According to the latest statistics of Wikipedia, regardless of inflation factors, the world's 10 major blockbuster movies have always been as follows: 1. Avatar; 2. Avengers 4: Final Battle; Third, Avatar 2: Water Way; Four, Titani; Five, Star Wars 7: Awakening for Force; 6. Avengers 3: Infinity War; Seven, Spider -Man: Heroes without returning; 8. Jurassic World; Nine, Lion King; 10. RevengeAlliance.

Someone on the Internet is joking on the Internet. The biggest feature of the 10 major seller movies is that they are all described as "non -human" stories, and only Titani is the story of human beings.

Deeply, it's really not just a joke.Both Avatar are sci -fi films, talking about Naimei on Pandora planets, invading and killing by the greedy Earth mininger; the second one has to escape the world of water. The humans described are mostly negative characters, plunder planet resources, andIt is not tested, not environmentally friendly, and kills the aliens without softness.

Three Avengers, all tell the story of Superman, including Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Thor, Black Widow, Iron Man, and so on.Draw the story of how they protect the earth and how to fight against the villain.

Star Wars 7: The awakening of force is even more unbearable. It is the originator of science fiction film. It is about the interstellar war, not a pure human figure and story.The Jurassic World depicts the dinosaur world.As for the lion king, whether it is a cartoon or a live -action version, it is a "liquid" created.There are also Spider -Man, although the human world is written, but the protagonist is super human. The hands that get power can spit spider silk, and the eaves go the superman.

The only Titani in the 10 of the 10 is describing the disaster of the collision, portraying humans' unforgettable love, the life of relatives and deaths, and the strong and fragile in front of the disaster, or selfishness.Of course, it also shows the glory of self -denial.

Talking about American movies, although Superman is full of flooding, "non -human" floods, but it is not the cultural phenomenon in American movies.Cultural phenomena are often the ideas of ideas and place, which are externalized through the work.American films are often criticized to promote "great Americanism", especially like the Black Hawk shot down to rescue the Big Soldiers Ryan Blue Wave series, beautify the U.S. military to bomb all corners of the world and forcibly enforce the law.Essence

Looking back at these 10 blockbusters, wouldn't there be "great Americanism" in the faintness?Whether it is the Star Wars Spider -Man or the Superman of the Avengers, it is a representative of "powerful" and "invincible".Those who follow me, the death of me, "Who is loyal and who rapes, I will say it!"

However, while we have criticized the "cultural hegemony" of American movies, we cannot ignore the other side of them, like A -Gump, tell the story of the success of low IQ and weak person, preaching the diligence, perseverance, and dedicationthe spirit of.The beauty of the United States is brave to portray the degeneration of the middle class in the United States and the collapse of excellent values.Modern Revelation revealed the cruelty of war and the distortion of human nature.The past in the United States borrowed the history of the pioneering in the west, and Acura first drives the spirit of reclaiming wasteland and pioneering the frontiers.

These excellent American movies have also cling to hegemony, output, and the world police?

Back to the 10th, non -human, not a problem, and science fiction is not a problem.After all, Hollywood movies are not only entertainment, but also include science, innovation, and art.Like two Avatar and the Ninth Star Wars, they still speak for the disadvantaged, still preach the spirit of the resistance, and confront the powerful demon "black warrior".Hollywood has always adhered to the Goorian spirit with weakness and strength with a small number of years.

In this way, the nine of the 10 Miles describe "non -human beings" or based on human nature as the starting point.

(the author is a local writer)