Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Zhongshi Society

Tsai Ing -wen will visit Belize and Guatemala, the American State of the United States next week, and transit the United States New York and Los.Another diplomatic country Honduras stated that it would establish diplomatic relations with China. It was once a Central America in Taiwan's diplomatic town. Seeing that it was going to be dug off another corner, the remaining zero -fall masonry was shaking. President Tsai was here.Essence

The wall of diplomatic relations is loosened and the soil collapses

Taiwan has long been targeted by the mainland's diplomacy for a long time. The Central America and the Caribbean Sea were once rare iron plates, connected to Taiwan's most important diplomatic relations.Unfortunately, under Beijing's huge economy and political chips, we were dug away.In 2007, Costa Rica abandoned diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 66 years and opened the bone card effect.However, at least during Ma Ying -jeou's presidency, the tacit understanding of maintaining diplomacy on both sides of the strait was only broken with Gambia.Since President Tsai took office, 8 diplomatic relations have run 8, including Panama, Salvador, Nicaragua and Dominica in the Central America and the Caribbean. If plus Honduras, there will be only 13 foreign diplomatic countries in Taiwan, a record low.

Although the diplomatic relations between Central America and the Caribbean Sea are small, it is very important to Taiwan. One is to help maintain the status of the sovereign state of the Republic of China internationally, and the other is to help Taiwan in international organizations.By visiting, Taiwan's heads of state can transit the United States.Many times, visiting AIA is only a form, transit the United States is the main show.This time, President Tsai arranged activities in New York and Los Angeles, and also met with the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy to fully show the strength of the American elder brother in Taiwan.However, the international reality is very facing. It is close to the establishment of diplomatic relations with Beijing, which is close to Bernabez and Guatemala, to make a diplomatic relations with Beijing, so that President Tsai’s trip to Central America has a shadow. Originally, there were only 3 diplomatic relations in Taiwan in Central America.Go to one of them, the wall of this diplomatic diploma may be only one step away from the collapse.President Tsai's trip to the wall, even if there was a polite artillery red carpet, he was still shocked.

President Tsai faces the dangerous wall, why isn't the United States?Honduras President Castro intends to establish diplomatic relations with China two years ago. It was temporarily slow to retain Taiwan's strong retaining and strong pressure in the United States. Now the United States also sent a special envoy to Hong Guo to try to prevent Hong Guo from turning to China.But in fact, under the dense diplomacy of mainland China and the huge business opportunities on the Belt and Road Initiative, the backyard of the United States has long been not hugged, and China's influence has rapidly penetrated.Pan head pressure, but found that the younger brothers were on the new brother, and they were no longer obedient.When Salvador established diplomatic relations with China, the United States was dissatisfied and threatened to review the cooperation projects with Sa Guo, but failed to stop Sa Guo's fall to China, nor could it intimidate the follow -up of other countries.After the establishment of diplomatic relations between Panama and China, the two parties began to negotiate the Free Trade Agreement. Pakistani became the first country in the region to sign the "Belt and Road" cooperation initiative. China also invested in and constructed more than 20 bridges, railways and electricity infrastructure.

China's influence penetrates the backyard of the United States

A few days ago, Richard, Commander of the Southern Command of the United States, pointed out at the House of Representatives that under the packaging of sugar clothing in the Belt and Road Infrastructure, China has expanded its influence to Central and South America, which may pose a threat to the security of the United States, including 3 billion yuan in Peru's value of 3 billionThe US dollar container port provides funds, at the Argentine standing space monitoring station, and buying a lithium ore business in three South American countries.In addition, the British research unit statistics have grown rapidly from 2001 to 2020, from 2001 to 2020, from $ 14.6 billion to $ 315 billion. US think tanks have expected that China will invest in Latin America by 2035. $ 700 billion.The indirectly made Guyana's temporary repentance of the Taiwan offices also expanded China's military existence. Beijing directly undertakes the costs of the region's martial arts officers to train in China. In the future, military procurement and military cooperation may become more China.

Give up the field of vision. Mainland China has successfully mediate Saudi Arabia and the enemy Iran to establish diplomatic relations. Such major historic achievements have been covered in the drum from beginning to end. Obviously, China has become a strong influence in the Middle East.The United States has more credible new power.Following the 12 -point peace plan against the Russian and Ukraine War, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Russia to meet Putin, and it is bound to actively promote the suspension of Russia and Ukraine.For the international community, which is looking forward to Russia and Ukraine's present peace, I am afraid that China is more likely to cause suspension than the United States.China's international influence is the same as its economy and military forces. It is accelerating the United States, which has made the United States, which was once a global dominant, and is now facing a loose critical wall.President Tsai's trip to Central America, behind the scenery of the United States, there is a crisis that Taiwan and the United States feel the same.