Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

TSMC's Arizona Factory started at the end of last year, and the crown was covered.Recently, the US and Taiwan media have interviewed the company's employees, and many people have questioned the decision -making of the United States and even worried.The main problem is that the engineers of TSMC were used to the corporate culture of long -term and responsible systems in Taiwan, so they were in exchange for the outstanding achievements of TSMC's high quality and high yield;Even refusing the task distribution.The New York Times said that employees are worried that such cultural conflicts may affect TSMC's leading position.

TSMC was forced to set up factories in the United States under the geopolitical background of confrontation between the United States and China.Although the US chip bill provides subsidies, whether its amount is sufficient to make up for the four -fold production cost of the US factory, TSMC has always been unknown, and even decided to expand the original promised investment amount from $ 12 billion to $ 40 billion.This decision may want to drive more manufacturers to invest, so as to soothe the problem of the supply chain whip, and reduce production costs.However, TSMC may not expect that the most difficult problem is the cultural differences of employees.

Last year, TSMC sent Taiwanese employees to the American factory with six sub -charter planes. The scene was amazing.These employees have been treated with "double salary", and they are promised to "get off the RV" to live in the dormitory arranged by the company.Among them, many employees are for children to receive education in the United States, and even get green cards in the future, and sign a family to go to the United States.However, in recent months, the dissatisfaction of these employees or spouses has been continuously reported on the Internet, and even the dark screen such as the chief request for "no vacation" is revealed.These show that there is a gap between the "American Dream" of the employees of the existing employees.

In any case, these adaptation problems are not as serious as the differences in the culture of the United States and Taiwan.In the past two years, the new employees of TSMC's US factory came to Taiwan for training, that is, there have been many dissatisfaction, such as complaining about "seeing students among employees" and "how long to stay in the office" and so on.This shows that U.S. employees cannot accept strict discipline management of high -tech companies, believe that disrespect for personal freedom, and lacks the height of global companies.Today, the US and Taiwan employees work together in the US factory, but the Taiwan -style engineers need to do more during the unfavorable period; the accumulation is accumulated, and it must have a "relative sense of deprivation".

TSMC founder Zhang Zhongmou once bluntly stated in front of Pelosi that he was not optimistic about the success of the US transplant chip industry, because of this.As a fabral factory, TSMC mainly relies on strict team discipline requirements to accurately and efficiency, and continuously creates technological leadership and product yields to achieve today's leading position.Nowadays, even if funds and technology can be transplanted in the United States, but lack of responsible engineers, operators are unwilling to follow the standards of work. Regardless of how many heavy subsidies in the United States, they still cannot form a competitive chip industry.Although the U.S. government sprinkled 50 billion US dollars, how can they bloom flowers if they do not deepen their talents and industrial chains?

TSMC dispatched thousands of Taiwan engineers to the United States. From a positive point of view, it is to open up the territory, open branches and leaves, and extend the tentacles of the development of enterprises.But from a negative point, this is also a certain degree of talent outflow, which has reduced Taiwan's scientific and technological elites into the United States.In particular, if these foreign employees get a green card three years later, they are likely to change other competitive companies in the United States to pursue higher salary.In this way, the loss of talents and technology of "protecting the country" is more serious.The worst thing is that under the conflict of different working culture in the United States and Taiwan, if American employees cannot integrate into the management of TSMC, Taiwanese employees are resentful due to the differential treatment of both parties, and even affect the local employees of TSMC Taiwan employees.Emotions, that's really worthless.

TSMC settled in the United States, Japan, Germany and other countries in response to the pull of geopolitics. Perhaps it may have had to consider in terms of objective conditions. Therefore, it has obtained commitment subsidies for factories as compensation.But in any case, overseas factories must not sway with the political wind direction, which hurts Taiwan's foundation foundation; in that case, it is too unwise.