Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Ye Dehao

Although 141 countries still demanded that Russia's "immediately, completely unrexanting from Ukrainian territory" in the UN General Assembly voting on the first anniversary of the Russia and Ukraine War was still voting, but countries, which represent more than half of the world's population, still voted.Agreement tickets are even opposed.Earlier, in Europe and the United States, the division of "The West and the REST) has been raised in Europe and the United States.A non -morality or even immoral.

The battle of the Patriarch of Ukraine is a battle to protect democracy, to protect freedom, and protect the world order in the Western world. It has an unparalleled moral aura.Any politicians who openly express realism -such as saying that French President Emmanuel Macron, who must not "humiliate" Russia, leaves a "down step", will be violently criticized by idealists.Since this year, even Macron has reversed his open attitude, indicating that Russia must be "defeated" and will support Ukraine "to victory."

Behind this statement, of course, real politics is also hidden.From the perspective of Ukraine President Volodymyr ZELENSKY, "Victory" means "victory" to drive the Russian army out of Ukraine, including Crimea, which is actually controlled by Russia or pro -Russian forces in 2014, and even the Russian forces, and evenSome areas of Donbass, Donbass.But Macron's meaning is to first allow Ukraine to gain an advantage on the battlefield, and then forced Russia to talk about peace talks, so that Ukraine can terminate the war under the favorable conditions.

This means that Ukraine is likely to accept compromises. After all, whether Ukraine should regain Russia's actual governance for nine years and generally pro -Russia in residents, most European and American leaders are avoided in a way of avoiding with.Today, the Ukraine is slightly fell on the battlefield, and it is far from the counterattack Crimea and Donbas Original Russian control zone. Therefore, Western politicians do not have to face this realistic political problem for the time being.

Beixi Attack Suspected Cloud: European and American media points to Ukraine

However, a series of media such as the New York Times, the German Times Weekly (DIE ZEIT), the Times (Times), and Wall Street Journal will be a series of media.1 2) After the partially blamed Ukraine by the destruction accident, the "idealism" of Western aid Ukraine is likely to face another test of another realistic politics.

The New York Times and the Investigation of the Times Weekly pointed to Ukraine of the destroyer of the Beixi pipeline.The ship was rented from the Polish companies controlled by two Ukrainians. Western intelligence also showed that an Ukrainian personnel involved, and other information also pointed to the possibility of the pro -Uhwu organization.

However, both reports have tried to avoid pointing their spear towards the Ukrainian government itself.The New York Times reported that U.S. officials said they had no evidence to show that Zeleiski and his senior assistants had participating in the operation, or the host was acting under the instructions of Ukrainian government officials.The Times Weekly said that the six people responsible for the action also used fake passports, so the nationality was unknown, and the investigators failed to find who the main ambassador behind it, and it could not rule out that this was a intention to marry Ukraine.

Because the famous American journalist SEYMOUR HERSH also published an article in early February, pointing the finger at the United States, causing widespread attention. The Russian side released the New York Times and Times Weekly on the same day on both sides of the Atlantic.It means that this is the media operation of Beixi's real culprit.

However, European countries have remained cautious about these two reports to Ukraine.NATO Secretary -General, EU diplomatic specialist, German defense chief, and Swedish defense ministers have stated that the investigation is still ongoing and should not be judged reckless.However, the German procuratorial official seemed to confirm some details of the content of the Times Weekly on March 8th, that is, the German side searched a ship suspected to send the explosion device to Beixi Tube from January 18th to 20th, butAt the same time, it is also emphasized that the identity and motivation of the host are still under investigation.

Boris Pistorius, German Defense, said that the two hypotheses of Ukraine and marriage in Ukraine were "as high as possible."

The New York Times and Times Weekly reported other media reports the next day after leaving the street, and also pointed to Ukraine further.The Tai Zhaoshi reported that the NATO national government deliberately hidden suspicion of Ukraine involved in order to avoid affecting the German people's aid.

On the other hand, the Wall Street Journal report also talked about four "useful" information: (1) German survey has never denied the possibility of Ukraine's principal, and the United States has always worried that the conclusions pointing to Ukraine will affect the influenceTo the relationship between NATO and Germany and Ukraine; (2) between June and July 2022, the CIA (CIA) has warned the intelligence department of Germany and other EU countries, saying that three Ukrainian people are trying to try to in PolandRenting ships around the sea may be prepared for attacking Beixi gas pipe; (3) The Director of the Central Love Bureau William Burns and the White House Guoan consultant Jake Sullivan may have been considering the possibility of Ukraine in October as early as October.Sex; (4) A former Ukrainian intelligence personnel responsible for overseas special operations said that Ukraine had the ability to launch an attack on Beixi.

The reports of the above media each quoted the news of different sources and different countries. Although it is still possible to be operated by European and American media, its reliability seems to be higher than just one "direct knowledge" person, specific specific person, specific specific personnel, specific specificallyThe circumstances have a lot of facts that are wrong.

Is there a forecast in Ukraine?

For the allegations of various reports, the Ukrainian government has denied that the presidential consultant Mykhailo Podolyak does not deny the involved in the president, government and intelligence department, and even the Ukrainian society has nothing to do with Beixi.

However, Ukraine has also attacked Russia many times in the past.The most obvious example is the terrorist attack of Darya Dugina, the daughter of Alexander Dugin, a car bomb in Moscow in August last year.Ukraine has always refused to recognize responsibilities, but the US official in October was that the incident to the media said that it was the secret operation of Ukraine.

On March 2 this year, Bryansk Oblast, Russia, also had a border town and encountered an attack. Putin was once left behind Moscow's observation. Finally, two civilians were killed, one was killed, oneChildren are injured.Since then, Russia, a Russian right celebrities, who acknowledged responsibility on the Internet, claimed that their operations were supported by the Ukrainian military.The Ukrainian government also denies responsibilities for this.

Mark Galeotti, a political scholar who studies Russian security issues, has reminded people to pay attention to the complexity of Ukrainian armed forces.He believes that people are familiar with the discord between the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Wagner Group and the Chechen Army, but the Ukrainian army also has different complicated forces, but rarely pays attention in the West.Whether it is the attack on these "red lines", or Beixi explosion, it seems to highlight this.

The US and European media reports in the past two days have indirectly confirmed that Russia is not behind the scenes.The New York Times stated that US officials said that no evidence showed that the Russian government was involved and led SwedenThe investigation prosecutor also said that he had never thought it was Russia; the Wall Street Journal also reported that as early as February, German officials have generally denied the possibility of Russia's destruction, and US officials do not consider Russia to do it.

After excluding Russia, no matter who the destroyer of the Beixi explosion is, this is also a very "inconvenient" fact for the European and American aid URO Russia Alliance.According to Hesh's article, the destroyer is the United States and Norway; according to the Russian side last year, the destroyer is the United Kingdom; according to the latest round of media reports, the destroyer is not knowing whether there is an official and black organization, or even may even be possible.It is the Ukrainian official.Various possibilities are pointing to the same point: Beixi attack is the inner fight between European and American allies.

From the perspective of pursuing the truth, who is the original murderer of Beixi, of course, to pursue it.However, from the perspective of maintaining the unity of European and American unity, it is better to have some facts that they do not know or not announced.Regarding this round of reports to Ukraine, EU diplomacy specialist Josep Borrell said in a statement on March 8, "I am not afraid of the truth."Is this sentence itself the truth?