Source: Taiwan United Daily

Author: Zhang Jing

On March 24th, the Taiwan Government announced that the leaders' visits to the State diplomatic relations on the abroad, but when the media's focus is concentrated in the United States, what interaction will be arranged to be with the American politicians. At the same timeGoing to the mainland's ancestral trip, compared with Cai Yingwen's visit to each other, it was to shape the atmosphere of the two sides.

In fact, after Ma Ying -jeou first announced its return to his home ancestor, the entire media's focus gathered in how to interpret the various activities he arranged, and immediately made Cai Yingwen's plan for a long time to visit the trip; especially international media, the international mediaAfter Ma Ying -jeou's itinerary was made public, a positive evaluation was given through report comments, and it made the Green Camp's high -level executives feel that it was not a taste. This kind of taste mood quickly fermented.I hope to pull back a city on the media.

At the same time, the Green Camp also launched various publicity offensives without softness. Personal attacks through ugliness and vocabulary, using personality killing and slander methods. I hope that in the Taiwanese society, Ma Ying -jeou will be positioned.Before Ma Ying -jeou went to Lu, the folks in Taiwan had a negative look. This kind of political prevention needle was to be worried that Ma Ying -jeou will once again set off a climax of cross -strait interaction, and the political box office effect of the central public official election at the beginning of next year.

Although Ma Ying -jeou has left his work for several years, the governing performance has always been compliant in Taiwanese society. Now returning to his hometown for the first time is given a historical meaning by international media, covering the style of Cai Yingwen's visit.The staff was in vain, and at this time, the resentment of his heart was extremely explicit.Especially when the senior staff of Ma Ying -jeou's office on March 20 explained the press conference, when facing the prevalence of the mainland officials in the face of all parties, it was a mysterious to reserve the foreshadowing.This reiterated that the "guest follows the Lord" has made the green camp political thugs do not know how to grasp the response strategy.

So far, a number of politicians of the green camps, no matter whether they are working in the DPRK, are almost confusing that there are probably "Ma Xi Second Society", including Qiu TaiThird, on March 24, he claimed that he knew that Ma Ying -jeou wanted to do the "Ma Xi Society" a few years ago.Strictly refute these political speculation.

To be honest, the blue camp faced the Tsai Yingwen's visit, but he was still relatively deep, especially during the visit.Lan Ying will naturally not sprinkle salt at the wound at this time, and finally get to ask for it.Therefore, the blue camp's visit to Cai Yingwen is basically calm, and the speech is quite cautious. It is absolutely available to negative comments. Among them, it is still full of political calculations, but it still has not killed red eyes.

But the words, as far as the current political situation is concerned, no matter how smooth Ma Ying -jeou returns to his home ancestors, you can see any political executives on the mainland. In fact, it is difficult to accurately estimate what the election of next year.The political effect, for the box office of the election, will add points or reduce points. To be honest, there is no study in Taiwan.I am afraid that it is difficult to find a credible way to prove it.

Similarly, for Tsai Ing -wen's visit, no matter what results it can obtain, or enough to brag about what kind of breakthroughs may be produced, whether such diplomatic results can be successfully converted into political heritage, for the green election next year's green electionThe blessing effects of different candidates in the battle are even more difficult to connect.If you look forward to Tsai Ing -wen's visit, there will be a diplomatic momentum to push the political sector or fight for the election box office. I am afraid it will take a lot of effort to make people accept this inference.

Therefore, whether Ma Ying -jeou returned to his hometown to worship his ancestors, he met with the high -level political high -level politics during the entire itinerary, or Tsai Ing -wen used his visit to the United States to make every effort to get a breakthrough in diplomatic symbolic breakthroughs.However, it is definitely difficult to get any specific acquisition in the political box office for the election of the central public officials at the beginning of next year.If the Blue and Green camp can think of this point, it will no longer make articles on its schedule. After all, in the end, it will still be decided in the election. For political activities that cannot affect the flow of votes, there is no need to pursue it.Daren the Red Guards desperately, so you have to get the smell!

(the author is a senior researcher at the Taiwan Chinese Strategy Society)