Source: China News Weekly

Author: Zhou Qunfeng

On February 17, the official website of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Deyang City, Sichuan Province, released news that Li Rui, secretary of the Party Committee of Mianzhu City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, was investigated.The resume shows that Li Rui is 55 years old and has been the dean for 11 years in the hospital.On the same day, the official website also stated that Zhang Dejun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of the Second People's Hospital of Deyang City, was investigated.

In recent years, news that hospital leaders have been investigated are not uncommon.If you receive 100 buildings and 100 parking spaces, Wang Tianchao, the former dean of the first People's Hospital of Yunnan Province, who has received more than 110 million yuan (RMB, below, the same, 21.45 million yuan);, Liao Min, former dean of the third clinical medical school (third affiliated hospital) of Jiangxi Province, colluded with medical dealers.

Multiple cases show that the problem of corruption in the medical system is mainly concentrated in the aspects of pharmaceutical distribution, equipment procurement, consumable supply, and engineering construction. The costs paid by hospitals will be passed on to patients and finance.

Zhao Chun, chairman of the China Medical Foundation Medical and Clinical Specialty Development Committee, and deputy chairman of the Medical and Health Institutions Supervision Committee of the China Health Supervision Association, worked at the judging committee of the former Department of Health Hospital in the 1990s.In an interview with China News and Weekly, he said that medical corruption has a long history, and some regulations have been introduced in various places, which have achieved certain results, but it has been banned so far, and corruption has become more and more concealed."In recent years, some of the hospitals who have been investigated are mostly reported internally by pharmaceuticals or equipment dealers, or internal reasons for the hospital's internal pull gangs."

Under the deterrence of high -pressure, why is the corruption of the medical system so stubborn?

Dean becomes a group of corrupt high incidence

According to the incomplete statistics of China News Weekly, from January 9 to February 17 this year, in 39 days, at least 26 hospital leaders were dismissed, or were opened, expelled from the party, and arrested.19 of them have served as the dean and seven of them have served as the vice president.

Among the 26 people above, 18 people were investigated, including Ma Runzhou, the former dean of the People's Hospital of Leling City, Shandong Province, Xiao Junbing, Deputy Dean of the First People's Hospital of Guiyang County, Hunan Province;Hou Yuezhi, former party secretary of the Second People's Hospital of Binzhou City and former Dean, Qing Song, former vice president of Ziyang People's Hospital, Sichuan Province, Liao MinWu Guangming, former dean of the People's Hospital of Guizhou Province, Chen Wenkai, the former dean of Pengyi Memorial Hospital, Haifeng County, Haifeng County, Shanwei City, Guangdong Province;Yang Yulin, the former dean of the People's Hospital; one was expelled from the party and canceled his retirement treatment. The suspected crime was transferred to the procuratorate to review and prosecute according to law, that is, Zhao Wensheng, former party secretary and former dean of Dehong Prefecture People's Hospital.

From the relevant report, they mostly involve the collusion of medical dealers.For example, Hou Yuezhi, such as "intervening in project construction, bidding for medical equipment procurement projects", and "obtaining benefits in pharmaceutical procurement, funding, etc., and receiving property, which is particularly huge".

In recent years, the leaders represented by the president in the hospital have become high corruption groups.According to incomplete statistics from the People's Daily's Health Client, in the first 1122, a total of 55 hospitals and secretaries in various places were investigated.Including Wei Yongxiang, the former dean of Beijing Zhen Hospital affiliated to the Capital Medical University, Wang Binquan, the former dean of the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University.

In 2022, the anti -corruption film zero tolerance mentioned the corruption of medical system represented by the dean.According to the film, Marin Kun, the former dean of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University in Yunnan Province, received more than 30 merchants, which was equivalent to more than 30 million yuan.In the process of purchasing large medical equipment at the hospital, Ma Xiang's dealers received huge amounts of money.

"The more typical device is a digital vascular angiography system. The price obtained by the agent from the manufacturer is 5.79 million yuan, and the contract price sold to the hospital is 11.7 million yuan, which is doubled."Yang Xinyu, staff member of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

In July 2021, Marin Kun was filed for review and investigation.The notice said that he was extremely embracing and the Grandma in the same time as the illegal pharmaceutical dealers. He used his powers to take the qualifications of medical equipment, drugs, and consumables as a bargaining chip, and formed a benefit alliance with illegal drug dealers for a long time.

On July 13, 2018, Wang Tianchao, the former dean of the First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province, was sentenced to life imprisonment for bribery.After hearing, he found that he provided help in the construction of hospital engineering construction, drugs and medical equipment procurement, and personnel appointment and removal. He received a total of more than 116 million yuan and USD 80,000 by the company's bribes.

Wang Tianchao said that he had received 100 houses and 100 parking spaces, with 100 million yuan, worth more than 80 million.He also received more than 200,000 yuan in bribes from hospital employees, and received multiple violations of discipline and laws such as gifts and gifts of 1.5 million yuan.

How can the article from the former secretary -general of the Shandong Provincial Hospital Association Wang Xiuhua learn from the "Wang Tianchao phenomenon"?It is said that the hospital's dean is "long", not only is it difficult to implement the collective decision -making mechanism of the leadership team in the hospital, but even the supervision of the party committee and the disciplinary commission has been severely weakened, and some are even false.

On June 22, 2020, the video education film released by the Discipline Inspection Commission of Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Yunnan, mentioned that Yang Benlei, former party secretary of Chuxiong Prefecture Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and the former dean, hid huge bribes in several wine tanks in the suburbs.After opening the money, the money has been moldy, exuding an unpleasant smell.The case handler said that Yang Benlei has the final decision right in terms of pharmaceutical procurement and equipment procurement. Who will give a little more share, and which one of the equipment is handed over to, he will finally shoot.

A doctor of a three -level hospital in Shandong Province told China News Weekly that the medical system has a high threshold and strong professionalism. The dean is usually an administrative leader and an authoritative expert in the industry. He has a great right to speak.In the context of lack of supervision, corruption is prone to occur.

Few people will raise objections.

Wang Xiuhua said that from the short term, it is necessary to list the supervision of the hospital's dean, the real channels such as the public affairs publicity, and the strengthening of the professional channels such as government affairs, so as to reduce the space for black box operations.

Corruption means increasingly concealed

A number of medical corruption cases involved in rebates show that this corruption chain involves pharmaceutical companies, medical representatives, and hospitals in charge.

In March 2022, in a case published by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, a pharmaceutical representative of a pharmaceutical company in Jiaxian County was sold to sell the endangered drugs.Dean, prescription doctor, pharmacy staff.Tang, who went to the pharmacy of the Pharmacy of the Central Hospital of the County every month, was placed in the pharmacy of the hospital of the hospital.The clinical fee for the deduction, the clinical fee to the Dr. Kaifang, and the uniform fees to the personnel to Hu, Chen, Wang and other personnel, and then report to the financial company's financial account.After the bill was reported, he gave the envelope with the money to the relevant vice presidents, doctors and pharmacy staff.

On February 6, the website of the State Commission of Discipline Inspection issued a strict investigation of the hidden interests of the medical field of the medical field, which mentioned the details of He Xianwei's medical corruption case.He once served as the president of the Hozhong District People's Hospital of Daxing'an Mountains in Heilongjiang Province.In June 2014, he was more than half a year since the Dean took the initiative to contact He Moumou, the chairman of a pharmaceutical company, and the two sides agreed to meet in a secluded bee.He Yiyi "does not give a rebate without medicine" and finally agreed that since August of that year, the total amount of drugs purchased by Hoh Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in the company15 % to He Hui.He also proposed two conditions: it must be cash, must be kept secret, otherwise it will not cooperate.

According to the task force, the congratulatory case involves more than ten medical and medical equipment companies.Due to the strong concealment of criminal behavior, it has increased the difficulty of investigation and punishment.In July 2021, when the local disciplinary committee supervisory committee investigated another case, a bribe person took the initiative to explain the problem of bribery with He, and He's bribery network was broken.

Also mentioned other hidden bribery methods above.According to Huang Pianfu, member of the Standing Committee of the Yugong Municipal Party Committee of Zhejiang Province, the Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Director of the Supervisory Committee, there are four types of hidden methods, such as "customized" bidding, which refers to the use of barriers to bidding in medical supplies, medical equipment, etc.On the top, the "customized" bidding screening rules, disguised the purpose of long -term cooperation with "designated" pharmaceutical companies and benefiting two -way benefits;"The right to" become a private business behavior of a third -party procurement agency company can not only avoid the risk of violations of laws and discipline in management, but also use the entrusted agency fee, the difference between the item, and the capital turnover rate.Refers to pharmaceutical enterprises through the methods of invisible "supply" stocks, discussion and training disguised subsidies, gifts and drugs for free or low -priced redeem, etc., to promote the negotiation of both parties to reach a "high -priced agreement" for pharmaceutical sales to form a chain of pharmaceutical rebates;Training refers to the "inclusive", "treatment of recuperation" and "emotional contact" benefits of "pleased" medical institution managers and medical workers in order to maintain the relationship between the alliance of the interests of the interests of the interests.

Zhao Chun told China News Weekly that some pharmaceutical vendors have been in the medical industry for many years, knowing the bribery routine.In the past, many hospitals posted the slogans of "prohibiting pharmaceuticals from entering", but with the upgrading of science and technology, the contact information was flexible and diverse. They could contact the hospital leaders without going to the hospital at all.The method of bribery also became strange.

"For example, many people are about 50 years old when they are the dean, which means that they retire for about 10 years. When the pharmacler wants to corrode the dean, he will not bribe in office. After his retirementBringing again. This 'optional corruption' has also caused the difficulty of investigation and punishment. Others will not leave traces of bribery for the hospital leaders. "He said.

Zhao Chun said that at present, the market competition in Chinese medical equipment is very fierce and repeated production.For example, there are dozens of domestic color Doppler ultrasound manufacturers. The quality is similar. Some manufacturers will open the market by means of bribery.At the time, it will provide operation space for the dark box. "

How to solve the problem of medical corruption?

Since the reform and opening up, the management system of Chinese public hospitals has gone through three stages.In January 1982, the former Ministry of Health issued the work regulations of the National Hospital, clarifying that the hospital's implementation of the dean's responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee.This is considered an important attempt to change the phenomenon of changing party and government in the medical institution.

In March 2000, the Central Organization Department, the Ministry of Personnel, and the former Ministry of Health issued the implementation opinions on deepening the reform of the personnel system of health institutions, and proposed that "health institutions implement and improve the responsibility system of the hospital (institute, station)""It is necessary to establish and improve the responsibility system for the term of office, and clarify the responsibilities, power, and interests of the length of the hospital (institute and station)."Since then, the dean has been in the hospital's dominant position.

Until June 2018, the Central Office of the Mainland Government issued opinions on strengthening the party's construction work on public hospitals, and clearly put forward the responsibility system under the leadership of the public hospital.

Emphasizing the responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee of public hospitals, Zhao Chun said that one of the main reasons may be that many presidents have had corruption in recent years and need to restrict their power."It is worth noting that the medical industry is very professional, corruption and strong concealment, which will cause some difficulty in the supervision dean of the party committee. For example, when the hospital purchases equipment, if there are no more than ten years of clinical experience,It is difficult to understand the doorway. In this context, if the party committee secretary's medical background is weak, it will be difficult to effectively supervise the dean. "

He also said that there is still a common phenomenon that the dean is a business expert. In the process of medicine, he has accumulated rich connections. This kind of connection becomes hidden wealth and may lead to actual power surpassing the party committee to the party committee committee.secretary.

Wang Minggao, chief expert of Hunan Province Integrity Think Tank, has served in the Organization Department of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee for about 20 years, and has participated in the selection of a large number of cadres.He told China News Weekly that it is correct that the responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee under the leadership of the party committee is correct, but this system does not implement it well, especially in personnel selection.Selected as the party committee secretary.

He said, "For example, some deputy directors of the Health Bureau do not understand the business and lack prestige. The organizational department arranges that they go to the hospital as the party committee secretary only because of the needs of the rank arrangement (the deputy department is promoted to the main level), This kind of personnel arrangement has become a resettlement measure, which has not allowed the party committee to play the role of a fighting fortress. "

In recent years, the country and local levels have continued to increase the unconventional rectification of the field of pharmaceutical purchase and sales and medical services.

In May 2020, the State Health and Health Commission and the eight departments of the Ministry of Public Security issued a notice of incorrect work points in the field of pharmaceutical purchasing and sales and medical services in 2020, clearly investigated and dealt with the recovery of medical consumables enterprises, and formulated medical staff.External communication behavior specifications, etc.

In November 2021, the National Health and Health Commission and other departments issued nine criteria for the integrity of medical institutions, including legally paid for labor and not accepting commercial commission; adhered to the bottom line of communication, and did not accept corporate rebates.

In June 2022, the National Health and Health Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other nine ministries and commissions issued the main points of incorrect work in the field of correction in the field of pharmaceutical purchase and sales and medical services in 2022, requiring to further strengthen illegal acts such as "commercial bribery" and "consumables" in the hospitalSupervision, in -depth management of chaos in the medical field, punishing "red envelopes", rebates and other style problems.In the same month, Qinghai launched a special rectification operation of medical chaos, requiring to severely crack down on various types of illegal practice.In August 2022, Guangxi Discipline Inspection and Supervision Network reported that since the year, the Nanning Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has strictly rectified and investigated and dealt with corruption and style of violating diagnosis and treatment specifications and unreasonable medication.A total of more than 600,000 yuan for rebates.

Zhao Chun told China News Weekly that to further control the problem of corruption in the medical system, we should start from many aspects.First of all, it should be de -administrative, which is conducive to fair competition within the hospital. Second, the audit, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervisory Commission should improve their professional knowledge and exercise relevant power; again, we must also increase the restrictions on the power of the dean;It is necessary to increase the transparency of prices such as medicines and equipment.

"Prices are opaque equal to information asymmetric, and hospitals may specify. After the hospital purchases, categories and prices should be announced on the Internet in time, which is convenient for the people to compare the drugs and equipment purchased by different hospitals." He said.