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the more we rely on foreign labor, the greater the potential danger in the long run.Generally speaking, Singaporeans do not exclude foreign labor. Anyway, they do work they do not want or do not want to do.However, there are many opinions and many emotional reactions to attract permanent residents and new citizens.

It is easy for us to observe a lot of daily phenomena.For example, when you see the road construction on the road, almost a black -skinned South Asian people are all foreign workers, also known as guest workers.Soldiers seen in coffee shops or food pavilions, including chicken rice, duck rice, miscellaneous rice, wonton noodles, butter tea, etc., almost all young people from Malaysia are also "outsiders".We are accustomed to it, but did we think that if there are no these outsiders, how will the Singapore economy be affected?

Facts show that Singapore has no enough manpower to fill the labor force required by these industries.People are not enough, which is basically the result of successful economic development.It was a good thing, but it also brought new problems.If we are carefully investigated, there are three reasons for us now: First, the population fertility rate gradually decreases; second, the popularization and improvement of education; 3. The rapid aging of the population.

In 2022, the overall fertility rate of Singapore residents fell to a record low, with only 1.05, which was far lower than 2.1 population replacement rate.Although the government has worked hard for many years, and the doctrine is full, the fertility rate is weak.Insufficient fertility rate and far -reaching impact, not only lack of labor, soldiers may not be enough.In August last year, Huang Yonghong, the Minister of Defense, revealed in Congress that 20%of the full -time national service personnel who are currently enrolled every year are new citizens or permanent residents, with an average of 3,400 new citizens enlisted each year since 2000.

Second, economic development.Most people's lives have generally improved, and the education level has also been comprehensively improved.In the same year, more than 50 % of the people who entered Xiaoyi could eventually enter the college. Others also had at least a technical diploma. How many people are willing to do labor, especially the work that is exposed to the sun?Even if you can't find an office work, he would rather be a platform employee.

Similarly, although the catering industry needs a large number of employees, our young people are rarely willing to be hawkers, so a large number of young people in Malaysia poured into the vacancies.The value of Xinyuan against the Lingji is stronger, which is more attractive to the Malaysian people.Therefore, every day, tens of thousands of horses have crossed the new Rouchang embankment to work for new jobs. Earning 1 Singaporean can be changed to more than RM3.Without these horses, a lot of workers have to eat quickly.

Third, our elderly population is mainly a post -war infant tide generation. Many of them missed the opportunity to be educated because of their family poverty that year, so we had to invest in the blue -collar industry and engage in labor.Almost all of these people have withdrawn from the labor workplace, but they have no successors and can only be filled by foreign workers.

Insufficient population fertility, short labor, and local people are unwilling to do labor and some "dirty lives" or "dangerous lives", such as nurses, cleaners, construction workers, etc. As a resultMore "outsiders".According to data released by the government, about 23,100 people obtained citizenship last year, of which about 1,300 were children born to overseas.About 34,500 people became permanent residents.Moving these "outsiders" can basically make up for the lack of fertility of local people.As for the lack of labor, hundreds of thousands of foreign workers must be introduced, plus hundreds of thousands of maids and nurses.These "outsiders" are now add up to millions.

According to the National Population and Talent Agency under the National Population of the Prime Minister's Office on September 27 last year, the 2022 Population Briefing was announced on September 27. As of June 2022, the total population of Singapore was about 5.637,000, compared with the appointment in June 2021,5.45 million people, an increase of about 180,000 people.This is the first time that the total population of Singapore has increased since the outbreak of the crown disease.Previously, the total population shrunk for two consecutive years, fell 0.3%in 2020, and in 2021, it dropped sharply by 4.1%.

Among the total population of 5.63 million, the population of citizens is 3.55 million, and the population of permanent residents is 520,000.Including employment permits, student IDs, etc., in short, it belongs to non -citizen and non -permanent residents.For the existence of this huge "outsider", Singaporeans seem to be accustomed to it, and few people think about what does this population "gray rhino" mean?

Of course, the government knows that a large number of foreign labor and non -resident population will produce various negative effects. The question is, what else can there be?Sustainable economic development requires sufficient labor and cannot be fully automated.If the locals are not enough, they can only borrow themselves.Fortunately, at this stage, many places are willing to come here as workers and earn relatively low wages, mainly because the economic situation of their birthplace is not good, and people have floated.There are too many people in their country, which is just the opposite of us, so it can be complementary.

But this is the situation in front of you, and no one is allowed to last long.It wasn't a long time ago, many Chinese workers went to work locally, and now they are almost extinct.Because of the rapid development of China's economy, there are enough employment opportunities in China, and wages have also increased significantly in recent years.China is still facing the problem of decline in fertility and decreased population.The main replacement of Chinese workers, such as South Asian countries such as Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, the Philippines and other places.But who dares to say that these countries will never have development and prosperity.The greater our dependence on foreign labor, the greater the potential danger in the long run.

Generally speaking, Singaporeans do not exclude foreign workers. Anyway, they do work they do not want or do not want to do.However, there are many opinions and many emotional reactions to attract permanent residents and new citizens.This is the primitive extravagance and his psychology, but it can be said everywhere.Even the United States, which claims to be a "furnace".In fact, the racial problem in the United States has not been solved for 200 years.What's even more ridiculous is that in recent years, because of the political struggle between China and the United States, the phenomenon of "yellowing" (yellow skin) has appeared, that is, even the blacks who have been crowded in themselves for 200 years have also participated in it.

The ancestors of most Singaporeans are actually immigrants, but it is always difficult to accept for new immigrants.Some people suggest that outsiders apply for citizenship, and they should pass the English test. Some people are even more absolutely. They believe that "new English" (that is, Singapore English, SINGLISH) test.They have forgotten that among the older generation of citizens, many people do not know English and only understand their mother tongue.If such a policy is implemented, I am afraid that no 3,400 new citizens will join the army every year.Some anti -new immigrants did not dare to speak. In fact, the new immigrants of Chinese immigrants were disgusted, and they felt uncomfortable as soon as they heard Chinese.But does our Constitution Article 153A be clearly stipulated in the four official Chinese in Malays, Chinese, Chinese, Tamil, and English?At the same time, we also stipulate that our Mandarin is Malay.

At the same time, some Singaporeans are now very disgusted with the so -called high net worth people. They believe that they come to Singapore, have fired house prices, fired a car certificate, and stimulated various prices to rise.In fact, not only do we have enough labor, entrepreneurs and investors are not enough, so we must also try to introduce.The influx of the rich will indeed bring certain side effects. The price of high -end residences has soared, and the rising rent is all facts.But this is not necessarily a long -lasting phenomenon, nor does it make local people unable to afford government allowances.

To develop the economy in Singapore, it is necessary to introduce foreign capital. As a financial center, it is necessary to absorb high net worth people.These people bring funds and bring new job opportunities to Singaporeans.For example, many rich people come to set up a "family wealth management office" (referred to as home office). According to industry estimates, there are more than 1,400 households at the end of 2022, which is more than doubled from a year ago.There may be more than 3,000 high net worth people who flowed into Singapore last year.In 2004, Singapore launched the "Global Investor Programme". The purpose is to attract high -quality entrepreneurs and investors to come to Singapore to create a greater for SingaporeEconomic benefits.The Economic Development Bureau recently announced that Singapore has attracted 22.5 billion yuan in fixed asset investment last year, which has always been the highest.Attracting high net worth individuals, investors, and entrepreneurs, can't they ask them for money, right?

Overall, people are not enough. It seems that there are no better solutions except the above.In other words, governments around the world have not been able to get any new tricks.But some people don't take it for granted, saying that the government comes and go.Suggestion: Make a prize. If anyone really comes to the new high recruitment that can be accepted by the Chinese people, you can get a bonus and awarded the public service medal.