Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Zhu Songling

Li Keqiang, Prime Minister of the State Council of China, made a 2023 government work report at the first session of the 14th National People's Congress on the 5th.From the perspective of Taiwan -related expressions, the mainland will continue to promote the unity of the motherland around the mainland, and the "hard and hard" work policies will continue to stabilize.

Looking back at the work of Taiwan in the past five years, insisting on implementing the overall strategy of solving the problem of Taiwan's problems in the new era (hereinafter referred to as the overall strategy), promoting the peaceful development of cross -strait relations, and promoting the peaceful and unified process of the motherland.In addition, there are two basic points: the first is the struggle.The struggle is divided into two parts. One is to fight the split forces with the "Taiwan independence" on the island, firmly oppose "Taiwan independence" and promote the national unified process; the other is to oppose interference from foreign forces."The word" shows that the mainland feels that the frequency of foreign forces has increased and strengthened foreign forces in the past 5 years, and even important political figures, major Taiwan -related incidents, and important impact issues that interfere with Taiwan issues.

The second basic point is to continue to promote cross -strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation. It should be said that although the DPP ’s official obstruction and the objective impact of the epidemic have reduced cross -strait exchanges during the prevention and control of the epidemic.The pace of cross -strait exchanges is advancing, and cross -strait exchanges have not been broken, there are no stops, and there must be no less.

The above "one center" and "two basic points" are components, which constitute the main line of mainland China in the past 5 years.Focusing on this main line, the mainland shows stability and predictability to Taiwan's policy, and conveys a clear policy goal of hoping for the peaceful development of cross -strait relations and the peaceful and unified motherland.

Compared with last year, this year's report will directly and promote the "anti -independence" and "promotion", and advance the two tasks and advance. It is also an inevitable move for the mainland to fully implement the overall strategy of the mainland."Anti -'Independence'" is to "promote unification", and "promoting" must "anti -'independence'", and the two complement each other.The mainland always adheres to the full preparation of "Taiwan independence", the purpose is to fundamentally maintain the prospect of peace and unity and promote peace and unity.

Specifically, first, the mainland has regarded "anti -independence" as one of the most important content in Taiwan's work.Last year, the third issue of Taiwan issues published by the mainland in the white paper issues and the unified cause of China in the new era. As an important document of the overall strategy, it clearly states that the DPP's official conspiracy to surrenderly leads to cross -strait relations, endangers the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, destroy peace and reunificationThe prospect, squeezing and unified space is an obstacle to strive in the process of peaceful unity.This fully illustrates that "anti -independence" is an important task to implement the overall strategy.

Second, the current arrangements for "promoting" work in the mainland have been further clarified.The most critical core problem in the overall strategy is to "solve the problem of Taiwan."The expression of "firm anti -'independence' promotion" can also be seen in the 20 major reports of the mainland government last year.To solve the Taiwan issue in the mainland, in order to achieve the complete unity of the country, to implement the overall strategy, it is necessary to promote the national unified process.Writing firm "promotion" into the government work report is the specific implementation of the 20 major reports of the mainland government, and the specific implementation of the overall strategy.

In addition, in the proposal to Taiwan, this year's report has not mentioned "resolutely opposing external forces interference" this year, and specially added "the system and policy of improving the well -being of Taiwan's compatriots" and "promote cross -strait co -promotion togetherChinese culture "two discussions.For new expressions that have attracted much attention from the outside world, you need to pay attention to. It is recommended that some content mainly targets the government work department, especially how to do work. Once the report is passed by the National People's Congress, it is recommended that it will become it will become it.This year's work tasks need to be implemented and completed.

If you look closely, you can find that the recommendations in the report focus on three areas: First, promote cross -strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation.The first is economic exchanges and cooperation. The other is cultural exchanges and cooperation. The field is clear and the goals are very clear.Second, the system and policy of improving the well -being of Taiwan's compatriots will also become the work that the government -related department involved in the government.To do a good job of integrated development on both sides of the strait, it is necessary to implement various measures, systems and policies that are treated with the same treatment of Lu, Taiwan compatriots.After long -term practice, many systems and policies of cross -strait integration and development have been formulated and implemented.With the changes in the situation, the relevant policies have played a place to improve the well -being of Taiwan's compatriots, and there are also places that need to be improved and improved.Third, promote the joint promotion of Chinese culture on both sides of the strait, and create a great cause of rejuvenation together.This is also the task clearly put forward in the 20th National Congress report of the mainland government.

Looking at the work report of the mainland government this year, through its description of Taiwan -related content, the mainland can feel the strong confidence and determination of the mainland's final strategy.Among them, the suggestions for work in Taiwan are clear and specific. The expectations are: First, cross -strait exchanges and cooperation are highly attracted.After the epidemic prevention and control enters a new stage, people on both sides of the strait are looking forward to exchanges and interactions. A new situation after cross -strait exchanges may occur after the epidemic, and exchanges in the economic and social fields are more worthy of attention.Second, the integrated development of cross -strait is highlighting.In particular, it should be worth looking forward to improving the system and policy of improving the well -being of Taiwan's compatriots.Third, there should be highlights on the two sides of the strait in terms of joint promotion of Chinese culture.It is believed that after the epidemic, the mainland promotes the peaceful development of cross -strait peace and the advancement of peace in cross -strait.

The author is a professor at the Taiwan Research Institute of Beijing United University