As the main body of these problems, Afghanistan Taliban is a core variable and a legend.There are many topics that need to be sorted out and studied carefully.

On April 13th, the fourth Afghanistan neighboring foreign minister will be held in Samarham, Uzbekistan. Seven neighbors of Afghanistan -China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan attendedAfter the meeting, the Samalham Declaration was jointly published.The meeting was not long, and there were many things to be implemented in the content, but once again pulled Afghanistan to the world, and showed the difficulty of Afghanistan Taliban (referred to as "Ada") as a worldwide issue.

All neighbors like such a country gather together to discuss the country's problems, which is very rare.Although the agent of the Ata's temporary government, although Mutaki was also in Samalhan at the time, did not participate in the official meeting, but was received by some foreign ministers after the meeting.In this impression, this situation will only appear when the imperialists discuss the colonial issue, or when the war to defeat the country to discuss the defeat of the country, but today's Afghan neighbors are neither an imperialist nor the victory of the Afghan war.This situation is worthy of fun.

Afghanistan is indeed one of the few countries in the world that encountered extreme development dilemma. The resources are poor, there are many mountains, the population is scattered, the tribes are linked, the national religion contradictions are outstanding, and the great powers are competing.The normalization and development of the country have become particularly difficult.As a subject that solves these problems, Atta is a core variable and a legend.There are many topics that need to be sorted out and studied carefully.

First, how did Atta defeat the U.S. military?The United States fought the longest duration in Afghanistan. From the rapid entry after the September 11 incident, to the quit in August 2021, no matter what standards to measure the US military's actions, they overthrew the Atta regimeTo enter Afghanistan for the goal, and Atta re -controlled the regime when they left, which was a failed war for the United States.How did Atta do this?Terrain advantages, tribal politics, human heart, reasonable policies, external support, such various factors, what kind of factors ultimately contribute to Atta's victory, which one is the most important factor, and what is the weight of various factors?It is believed that these issues are worth thinking about and striving for conclusions, especially those small countries that may face bullying.

Second, why can Atta float and not fall?Atta grew up in the battle. Since its establishment in 1994, most of the "Student Army" (Push Taliban "Taliban") was over half a year old.In Afghanistan.In addition to the ethnic background of the Pashu tribe, they implement a strict centralized centralization system and consists of 50 people's major negotiation conferences (Dashura). When he had the power in the early days, there were only three countries (Pakistan, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia) when he grasped the regime (Pakistan, the UAE and Saudi Arabia)It was a miracle to admit their legitimacy, but they came to the stage in the civil war and were rushed to the mountains, and they could return to Kabul again.Atta, who was in power, was lost in the vortex of power, and now they will experience the ups and downs again, I am afraid that no one will conclude.

Third, how to deal with Western sanctions?The evacuation of Americans after 20 years of blood war really shocked the world and themselves.The United States, who lost his face, was politely struggling with Western allies and imposed severe sanctions on Afghanistan. He completely ignored the local humanitarian crisis and his crimes he had committed.I was confiscated, and I almost didn't consider the image of international morality at all.Even so, Atta's temporary regime has passed through the sanction for nearly two years, and it seems that there is no signs of falling.In addition to the spirit of poor Afghanistan and the tight Taliban, what else is there any trick?

Fourth, how to deal with the relationship with "three forces"?Afghanistan has always been a hotbed of terrorism, extremism, and divisionism, and it is also an important reason for repeatedly criticized by neighboring countries and other powers.The U.S. military invading Afghanistan is also based on their shelter Osama and the base organization. From the somewhat connection, they have seen their inextricable links with the "three forces".

Before the fourth neighboring foreign minister meeting, China released a Chinese position document about Afghanistan issues. Although Afghanistan supports gentle and stable governance, it is premise that it cooperates to combat the "three forces" of Afghanistan; after the Foreign Minister's Association, China ’s CIMC, ChinaThe Foreign Minister of the Russian Four Kingdoms held an informal meeting to request Atta to fulfill the counter -terrorism commitment in a joint statement.In other words, if Atta cannot handle the "three forces" problem well, the current good -faith neighbor is likely to change attitudes. At that time, Atta might really have no way out.

Fifth, how to cooperate with neighboring countries?After the U.S. military was evacuated from Afghanistan in August 2021, the first Afghan neighbor foreign minister will be held in September, and there have been four times so far, and a mechanism arrangement has been formed.This precedent for dealing with a state of affairs from neighboring countries is rare in today's world. At most, Ada may have to accept the arrangements at the meeting, both for their own survival and the development of the country.If Atta can correct his mentality and rationally handle the negotiation results that neighbors have not participated in their own, and arrange to deal with matters from a long -term perspective, maybe Atta is an effective measure to focus on long -term.That is, if the third neighboring foreign minister meeting has established three working groups about Afghanistan's political diplomacy, economic humanity, and security and stability. It requires Atta to cooperate with neighboring countries to implement related agreements in orderGet help from neighboring countries.

Sixth, Ada's extreme religious policy continues?The most difficult obstacle to connect with the world with the current Ada's temporary regime is their ruling policy.Participate in employment and so on.These measures are the most extreme, very uncivilized, and even far surpassing the unity of political education.In the long run, this policy is unsustainable and cannot be sustained.If Atta cannot show his willingness and determination to improve, he will soon lose goodwill and assistance including neighboring countries.This is also a matter of close attention from countries around the world, which is far more concerned than their livelihood and economic conditions.

Atta brings to the world, in addition to miracles, there are many doubts and anxiety. As one of the most developed countries in the world, if Afghanistan wants to get out of its own country's fate, all people must be concentric, think carefully, and take it seriously, and think carefully and think and take it seriously.Carefully combed the content of the above -mentioned topics, and after obtaining a reasonable and effective conclusion, this country may be on track.

The author is a commentator in Yangzhou, China