Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Yin Qiming

The US Think Tank Peterson International Economic Research Institute issued a report on "Mainland China Five Years of Trade in the Five Years of Trade".The trend from imported goods from the United States to other countries; there are similar situations in the United States from the mainland imports.Both sides are worried that the other party will take trade as a weapon on the grounds of security and suddenly interrupt imports or exports. Therefore, a decentralized strategy will be adopted to reduce their dependence on each other.

In this development trend, Taiwan must pay special attention to the transformation of economic and trade relations between the United States and China that will impact the Taiwan side at the same time.Over the years, Taiwanese businessmen have used the mainland as the production base, exported to the United States and other places. At the same time, the export of Taiwan's components was exported to the mainland. On the one hand, the structural change affects Taiwanese businessmen's investment in the mainland. On the other hand, it has impacted Taiwan's export growth.The effect is to impact Taiwan's economy.

Another month of another month of the Think Tank Foundation, "Taiwan's economy is separating from the Chinese economy", stating from the data of investment and exports: the economic relations on both sides of the strait have begun to decompose.

This article mentioned that in 2022, there was a survey report in Taiwan that the local competitors in the mainland, the rising labor costs, and the difficulty of development in the mainland demand market were the main obstacles encountered by Taiwanese businessmen on the mainland, but these are not enough to be enough to be enough.It explains why Taiwanese businessmen have declined so fast about mainland investment. From 2017 to 2022, it fell from US $ 9 billion to $ 5 billion. The article concluded that the United States played a major role in the mainland trade policy.

If Taiwan's export of exports to the United States and the US -China has entered the trade war, it can also confirm that cross -strait economic and trade relations have indeed been affected by US policies.In 2018, the US -China parties exported their goods to their own tariffs to their own tariffs several times. By January 2020, the US -China Economic and Trade Agreement signed by the two parties has not reduced tariffs. So far%, The tariffs on the United States exported to the United States were 21.1%, which triggered the investment and trade transfer effect.

Under the U.S. high tariff obstacles, Taiwanese businessmen urgently adjusted cross -strait production capacity and moved some orders from the mainland to Taiwan to produce.In 2018, the United States accounted for 11.8%of the exports of Taiwan, and rose to 14%in 2019, and reached 15.7%last year.Increased to 30%in 2022.However, there are serious problems in Taiwan, and the production cost is also high. Moving production capacity back to Taiwan is only a short -term emergency measure.

Tariffs are prelude to cross -strait economic and trade by US policy impact.Since the administration of the Biden government has continued to increase the prevention of prevention of the mainland semiconductor industry, leading companies such as Apple, Dell de-Sinicization, and "Friend-SHORING) proposed by the Minister of Finance in Yelle last year under the de-Sinicization policy last year"Policies, in impacting cross -strait economic and trade and future industrial development of Taiwan, especially the so -called Youkan policy.

Yellen revealed the proposition of the "Youkan" supply chain in April last year. Her definition of friendly bank is: "We have a group of wearing a group of norms and values on how to operate in global economic operations and how to operate the global economic system.In the country, we need to deepen our relationship with these partners and work together to ensure that we can supply the key supplies we need. "In other words, the so -called friendly shore is to set up supply chain partnerships with American interests as the starting point.As for what is the same ideas, it is completely defined by the United States. The most incredible thing is that Taiwan has always been an important allies in the United States, but as Zhang Zhongmou's questioning, the American Friend's Outsourcing does not include Taiwan.

What is even more terrible is that the United States not only did not include Taiwan into the list, but also regarded Taiwan as "Dangerous Animal".Diversity pipelines such as customers first pressure downstream assembly plants to move the production base out of the mainland, and then forced the key industries of the supply chain to move from Taiwan to overseas.

A few days ago, the media reported that the six major electronic foundries in Taiwan have completed its layout in Vietnam.economy.

For Taiwan, the policy of friendship in the United States is actually a "de -Taiwanization" policy.Former US Secretary of State Kissinger said: "When the enemy of the United States is dangerous, it is fatal to be friends in the United States." The United States is sacrificing Taiwan to achieve its political purpose.Is it?

(the author is the former chairman of the Taiwan Economic Construction Council and the former Economic Minister)