Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

Hong Kong's resumed pace is slow, and even the withdrawal of the mask has made it late. The surrounding areas have recently relaxed the restrictions on wearing masks. On the other hand, the SAR government has not announced specifically as of yesterday.Hong Kong has already built a very strong anti -severe barrier to cancel the isolation order and restore the full customs clearance with the mainland. It did not constitute a major pressure on the medical system. Although the early spring weather is warm and cold, the threat of the influenza and crown diseases in winter has basically been basically.In the past, I couldn't see why I couldn't immediately withdraw the mask requirements; the official was recently committed to promoting Hong Kong to reopen Hong Kong in the near future, but it is generally necessary to wear masks in outdoor households, which is not good for the compliance.The restrictions on masks, Hong Kong can be regarded as the slowest in the world. Officials do not need to step by step. It is inevitable that the outside world has questioned that the government responds to dullness and passive response, and damages the image of governance.

The steps are the slowest in the world

It is difficult to wash and hesitate to "passive" impression

Hong Kong's lifting of most of the epidemic prevention measures for a period of time, the mask order is the remaining social measures.The crown disease epidemic has been more than 3 years, which has changed the daily habits of many people. Wearing a mask is one of them.Different from the West, the degree of resistance of the East Asian people to wear a mask is relatively low. However, for many people, it is always convenient to be able to go out without wearing a mask.With the influence of the epidemic, in recent months, it has announced that it has relaxed and even withdrawn from the mask requirements, allowing the public to "show up."

Indonesia canceled all epidemic prevention restrictions at the end of last year, including indoor masks; South Korea also lifted an indoor mask order at the end of last month, except for individual places; Taiwan, the official cancellation of outdoor mask orders in early December last year, and from last week, the indoor mask policy policy began last week.It has also been greatly relaxed. In addition to the designated places such as medical, old institutions, and public transportation, we will no longer be forced to wear masks in other places; Singapore has been further. Starting in the middle of this month, there is no need to wear a mask for public transport;, Outdoor spacious or low -risk areas do not have to wear masks; Macau also announced on Sunday that the public did not need to wear masks outdoors yesterday. Except for individual exceptions, the person in charge was evaluated and decided by the person in charge.In contrast, Hong Kong still has a wide range of indoor and outdoor masks, which are still restricted by the wide indoor and outdoor mask. Some experts described that Hong Kong may be a region in the world that only maintain masks in the world.

During the zero -zero period of the mainland, Hong Kong, as a part of the country, has the responsibility of "joint prevention and control", and unblocking the immune prevention policy such as entry quarantine isolation, which is slower than many places in the district.Now that the mainland has re -entered the restoration, with the level of mixed immunization in Hong Kong, the mask order is absolutely eliminated.Seeing more supplements, and the great relaxation of Macau's "grabbing", all sectors of Hong Kong have discussed and questioned why "slowly passing Macau". Yesterday, the Hong Kong government was reported to withdraw the mask order within the day.

As the saying goes, there are clouds, and late is better than that, but the special zone government revokes the mask to make it late, but the response is too slow.In the past three years, the crown disease epidemic has repeatedly repeatedly, and the epidemic prevention measures have been adjusted. In the past, it was necessary to prevent the rebound of the epidemic and step by step.There are more than 90 % of the total population. Whether it is to restore customs clearance with the mainland or cancel the isolation order, the case of local hospitalization death is not seen significantly.The risk of a great increase in the pressure of the medical system with coronal virus clamping, even if it has not yet returned, it is definitely lower and lower.The official continued to use the previous "step -by -step camp" thinking, and looked forward to too much, but it seemed that the government was not determined enough, nor did it adapt to time.

During the epidemic period in Hong Kong

Extraction arrangement should be withdrawn should be withdrawn

SAR officials have recently actively promoted Hong Kong's comprehensive recovery and shouted "Hong Kong, hello", and have not withdrawn the mask order, which will inevitably affect some foreigners' views on Hong Kong.Regarding the cancellation of the mask as soon as possible, there was neither a specific expression before, nor did it give people a sense of urgent advancement. Even if it was announced today, it is not easy to wash the impression that "it is forced by Macau first steps out of the first step".

The SAR government withdrew the mask order within the day. The specific content needs to be announced. It is opinionation that "gradually relaxation in stages" is the most stable. However, considering that the Hong Kong hybrid immune barrier has been very strong, the official can be more aggressive. In one step in place, in placeThe withdrawal order, like Singapore's public transportation, no longer stipulates that we must wear masks; except for individual places such as hospitals, nests, etc., special treatment is required. Whether or not other places are wearing masks will be made by citizens to decide on their own according to personal health.After more than 3 years of epidemic, I believe that most citizens have the ability to judge themselves. It is more suitable to wear masks under what occasions, but officials can also provide some "warm reminder" to allow citizens to reference.Covering the mask order and the period of the epidemic in the epidemic in the epidemic of Hong Kong, but there are still some jobs that need to be good, such as measures such as primary school students before class.Repeated.