Stepping into March, the news of the "two sessions" is undoubtedly the focus of overseas attention to China.In the context of the deterioration of Sino -US relations, the necessity of emphasizing countermeasures and restrictions on the United States at the first press conference of the "two sessions" was not surprising.From the perspective of the recently announced counter -countering of the United States, the Chinese government not only cannot get rid of the embarrassment of "knowing not to do it," but also may cause the significance of domestic and foreign questioning at home and abroad, and even expands the overall situation out of control.risk.

The topic mentioned in the first press conference of the "Two Sessions" is not limited to Sino -US relations. What is more concerned about at home and abroad is the recent further deterioration of Sino -US relations.In early February, diplomatic disputes that surrounded by balloons drifted to the United States led by US military aircraft had attracted worldwide attention; the two sides of the two sides of the sanctions were pushed to each other to heat up.First of all, the United States included the six Chinese companies suspected of the production of balloon production on the blacklist. Soon after, China announced that in order to "safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests", the two famous arms manufacturers of Taiwan sold weapons in Taiwan Lockheed Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin(Lockheed Martin) and Raytheon are included in the "unreliable entity list".

The day before the Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin had been warned. China resolutely opposed the US abuse of force and over -reaction to upgrade. It will take countermeasures to the United States entities that harm the security of China's sovereignty.By last weekend, Wang Chao, a spokesman for the first session of the Fourteenth National People's Congress, pointed out that China has always resolutely opposed the "long arm jurisdiction."As a basic law in foreign -related fields, it is necessary to make principle provisions on countermeasures and restrictions.

According to the sanctions announced by the Ministry of Commerce of China, the two US companies were banned from engaging in import and export activities related to China, new investment in China, and fined $ 15 billion (about S $ 20 billion).What is noticeable is that they have to be fined within 15 days, which means that the limit is the 2nd of this month.Before and after the press conference of the National People's Congress on the weekend, Chinese netizens talked about whether Lockheed Martin and Thor Company had fined fines within the time limit.

From the response of the two US listed companies so far, they seem to have no fines, after all, $ 15 billion is not a small number.As a listed company, any payment must be on behalf of the diplomacy, but there is no announcement of paying fines in the New York Stock Exchange's listed company's statement or their website.

If Lockheed Martin and Thor have not paid a fine, it is enough to embarrass the Chinese government. What is even more embarrassing and even more embarrassing is that when the fine payment period is fast, the Bayeng government announced that it has passed 6A new round of $ 19 million in military sales in Taiwan, and the main suppliers are still these two companies.

In fact, even if the Bayeng government did not announce the new military sales case last week, the market and observers could not fully interpret the role and significance of Chinese official sanctions against the two companies.As the United States Baron Weekly pointed out that the impact of sanctions on these two companies is difficult to conclude, but the impact should be very small.

Lockheed Martin does not have any national defense business in China, and civilian business mainly involves three sectors: aircraft, energy and electronics.More importantly, in its total sales, only 8%of the Asia -Pacific region, of which one from China is a small part.As for Thor, its civil aviation business is mainly to provide services to Boeing and Airbus, which have major businesses in China, but the business in this area does not seem to be included in the scope of sanctions.

It is no wonder that after the Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced sanctions, Morgan Stanley's research and analysis believes that the Chinese government's countermeasures will not change the potential trend that affects Sino -US relations.The factors of US arms suppliers such as Lockheed Martin and Thor have always been conflict levels around the world, as well as the increase or decrease of US defense budgets.Both factors are currently heating up.

What is the purpose and confidence of the Chinese government for the purpose of paying huge fines within the time limit?Some Chinese netizens speculate that the official will use rare earth to threat.Rare earth is an important production material for military products. As the world's largest exporter of rare earth, China will have a greater impact on them if they "stuck neck" in this respect.It has been a week now, and whether the Chinese government will really use the ace of rare earth will not be known for the time being.

But whether China will make rare soil cards, a reality that cannot be denied is that China's countermeasures have become more and more regarded as a measure of "knowing not to do", which is inevitable that people are reminiscent of people.The phenomenon of "foreign promotion and internal and internal and internalization" mentioned by Chinese international relations scholar Chu Yin, that is, the objects of words and deeds and the logic behind, are actually not as simple and clear as it is said.Since countermeasures have poor results, the outside world will inevitably speculate that China only comes out for internal publicity and effort.For the United States, which has always seen the knife, it is a manifestation of confusion within China.

In fact, since the occurrence of balloon diplomatic disputes, the United States and the opposition to the United States and the United States, regardless of how different the truth of the Chinese side and the truth of the dispute, has more viewpoints to point to the Chinese government.Unity presented.Just as the New York Times summarized last month, the communication and coordination between the Chinese government departments did not have the efficiency and coherentness as the leadership claimed as the leaders' claim.

From this point of view, it is not difficult to infer that the United States will not change the aggressive situation of China in the next point of view of the Chinese countermeasures.situation.

(The author is a local freelance)