Education topic

We have been educated since childhood, and do not "three minutes of heat" to do anything.For personal interests, elders always say that they must persist before they can see the results.Until adulthood, many people still maintain such beliefs and pass such beliefs to the next generation.However, in recent years, it has been increasingly not so simple.Some hobbies are destined to end without illness, and it is not that they can continue by persistence.Sometimes "persistence" may be able to cultivate "love"; but more often, people can persist because they really "love" something.

A friend opened a studio.Because of the good reputation, it can maintain the prosperity of the studio by the mouth of the parents.Every weekend, children who come to learn art are almost full of the entire studio.Sometimes I went to see her on the weekend and found that the children in the studio were very interesting.Some will be painted completely, but some will secretly look at the time of the mobile phone while the teacher does not pay attention.Some children are very enthusiastic to learn from the teacher, but some children are numb, as if coming to the studio to paint is a very reluctant thing.I asked my friends, these students came to learn because they were interested in painting, or did they want to take the professional line of art?Friends said that most of them only treat paintings as ordinary hobbies, and many of them have learned to paint for DSA.

The full name of

DSA is Direct School Admission, which is the direct enrollment plan of middle school.DSA allows students to enroll in middle school with unique talents before the Primary Sixth Examination (PSLE), not limited to academic results.Each year, more than 100 middle schools are open for thousands of places. Students are admitted through DSA. Some schools of more than 50%of students are admitted through DSA.

The original intention of this enrollment program is to discover the special education opportunities for students' specialties, and also create the best education opportunities for students of partial subjects.However, since it is related to further studies, it will inevitably become another "battlefield" for parents to promote their children's competition.

I also have a friend and a art teacher. She is a specialty to teach students how to master painting skills, so that she can choose through the art DSA.She told me that most students did not continue to paint after entering the art DSA, which is regrettable.The same is true of learning instruments. Most students have to be abolished halfway, because they do not really love a hobby from the heart. If you want to persist, it is difficult to persist for a long time.

Some "persistence" may be able to cultivate "love", and some "persistence" is not out of "love", but to go to another purpose, it is difficult to ask these children to "persist" downIt's right.

Singapore Middle School Extraordinary Extraordinary Extraction (CCA) is very rich, but CCA will points and also affect entrepreneurship.The original intention of the system is to encourage diversified development, but if people's ideas are always unable to get rid of the word "utilitarian", they will also stifle some people's interest.A friend of my son played very well on table tennis. His goal was to be selected into the school's table tennis CCA, but it was contrary to his wishes.Originally, I thought it was nothing. I continued to fight when I liked it. I did not expect that he gave up table tennis training for many years. Even the original beloved racket was given away.

Some children love basketball, but because they did not enter the ideal school, parents banned him from participating in basketball CCA.Some children love badminton. Although they have not entered the school CCA several times, they will continue to participate in training outside the school, and they will also play badminton with their families on weekends.

From the real cases around me, it is easy to distinguish what is the real hobby.We can also find how we twisted the child's concept when we attached other functions to your hobbies.The reason why hobbies are called "hobbies" are because of "love".

In fact, what is this in our lives?I remember when I was preparing to predict the most powerful Superman Dad's amendment to the picture book this year, because one of the story plots involved running, so I consulted with friends who have long -term long -distance running.I consulted the relationship between "toughness" and "endurance" in the running sport.What I want to express is that if we think of life as a long -distance running, what we need most is toughness and endurance.Friends concluded from the experience of running for a long time: "You must first have toughness to exercise endurance." Friends said that they must first have a love for running the sport in order to be indomitable.With such a spirit, and then exercise day after day, in order to form the most needed endurance in long -distance running.

It is true that without love, it is difficult to maintain the enthusiasm and desire for one thing when encountering difficulties and setbacks, and it is difficult to have spiritual power to keep us on.Therefore, instead of persistence, it is better to love.

Once an elder asked me about such a question: "For those who write, how to maintain self -discipline and ensure production?" In factThe bits and pieces of the middle are very keen.For media people, this is news sensitivity; for those engaged in fictional writing, it is the sensitivity of imagination.

Writing is essentially a game of thinking. People who are sensitive to life will naturally emerge in their minds.I often think of a lot, but in the end, like the "Mouse" game, I play the ideas of the head one by one, otherwise I can't fall asleep safely.Only the "mouse" that can't be played by how to fight will become a text work.On the contrary, a friend of a children's literary writer often turns the idea of rising heads into a long or short text, and a Facebook post.

Our in common is that we often write a lot of things that are nowhere to be published, or you know that you cannot publish before writing, but you still have to write.This is the writing of the author's expression, which is essentially a love of writing.Because of love, I persist.

Passion and interest is the inner motivation that a person wants to learn and persist.Even if a person is talented and intelligent, he still needs to have a blessing of enthusiasm from the heart to achieve achievement.Chen Shifeng, the founder of Guangzhou Turing Programming Company, China, once said: "Many people with ordinary qualifications have also made important contributions with lasting enthusiasm."

Dr. Joseph Renzulli, a scholar who studies genius, proposed the famous three -ring theory: In addition to the intellectual factors in the first ring, there is a passion for the first ring, and the first ring is creative.There is no enthusiasm from the heart, even those with superb intelligence cannot become a real "genius".For ordinary people, this is the case. There is no enthusiasm and nothing.Therefore, instead of persistence, it is better to love.

The author is the creator of the children's book, the former media person