Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Wangbao Society Review

Saudi Arabia and Iran decided to restore diplomatic relations within two months and re -open the embassy and diplomatic representative office.The media disclosed that the two countries reached an agreement after talks with Xi Jinping, and both parties intended to resolve differences through dialogue and diplomacy.The news was shocked. Xian believes that it will have a significant impact on the political situation in the Middle East, the United States and China, and the global geopolitical development. The shock of the United States is particularly strong.Then if it can persuade the war with the Russian and Ukraine, the international influence of mainland China will reach a new peak.

Resolving the differences in the Middle East Different International

Saudi Arabia and Iran belong to Islamic countries, but they have different races and confrontation. They all want to win the leadership of the Middle East.In 2016, Saudi Arabia, who believed in Sunni, executed a Shiites Muslim clergysty, which triggered domestic protests and demonstrations in Iran.The demonstrators attacked the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and the Marshhad Consulate, which led Saudi Arabia to cut off diplomatic relations with Iran.Under the mediation of Beijing, the two sides agreed to restore diplomatic relations, in addition to laying the cornerstone for peace in the Middle East, but also showing that the diplomatic wrist and international leadership in mainland China.

The news of Shay Fujian came out, and the international attitude is generally positive.The United Nations Secretary -General Gutres welcomed, praising the contribution of mainland China to promote negotiations.EU and several major countries in Europe have also expressed their success.The Pakistani Foreign Minister Zardari, who is also chairman of the Council of the Foreign Minister of Islamic Cooperation Organization, has the attitude that best represents the Islamic country.He couldn't hide his face with a smile and welcomed the joint statement, thanking China for his positive role.Even the Wall Street Journal also said that the news shows that Beijing is using its global influence to help solve diplomatic disputes.

The official response of the United States for the new change in the Middle East is quite fun."We welcome any efforts to help end the Yaimen War and ease the tensions of the Middle East." U.S. President Biden answered a question from the reporter's question from the Arabia."Improvement of relationships between neighboring countries is good for everyone", and they are reluctant to mention Iran.

Mainland China can complete this almost impossible task, it is indeed unexpected.China does not have military forces in the Middle East. The reason why it can play the role of tuning is from its international political and economic strength.Politically, Beijing has always pursued the "five principles of peaceful coexistence" that did not interfere with other domestic affairs, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual infringement, equality and mutual benefit, and coexistence of peace, and won the trust of many countries.Furthermore, Beijing has long maintained an equidist to friendship between many countries, does not stand by, does not help the gangs, and maintains a neutral image, not to mention the political prestige of Beijing's increase in the influence of Beijing in the United Nations and related organizations.

What is difficult to reconcile on both sides of the strait

Mainland China is the world's largest oil importer, and is the most important buyer in Shay.The layout of the "Belt and Road" in mainland China has been effective in the Middle East.In 2021, Mainland China and Iran signed a length of $ 400 billion in 25 years.At the end of last year, Xi Jinping visited Saudi Arabia and Saudi to sign more than 30 billion US dollars in cooperation projects.After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, many energy countries accelerated the US dollar. In terms of going to the US dollar, Zhongshayi has common interests.

The multilateral organization of international political and economic organizations is facing reorganization. The G20 Foreign Minister's meeting held in India a few days ago cannot reach a consensus, showing that the contradiction between developing countries and the developed countries has deteriorated. The G20 function has been questioned.Including G20, it is impossible to hear the core of international power.The BRICS countries may be expanded in the near future this year, and both Saudi Arabia and Iran are interested in joining.The outside world also has high hopes for the BRICS organizations, arguing that the organization may become the G7 of the developed countries.At present, the most influential country in the BRICS organizations is in mainland China. The two countries to join the BRICS must naturally give Beijing face.

The two countries of Shati are reconciled.Naturally, it also puts great pressure on Israel, especially the Gearho government, which is extremely right, and the Abraham agreement under the mediation of the United States in 2020 may have abandoned.China's influence in the Middle East is changing geopolitics in the Middle East.Not only that, in the future, if the BRICS countries can expand smoothly, the influence on global economic and trade cannot be underestimated.

The complaints between Saudi Arabia and Iran can dispel it.Beijing has wisdom and ability mediation in the Middle East dispute, and naturally there are soft power and peaceful solution to cross -strait problems.