Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Si Sihan

The only three nuclear power stations in Germany stopped running on the 16th of this month. This country formally farewell to nuclear energy with nuclear energy for decades and entered the era of renewable energy and fossil energy.In less than a few hours, the 3rd OLKILUOTO-3 (OLKILUOTO-3) of the Olklot Island Nuclear Power Station in Finland began to generate electricity. The crew is currently the largest nuclear reactor in Europe, plus the remaining 4 reactors. It is expected that the country will have more than 40 in the future in the future.%Of the electricity is generated by nuclear energy.

The energy crisis center caused by the Russian and Ukraine war, and is committed to achieving carbon neutralization and transition to green energy. Why do these two European countries have embarked on a very different path?

The entire European region has been arguing on the issue of nuclear energy use in the past few decades.The Fukushima nuclear disaster has become a pusher of the anti -nuclear movement and one of the peaceful and ecological parties of many European countries -the Catheter of the Green Party, and the party has become a political base for the European anti -nuclear movement.

However, under the voices of carbon reduction in recent years, nuclear energy has attracted much attention again.Energy security; Britain and France signed a cooperation agreement on the joint development of nuclear energy; Sweden is expected to implement a new bill in March next year, allow the construction of new nuclear power plants to reverse the gradual trend of nuclear power in the country.

Finland: There is no doubt about the safety of national nuclear power?

As early as 2002, the Finnish scriptures had "embraced nuclear energy" decision to make it the earliest European countries that turned to nuclear energy after the Chernobe accident.

There were two nuclear power stations and four reactors in Finland at that time, all of which were completed from the 1970s to the early 1980s.However, after the Chel Nobel Nuclear Power Plant accident, nuclear energy has become taboos in most European countries. Based on the opposition of nuclear energy, the Green Party, which has raised the banner of ecologicalism, has spread from Germany to mainstream politics in European countries, including Finland.Whenever there is news of suspected nuclear accidents from neighboring countries, Finns also flood to pharmacies and accumulate iodine drugs.

But the Finnish people have rarely questioned the security of their national nuclear power plants.Even local residents in the nuclear power plant support the construction of the factory and believe in its safety.Harri HIITI? Olkiluoto-3 cities in Finland (OLKILUOTO-3) officials said to the media: "For more than 40 years in the nuclear power plant, about 75%of the local people have always supported the nuclear energy industry."

According to data from the independent energy think tank Ember last year, 76.1%of the electricity in Finland came from low -carbon energy, mainly nuclear power generation, accounting for 29%, followed by hydropower and biomass fuel, each accounted for 16%, and then 14%Wind.The Finnish government has clearly stated that in order to allow nuclear power as the cornerstone of the national energy policy, the main consideration is to meet the long -term carbon neutralization targets and energy security. In the future, nuclear energy will supply 40%of the energy required by the country.

As a neighbor of Russia, in history, Finland's dependence on imported energy once reached 70 %, and the two renewable energy sources of solar energy and wind energy were also vulnerable to weather.In the eyes of most Finns, the two nuclear power stations in the country have not only supplying a quarter of the electricity for a long time, but also have an important role in verifying energy independence in the country's heavy industry.In fact, the two nuclear power stations are also impeccable on security issues.

From the perspective of polls, although Finland, like other European countries, the public supports nuclear energy to be affected by Chel Nobel and Fukushima nuclear disasters, but its degree is much smaller than Germany and other countries.For these reasons, in 2002, the Finnish Parliament voted through the construction of a new nuclear reactor to run counter to the European anti -nuclear nuclear trend.

German anti -nuclear movement: from the people to the government

But in Germany in the birthplace of the Green Party and anti -nuclear political movement, the people's views are almost different.As early as the Sanli Island nuclear accident, when the government tried to promote the construction of a new nuclear power plant, nearly 30,000 demonstrators came to the scene to protest. According to the German Federal Parliament, 47%of West Germans opposed nuclear energy in 1976.The folk anti -nuclear movement promoted the establishment of the Green Party in 1980, and sent this new party to the German Parliament within 3 years. In the first year, it won 27 seats.As the Chel Nobel accident further promotes the anti -nuclear movement, the German Merk Mirror Weekly pointed out that in a survey conducted by the newspaper commissioned by the polls in 1989, only 3%of the respondents believed that Germany should build a new new construction.Nuclear power plant.

After the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Germany's political spectrum has only had a very right -wing alternative party (AFD) supporting nuclear energy.Whether it was a frequent conflict with the anti -nuclearist in the German government under the energy crisis in the 1970s, or the Merkel government's revival nuclear energy plan, the German government was always restricted by the folk anti -nuclear forces due to public opinion.

Stephen Gross, a professor of historian history at New York University, stated that the discrimination of the German left party nuclear power and the characteristics of national power and technical bureaucratic leadership are vigilant.Anti -nuclear movement that lasted for decades.

The Finnish is different from the Germans at this point.Ville Tulkki, a nuclear scientist from a non -profit research institution in Finland (VTT Technology Research Center), said: "Finland has a very strong culture of trusting officials and experts."Higher acceptance.

The Russian and Ukraine War, which happened last year, finally shaken the German's anti -nuclear position. The last three nuclear power plants were planned at the end of last year, and finally continued to use until April this year.More than half of the Germans now support nuclear energy, but for the government, the retreat is already a non -returning path.

12%still come from nuclear energy retreat?

Today, Germany has set dual targets for its own energy transformation or energy transformation. On the one hand, the country hopes to shift from energy production based on fossil fuels to basically no carbon -free energy departments.Gradually eliminate nuclear energy in the year, and focus on filling the blank goal with renewable energy.

Although 40%of Germany currently produces renewable energy, including solar energy, wind, hydraulic, biofuels, etc., the proportion of nuclear energy is also increasing;But from renewable energy.However, in 2021, 12%of the power came from nuclear energy, 28%came from coal -fired, and 15%were natural gas. It is not easy to fully change the energy structure in the long run and move towards carbon -free energy.

The latest poll in Germany also shows that 59%of the respondents do not agree to completely close their domestic nuclear power plants, and another polls also show that more than 60%of the respondents in favor of temporarily retain three nuclear power plants as spare, includingSome of the original anti -nuclear people are concerned about the future energy supply and price issues in the future when the Russian -Ukraine conflict continues.

Of course, under the general trend of global environmental protection and emission reduction, the importance of nuclear power and how to use it safely may be a issue that many countries cannot escape.Some opinions believe that at the moment when Germany really enters the nuclear home, it is better to see the sounds of nuclear technology, related finances, and laws seriously.Facing more responsibilities when the power is shortage.