Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

The Kuomintang lost to the Nantou legislators to make up for the election. From a certain perspective, it may not be a bad thing.First, the Kuomintang can no longer think that the 2024 election is a smooth ball, and the civil spirit of the "hate the DPP" will always be with the Blue Camp; second, the Kuomintang must clean up the mentality of proud soldiers and strive to prove to voters.More clear and more governing ability; third, the next presidential election, how the Kuomintang launch the most successful candidate, with an attractive legislator nomination strategy, the Party Central Committee still does not seem to have a full plan.

Taking Nantou legislators to make up for the election as an example, Lin Mingzheng's nomination cannot be wrong. After all, his polls and governance reputation are high.The problem is that after the nomination, the central government did not let go of the nomination, and all handed it over to the local team.The most fatal mistake is that Lin Mingzheng said that he "did not seek re -election."As a result, the Democratic Progressive Party hurriedly chased this point and directly attacked him to arrange for his son to "inherit"; then, he pulled out the issue of the Lin family's "mansion" and the election subsidy.

The Kuomintang nominated Lin Mingzhang, but did not actively assist the election. It was reversed that the battle that had been winning a big win was reversed. Chairman Zhu Lilun could not blame him.Under the leadership of Lai Qingde, the Democratic Progressive Party dispatched the power of the party's party media dense assists to show the strong attack.In contrast, the Kuomintang Central Committee watched the fire from the other side, and did not send comrades with strong combat power to help out, or used air combat to help Lin Mingzhang to remove it.Even in the later polls showing that Lin Mingzheng had been tied, the Party Central Committee had not alert the situation, and he had not mobilized all energy to assist him to turn the tide.In this regard, the DPP, which has a concentrated concentration of the Kuomintang, lost at all.

At the same time, news that the Kuomintang appeared in the nationwide was a bunch of Taipei members who attacked each other in order to move to legislators.The city councilor moved to the parliament, and its own skills were beyond debate.But if you follow others to coax, or think that it is the pride of heaven, there will be the privilege of the war zone, and it will make a good look at the eyes of the voters.When the Kuomintang is dealing with the campaign of Nantou, the Councilor of Beishi is noisy on its own site. This is the use of the party's kitchen to open its own small stove, which is a lack of "overall awareness" behavior.With so much energy, why not support Lin Mingzheng?

The issue of the issue of the legislator of the Blue Camp has expanded, and the Party Central Committee has a delay of being one of the main reasons.The issue of the Kuomintang regional legislators, in addition to "suffering", is even more serious.For example, in the twelve seats of the New Taipei, the Kuomintang only occupied three seats; in the southern Yunjiannan Gaoping, it was completely zero.Therefore, the Blue Army councilor and its Taipei in Taipei in the advantage zone are not as good as sending several strong sticks to other counties and cities to declare the determination of "rehabilitation" to lose soil, and at the same time, they can also be in peace with the presidential election.However, Zhu Lilun has not proposed a striking attack strategy so much that it seems that he can only follow the old thinking to accommodate local forces, and at the same time lacks the plan to soothe the party in the party.Is this the lack of strategic thinking, or is it lacking for progress?

At present, the most important job of Zhu Lilun is how to launch the most victorious presidential candidate to get the Kuomintang's 2024 ruling power for the Kuomintang.Hou Youyi, the mayor of New Taipei, has a good momentum, but because of his commitment to voters, if he does not want to repeat the mistakes of South Korea ’s Yu, at least May or June should not directly express the election.This problem depends on Zhu Lilun and him to coordinate the seal of trouble.As for Guo Taiming, who intends to return to the party to run, has certain public opinion support, but the procedural obstacles within the party are not small; how the Kuomintang will form an alliance with him without destroying the unity of the party and avoid re -acting on the embarrassment of the last tearing face.Zhu Lilun shuttled between Hou and Guo to get a certain tacit understanding in Hou and Guo.

Each election victory on the stage is the result of many small climate creation of the audience.Only those who are attentive, machine -sensitive, and large can condense these conditions."Minqi" is not a drawing toilet paper and cannot be used casually.If the Kuomintang wants to win the 2024 election, it is necessary to rely on all party members to work together. No one can open its own small stove in the kitchen of the Party Central Committee.