Source: Global Times

Author: Li Yan

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong said on April 19 that it will join the issue of artificial intelligence in the G7 summit held in May.The European Parliament also urged leaders of the world to hold a summit this week to seek solutions to regulate the development of artificial intelligence, because the development speed of artificial intelligence has exceeded many people's expectations.

From data leakage to privacy violations, from industry crisis to ethical dilemma, some practical security risks that artificial intelligence may cause more and more attention.Among them, the intelligent gap in the AI era is worthy of high attention and prudential thinking.

As we all know, digital gap refers to the global digital process, between different countries, regions, industries, enterprises, communities, and even people.The difference in information appearing has led to the trend of further polarization of the rich and the poor.In the same way, the so -called intelligent gap is the gap between different subjects in the process of intelligent development and application capabilities.

Whether it is "digital gap" or "smart gap", they are essentially a kind of "poor knowledge" or "poor information".EssenceNot to mention that the process of going back to the development of the Internet, although the global Internet penetration rate is constantly increasing, digital gaps have always existed.Over the years, the capacity building of digital gaps, especially the strengthening of developing countries, has been regarded as an important issue for the United Nations as the realization of development and inclusiveness.

Although the AI era is still in the early stages of development, the intelligent gaps that have been raised by it have already begun to start, which is closely related to its technological evolution inner logic and development law.The current generation of artificial intelligence reflects the rapid development trend. Compared with the early intelligent system, its performance in terms of universality allows it to open up technical gaps in digital fields such as search engines, social media, e -commerce, etc., and more importantly, more importantly.As a result, the thresholds of all walks of life, including finance, laws, education, medical care, have greatly reduced the threshold of access to new intelligent systems, which can quickly realize intelligence.The more important the more, the more dependent.At present, companies that have powerful research and development and promotion of new intelligent systems in the world are still mainly technological giants such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook. Their advantages in data, computing power, and high -end chips have made them not only have technology first, but the market occupies the advantage first.It makes it difficult for the "winner to eat" and "strong strong" pattern.

The McKinsey Global Research Institute believes that artificial intelligence is promoting the transformation of society. This transformation is 10 times faster than the industrial revolution. "At present, the main powers are profoundly believed that under the context of a new round of scientific and technological revolution, the progress of cutting -edge fields such as artificial intelligence not only cares about the development of various countries, but also affects the future international power pattern.In fact, the benefits of the information technology revolution are unevenly distributed between developed countries and developing countries, as well as internal society, and the development of artificial intelligence is the same. In fact, it is full of challenges to developing countries.For example, it will further cause developing countries to lose its labor force's comparative advantages, and their technical level and domestic market have not yet prepared for the industrial upgrade that artificial intelligence may bring.The consequences are that after many years of efforts in developing countries, there is a narrowing gap between developed countries, and it is likely to further enlarge it because of this "change of roads". Then, the international community may face a new ""Northern and South issues.Therefore, it is foreseeable that if the AI era has really come, then the problem of smart gaps will inevitably become an important issue that the international community in the new era will focus on and focus on solving.

As for how to solve and cope, this is a question that requires time and practice to answer.However, as major issues that need to be solved by other parties to the international community, their paths are based on the formation of common cognition and take common actions.Therefore, in this sense, the problem of intelligent gap, calling on all parties to pay attention, should be the first step.It is important to emphasize that the discussion of the intelligent gap is by no means the progress of singing decline or even suppressing new technologies, but from the perspective of technical preview governance. I hope that the future of AI can truly bring inclusive intelligent dividends to all humans.Essence

Just as the ethics of invention: technology and the future author of human beings, Hila Jasanov said, "Technical selection is essentially political: they determine social order, distribute interests and burdens, guide power", autonomous technology:Langdon Winner, an out of control technology, also suggested that "we should strive to imagine and seek to establish a technical system that is compatible with freedom, social justice, and other key political goals."Therefore, the breakthroughs of new technologies and applications are very happy, but its development direction and prospect still depends on the choice of society. This is why the United Nations Secretary -General Gutres in the "Digital World Status and Digital Cooperation Roadmap Louctic"It is pointed out that we are at a critical moment of technical governance, and we cannot let the technical trend surpass our ability to control them and protect the public interest.