For a long time, the Taiwan issue has been the biggest obstacle in Sino -US relations. This issue has not been prominent in China -EU relations.However, in recent years, the wind direction seems to be changing, and the Taiwan issue has been prominent in China -Europe relations.In the long run, Sino -European relations will be disturbed and may even have a disruptive impact.

On November 18, 2021, Lithuania insisted on allowing Taiwan to set up an office in Lithuanian regardless of the Chinese opposition, which seriously violated the joint statement when the two countries had established diplomatic relations, which led to the reduction of foreign relations between the two countries.On June 5 of the same year, Lauren, deputy speaker of Slovakia, led a visit to the group to launch a six -day visit to Taiwan.For this reason, China has proposed solemn protests.

Since 2023, European countries have played a worse.On January 18, the European Parliament passed two Taiwan -related resolutions.A resolution is a "common diplomatic and security policy" adopted by 407 votes and 92 votes against voting results, which requires European countries to strengthen interaction with the Taiwan government in the fields of economy, culture, and politics.

Another resolution is the "common security and defense policy" adopted by the voting results of 459 votes and 93 votes, which aims to strengthen the security defense in European countries and Taiwan.The European Parliament also said that mainland China provides military provocations on Taiwan, claiming to resolutely oppose any "act of changing the status quo of the Taiwan Strait", and requires mainland China not to do "stable behavior that endangers regional stability."

On January 28, the Czech Republic held a presidential election. On the second day of the election, Paville talked with Taiwan Cai Yingwen, regardless of China's severe warning, and expressed his willingness to meet with Tsai Ing -wen in the future.Paville said Taiwan is a "democratic country".After Paville and Tsai Ing -wen, the Czech Republic Speaker Edorova announced that he would visit Taiwan at the end of March, "the largest visit group in history", which caused the China -Jet -Jie relations to be unprecedentedly challenged.

The European country also moves frequently on the Taiwan issue, and its provocation is becoming stronger.On March 10, the 36th French and British Summit was held in Paris, France. Britain and France said that China should not recover Taiwan; Britain and France also believe that China's military operations may cause regional tensions to intensify and threaten global stability and security.On March 14th, the new version of foreign defense security policy report released by the British government on March 14 wrote the content of "the importance of the Taiwan Strait and the importance of solving the issue of Taiwan through dialogue". This is the first time that it has been launched in similar documents in 2021 to Taiwan.

On March 17th, the German government announced that the Minister of Education and Research Stakwarts will visit Taiwan on March 21 to strengthen cooperation in science and research.This is the first German ministerial visit to Taiwan over the past 26 years.Obviously, on the issue of Taiwan, several European countries tried to resonate with the United States with frequent resonance to put pressure on China together.

In recent years, Sino -US relations have been tight and even worsen. In particular, the provocation of China on Taiwan's issue has continued to intensify, and it is becoming more aggressive. It is the main international background of the "Taiwan card" frequently in European countries.In terms of Taiwan -related issues, some European countries have become increasingly unavoidable, and they are even actively revealing the strategic intentions of the United States.However, the increasingly active European countries on Taiwan should be soberly aware that playing "Taiwan cards" is tantamount to shuddering in the fire.

No country or forces must not challenge a China principle, and must not encourage or support Taiwan independence forces. This is the "bottom line" that mainland China has always adhered to in Taiwan.Any country, any forces, or openness or darkness, or directly or indirectly support or assist Taiwan independence forces, are tantamount to placing themselves in a state of hostile to China.

Needless to doubt that European countries have enhanced the cooperation and support of US foreign strategies and policies in the United States in recent years.However, on the issue of Taiwan -related, mainland China should not be simply regarded as iron plates in Western countries. It can not be regarded as a "anti -China community" for European countries and the United States.

There are significant differences in the number and impact of Taiwan -American relations with Sino -US relations. There are also differences in the development trend and influencing factors of Sino -US relations and Sino -European relations.Mainland China should thoroughly analyze and judge the current status and differences between the relationship between European countries and Taiwan's relations, interaction and differences, and take different countermeasures to ensure that Sino -European relations can be stable and far away.

(Professor of Beijing Normal University Belt and Road College)