Source: Taiwan Wangbao Society Review

AIT's past eight chairmen, either retired diplomats or the nature of political remuneration. The Bayeng government broke the convention for the first time.It is believed that she will further enhance a comprehensive close partnership after taking office.The DPP government ignored the context and motivation of this appointment in the United States. The Bayeng government decided to change the role and function of the chairman of AIT under the three major contexts of the anti -land flames, grasping Taiwan's political trends, and the strategic competition of the United States.Rosen Berg in the State Council and the White House took office.

Master Taiwan's political trends

AIT's press release made a complete explanation of this personnel case: As the chairman of AIT, Rosen Berg will participate in the US policy discussion on the United States, represent the US government to visit Taiwan, and meet with Taiwan representatives in the United States.; Rosen Berg will bring her into AIT in the Indo -Pacific region, including cross -strait and wider national security issues, including cross -strait and wider national security issues.

In terms of US -Taiwan relations, the United States' decision -making power on Taiwan's policy is in the White House and the State Council. AIT is not autonomous, and its influence is limited. Rosen Berg will improve this phenomenon.When the Secretary of State Blinken served as the deputy country adviser and Deputy Secretary of State, she was his senior consultant and chief of staff, and it was also closely related to the current national security consultant Sha Liwen. After taking over as the chairman of AIT, she will directly participate in the US decision -making and logically make a chapter.Regular access to Taiwan, contacting Taiwanese officials and political leaders, making it more effective to communicate in Meitai.

Rosen Berg's appointment time is precisely Taiwan's upcoming political hot season for the presidential election. In the past, presidential candidates in Taiwan would "go to the United States to rush to take the test" and win the United States endorsement. Rosen Berg will play a key role in the front line.The subtle thing is that "suspicion theory" has recently become a popular issue in Taiwan.Agree, this is also one of the important considerations for the Bayeng government to send generals.

It is undeniable whether the Taiwan election will once again cause the political transfer, and its effect may spill the relationship between the United States and Lutai is the most concerned and anxious issue in the United States.The Democratic Progressive Party adheres to the "anti -China -Baozai" and "pro -American anti -Central", and it is a pioneer in the United States to resist Lu. However, after the "Nine -in -One" election last year, the anti -China -China Taiwanese card failed. If the presidential election in 2024Will the Kuomintang return to the regime, will the cross -strait policy be adjusted?How does it affect the cross -strait situation?It is possible to impact the strategic competition layout of the United States. The United States must ensure that the results of the election will not affect the partnership of Taiwan and the United States, and Taiwan will continue to cooperate with the US policy.Therefore, Rosen Berg is expected to play the role of "controller".

This is precisely that the US policy on Taiwan cannot be separated from the US -Lu strategic competition. In the United States and Lu's tension, Beijing's release and Pingping signals to Taiwan, and the uncertainty of Taiwan's political situation, it is also necessary to "strictly manage Taiwan in Taiwan.", Rosen Berg will faithfully implement the established policy of the United States.

Loyal to the United States

The Democratic Progressive Party is known as the United States for support for Taiwan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs deliberately defines the US -Taiwan relations as "close partnerships", but in fact, there are still many problems that must be overcome between Taiwan and the United States, such as the United States, such as the United States, such as the United States, such as the United States, such as the United States.The policy of Taiwan is obviously based on "political security, economic and trade secondary". In the lack of bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA), Taiwan is excluded under the Indo -Pacific economic structure.Berg's main background is still political and security affairs. Whether the US -Taiwan relations can be improved in all directions remains to be observed.

Rosen Berg's personnel cases also have deep domestic political considerations. Faced with the rising anti -land emotions in the United States, Biden's Chinese policy has been restrained by the eagle.Strengthen the US -Taiwan relations, show his tough stance and will to mainland China, and can also communicate more effectively with Congress to reduce the pressure for the formation of Congress's anti -land forces.However, the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy may still be a difficult problem to visit Taiwan, and it will also test Rosen Berg, and even the entire Biden Guoan team.

In the Midea and China Baixing and Heating and comprehensive strategic competition, avoid military conflicts due to Taiwan problems. It is the biggest challenge of the Bayeng government. Rosen Berg is just one of the nodes in AIT chairman."One China Policy" and non -officialness will still be a red line that cannot be surpassed. The most important thing is that she is loyal and serves the interests of the United States.Improve US -Taiwan relations and improve Taiwan's security situation.