since taking office. The South Korean side was unwilling to destroy the atmosphere before the summit.In addition, the United States has long listened to the dialogue between the UN Secretary -General Gutris and other United Nations officials.

The leak document also involves the assessment of Taiwan's combat power. It is believed that once the Taiwan Strait has a conflict, Taiwan is difficult to resist the air strike of the mainland. Taiwanese officials also suspect that the air defense system can "accurately detect missile launch";In 50 %, the PLA had a great chance to quickly obtain air control.A spokesman for the Taiwan Department of Defense responded to this that foreign media quoted unknown documents, and the content was obviously not a fact, but respecting the outside world's military preparations and no words to protest to the United States at all.

This hometown attitude is exactly the reason why the United States does not care about leaking again and again, nor does it affect bilateral relations; US Secretary of State Brillin also proudly said that no leakage will affect the cooperation with allies and partner countries so far.information.Obviously, the United States has determined that it can be used to obtain emotion, including listening to the allies; and confidential documents are leaked, and the United States does not care, because in the end everyone has to ask the United States to assist.This attitude is worth reviewing. Such a heart should be criticized.