Many people may not have realized that in one year of the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. Except for China, the other four countries have actually entered the state of war in different ways.

The history of great powers over the past 300 years has continuously proven that when major countries around the world actually entered a state of war, it is difficult to have a large country to be alone. All parties will pull it into war in various ways.A gunshot in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia in 1914, is the best explanation.

On February 24th, on the first anniversary of the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the China National People's Congress approved the decision to adjust the application of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China during the military war.Slow mobilization and preparing for war.The adjusted criminal proceedings law involves specific provisions of jurisdiction, defense and agency, compulsory measures, investigations, investigations, trials, and implementation.The characteristics of criminal proceedings during the war are that the order priority is higher, and the priority of the rights of people in the peacetime period will be reduced to meet the rapid maintenance of the war zone order and the surge in criminal cases.This is legally prepared for the state of war.

The Sino -US game has become increasingly fierce, and the two sides can compromise and virginity have become smaller and smaller.In the new version of the national security strategy in October last year, China mentioned more than 50 times, including 46 negative descriptions, and the document claimed that the United States wanted to restrain the "dangerous Russia", and China was positioned as "priority, the only global competition."Opponents", regarding China as "the most important geopolitical challenge", claiming that the United States "is in a strategic competition that is shaping the future international order", and believes that "China is the only competitor with the intention of reshaping the international order, and gradually has the economy to have economy, Foreign, Military, and Scientific and Technological Forces have become increasingly promoting this goal. "At the same time, the national security strategy asserted that" the next 10 years are the decisive 10 years for the United States and China. "

The United States is a country with strong action. Since the development of China's development is already the overall consensus between the political circles, it will definitely take all possible ways to try to achieve the goal.The newly elected Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy finally visited Taiwan and Taiwan Cai Yingwen went to the United States.No matter how fierce the public opinion war, financial war, trade war, and scientific and technological warfare played, it was the overall national strength and preparation ability of the game to win the game.

Just as the revolution always devour its children, wars may be the most unwilling to see as the laws revealed by Murphy.There is a story on Gongsun Longzi. When King Chu was hunting, King Chu lost his weak bow and forgotten the arrow.. "Confucius said after hearing," People do the bow.

If everyone has a spiritual spirit such as Confucius, the community of globalization and human destiny may have been realized.However, Chu Gongchu is the views of most countries.